you know when your overweight when....



  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    You no longer can see where you need to shave while in the shower... hair patches are not sexy

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    THIS IS A PERSONAL GOAL FOR ME! MY NUMBER ONE GOAL. I AM THICK IN THE MIDSECTION FROM A DISEASE I HAD... this is a big important goal for me... thank you for putting it out there.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • MermaidFaith
    MermaidFaith Posts: 495 Member
    When you get a bite mark on your stomach from a mentally ill patient, HR is going to take a picture in case of a workers comp claim - and the photographer says "hold on, let me get the wide angle lens".

    That just means the patient has a huge mouth! i work in the same type of envirnment and they have got some serious jaw-span when it comes to trying to bite flesh off of the staff. lol
  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    When you work as a nurse and your 95 year old patient says "twins this time" while softly touching your belly

    I was in the hospital the day before my brain surgery and a woman asked me if I was there to deliver today. I am usually polite... but that day I was a wreck. I said no tomorrow I am having a brain tumor removed. My daughter with me looked shocked that I was so to the point and not so nice.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Dunkirk
    Dunkirk Posts: 465 Member
    Your dog (or children) follow you around for shade :-)
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    When you pray to God the first day of every semester that your class is held in a room with tables and chairs and not desks (I never didn't fit in a desk, but it was a tight squeeze into a few over the past couple years :/)
  • NurseNiffa
    NurseNiffa Posts: 25 Member
    When you go on the trampoline with your 3 year old son you jump and bounce him off...!!! :embarassed:

    Horrible but amazing all at the same time! LOL
  • NurseNiffa
    NurseNiffa Posts: 25 Member
    you are at a Brewer's game and you have to sit with your arms around the people sitting next to you just so you can fit in the seat... and also have a rough time getting out of those small seats and managing to dip your finger in the person's beer behind you ..... thumbs down :sad:
  • NurseNiffa
    NurseNiffa Posts: 25 Member
    your nickname is snackmaster
  • perpetuallyfit
    perpetuallyfit Posts: 153 Member
    when you have trouble fitting into an airplane seat or when you have trouble fastening your seat belt! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    You know you're overweight when you roll over in your sleep and wake up to a dead spouse.

    OMG I almost died laughing hahahahahahaha
  • jennywren1971
    jennywren1971 Posts: 31 Member
    When you can't wear skirts to work in summer in Australia because the chafing gets so bad you can't walk by morning tea time,

    When everyone is deciding on new staff uniforms and you have to mention t hat they will need to ensure they come in larger sizes.

    When you buy new uniforms and the sizes are huge and you are so embarrassed having to write your size down on e communal order form.

    When you try to get up off the floor and have to roll yourself over and then grasp into the lounge to get up

    When you can't wear knee hi boots because you can't get them on over your fat calves.

    When the only decision you have to. Make when buying a new outfit has nothing to do with colour or style but simply "will it fit?"

    When you have to wear hankies under your boobs tucke ditto your bra to stop heat rash.

    When you can't grift in the pesetas at the local playhouse theatre.

    When you won't take your kids to the theme parks cause you knew you won't be able to go on any rides and they will need an adult with them.

    When your feet are so sore. By the end of the day you can feel them throbbing.
  • blissfuldrake
    blissfuldrake Posts: 128 Member
    When the medical reports say "Visualizing difficult due to large body habitus" and "a pleasant, well-nutritioned woman"...
    When the exercise video says to bring your knees up to your chest, and you hips can only bend to 90 degrees...
    When you sit back in a recliner, and your back fat rolls up to form a neck pillow...
    When you can't make your elbows touch your waist...
    When you smile and your eyes disappear...

    This has been a great post. I relate with so much of this (except for the penis disappearing thing, LOL) Haven't had the desire for sex in YEARS, been asked if I was pregnant. I've had folks wear my bras for hats, and had to put my boobs ON the booth table. I've used my boobs and belly as a table, and i only wear stretch pants.

    I so choked at the visual of the little kid being bounced off the trampoline.

    Thanks, everyone, for contributing your good, bad and funny moments...although I do think being mistaken for a whale on the beach by the Green Peace people was a joke...LOL
  • athearenee
    when you get winded walking in the mall and then your sister suggests gastric bypass surgery-Not Kidding!
  • nudqt
    nudqt Posts: 98
    Options is a struggle to wipe your *kitten*.....
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    When you can't wear skirts to work in summer in Australia because the chafing gets so bad you can't walk by morning tea time,

    Nutrimedics apricot spray is awesome for this ^^^ - I will always need it even when slim because my legs are just shaped like that *groan*
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    you could easily fit a toddler's head into one of your bra cups :/

    I don't think that is ever going to change for me, no matter what size I am...
    I was a D when I hit yr 6 (and a size 8 aus), I was a G about a year ago am now a D/DD depending on the brand.

    LOL - my *friend* wears mine (as a joke) and she has far from a toddler size head - :laugh:
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    When your 7 year old says " How come I'm flat ( skinny) and you're fat?"
    Or sits on your lap and pinches your fat rolls and says " seriously mom, this is gross"
    When your 7 year old refuses to wear her winter coat because she thinks it makes her look fat like her mom :o(

    Sounds like your 7 year old needs to learn some manners..

    Or a good old fashioned butt whipping!
  • Tkwild
    Tkwild Posts: 116 Member
    I had lots of signs but my final one was when I started knocking things over with my *kitten*. Including my kids. Doh.

    One of my cats took to jumping up onto my bum then my shoulders for a while.
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    Many of these hit close to home for me
  • happybunnysbabe57
    happybunnysbabe57 Posts: 191 Member
    When you weigh your self 5 times in a row to see if the number goes down ..Move the scale around and all..

    i do that plus i got potty after a couple and i breathe out and blow my nose and i have even made someone else hold my hair away from me..

    one of the things that got me a girl i graduated with and had not seen in a while told me i looked good for having 3 kids she confused me for a friend of mine who was a bigger girl and only had 2 kids. i realized it when she called me the other girls name but it was still hurtful. then the worst part i had to tell her i had no kids and that was the other girl and she looked shocked