Beautiful Blue Team WEEK 4



  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    So I thought I'd share this...

    I picked up my ex on the way to the post office because he needed to check his mail and we were just talking about stuff. I asked him why his apartment smelled like cigarettes so bad, and he said his friend has been over and goes in and out to smoke. Now he had quit smoking a couple months after I met him. So I asked if he'd picked the habit back up and he said, 'he may or may not' have....meaning he has. :laugh: It just kinda made me realize this is who he is and this isn't what I want, with the way he's handling himself now that he's back on his own and stuff. Just when I felt lonely, and really started to miss him, he goes and shows me why I moved on. :bigsmile:

    Not to mention I'm finally starting to love myself. After reading the book 'Loving Yourself' last weekend, things are starting to click. All week I've been focusing on me, and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I feel amazing and confident!!! THIS is the Rach that I KNEW I was!!!

    You guys are the BEST support!!!! :heart:
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    That's awesome Rach. Seems we change so much to accomodate those around us that we forget who we really are sometimes. Always a good thing to check in with ourselves LOL. Sounds funny but true!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Rach that's awesome - I love you too!
  • etandit
    etandit Posts: 35
    :flowerforyou: you are on top of it now Rach..I know you will feel sooo much better about life now. Isn't it funny how we lose sight of ourself by pleasing, so we think, other people. Now even the little things in life will make you smile
  • chickadee10
    chickadee10 Posts: 350
    The past couple of days have been wonderful!!!! :tongue: I stopped at Kohl's last night to pick up a new backpack and while I was there I thought why not try on a pair of jeans. I went down a pant size!!! I now fit into a 9 :love: !!!!! I also picked up a new water bottle while I was there - pretty in pink. I have already drank one full bottle which is 32 ounces. Which is amazing because I never drink that much water. So I am all smiles today!!

    I hope that everyone is having a wonderful day too!!!
    Congrats on the going down a size! :drinker: How much is that water bottle? I need to get me a water bottle so I don't have to keep using the plastic ones I throw away.
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    The past couple of days have been wonderful!!!! :tongue: I stopped at Kohl's last night to pick up a new backpack and while I was there I thought why not try on a pair of jeans. I went down a pant size!!! I now fit into a 9 :love: !!!!! I also picked up a new water bottle while I was there - pretty in pink. I have already drank one full bottle which is 32 ounces. Which is amazing because I never drink that much water. So I am all smiles today!!

    I hope that everyone is having a wonderful day too!!!
    Congrats on the going down a size! :drinker: How much is that water bottle? I need to get me a water bottle so I don't have to keep using the plastic ones I throw away.

    It was about $7 or $8. It even has a tube in it that you can freeze to keep the water cold!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Finished day 1 of week 5 in C25k - whew - I can't believe that the next one is 3/4 or a mile at a time and the next 2 miles????? Oh boy - I may repeat each day of this week twice just to build up a bit more. It was tough today - It was 85 and sunny...

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Ahhh 15min til' the weekend!!!! :bigsmile:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    I just got the Wii Active and I love it!!!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    WOOOHOOO! Go Blues!!!!

    Rach ~ AWESOME! And I feel your pain with those shins. :sad:

    Chrissy ~ You are looking SO GOOD in that new pic!!!

    Jacqueline ~ Fantastic! Isn't that exciting?!

    So, I got brave and pulled out some pre-pregnancy clothing last night. My size 16 Capris fit! They were a tad bit snug in the thighs but hey, they zipped and I could sit in them without fear of ripping them to shreds! I started this out in a size 20 and I just gave those pants to my Mom. I'm hoping to inspire her to lose weight with me by giving her my fat clothes. :laugh: For some reason, though, the regular size 16 pants I had won't go past my thighs. I think I might have bought them in the Juniors department and I definitely have a woman's body now that I've given birth. :sick:

    I know what you mean about not getting pants past your thighs. I have that problem too however it is getting better.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    So this morning because of the day I had yesterday but I will get back on it again tomorrow. :drinker: I ate out tonight. Lazyness kicked in. I normally eat a veggie burger but I had a reg. burger with tater tots. I'm going to do some gardening this weekend also. I'm looking forward to this weekend its suppose to be beautiful.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Jess - I so admire your could give up but it seems that your seizures help push you harder to be stronger and healthier - hope the day gets better but know you inspire me!

    Thank you. :blushing:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    bump.. I knew I was missing a thread and some chatting.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I woke up crying this morning, so it's going to be a rough day, I just need to keep my focus on why I'm losing the weight.

    Here's why I'm so sad... I'll try to keep it short... My mom was my best friend. She overdosed on 6/10/04 and fought in the hospital ICU (after she realized it was a mistake) until 7/6/04 when she died. I used to be so angry with her for leaving us at such a young age but that anger has turned into just missing her so much it hurts. To understand, you have to realize she was abused sexually and mentally her ENTIRE life. She was one of the strongest women I've ever known. My dad threatened her that day, and she figured, 'either go home and he'll beat me to death, or take these pills and take my own life'. Obviously, she was wrong. She could have come to my husband and I and we would have protected her, but when you're in that much despair, it's hard to see that, I suppose.

    This time of year is always rough on me. The memories come flooding back and this year will be 5 years that she's been gone. I still remember that day we found her after she had taken the pills like it was yesterday. I remember the look of panic in her face, I remember my sister thinking she was going to be ok, and my reminding her that mom was not out of the woods by any means. I remember my dad trying to go into the hospital room and it was the first time I stood up to him and told him exactly what I thought of him... ugh. Even now, tears streaming down my face as I type this.

    Anyway, just wanted to share. We all have to remember our mental health is just as important as our physical health, and we need to be thankful for small victories :)

    :flowerforyou: I sorta know what your feeling.

    Year Y2K - Big thing, watch out for computers, bugs, clocks, tv's, VCR's, you name it, big ole Y2K.
    That's a year that I'll never forget.

    I lost 3 family members that year. My sister 10 years older than me(age 40) to cancer in 01/2000. My dad in 09/2000, and my mom was in hospital from 09/2000 and passed in hospital at 11/2000.

    From Christmas in 1999, family was there. Christmas in 2000. Can't compare.
    It does get better over the years, but it's hard.

    I also found my dad. He had drank alcohol, meanwhile he was taking prescription medicine from doctor. One thing I found out that I cannot change what happened. I cannot say "I wish I was there to change, or help him". If it wasn't that day, he might have done it another day.

    I'm sure since I was single, that I had that attitude of not caring, I ate anything I wanted, I was, I guess depressed, but held up ok. The weight just added on over the years.

    Just wanted to end this with, yes our mental health plays more of an important roll.
    If we don't want to do things, we won't. If we don't want to get healthier, we won't.
    I just had a friend of mine. He had a 60 year old friend basically gave up mentally, and his body just followed along, he laid in bed, didn't go to the hospital, and was a matter of time, he passed.

    Small victories, small goals, and small celebrations.
    As the saying goes, Rome wasn't built in a day, and we all know we didn't gain this weight in a month.

    Brighter note.
    P90 Sculpt 3/4 done today, oh it feels good.. for 700 calories.
    and 4 more days away from Vacation in Italy.

  • cellorocker
    cellorocker Posts: 290
    Ah, shoot- I'm one of the naughty ones.
    I'm at 201 this week
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    I ate at maintenance calories yesterday and Wednesday. Not really sure why but I don't actually care or feel bad about it. That's a huge change for me. Previously, I would have gone off the deep end and killed all of my progress in just two short weeks. My outlook on this being permanent changes versus temporary fixes has really changed my success. I have an arthritis walk fundraiser to go to tomorrow and I'm hoping I can make it with the old ladies on the 3 mile track! Those are some spunky chicks, I tell ya! :laugh:

    CelloRocker ~ Thanks for coming back to us! We'll take you at any weight. :heart:

    Peter ~ I cannot fathom that much loss in my life all at once. The fact that you are here, trying and dealing with everything you've been through speaks volumes to your strength. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

    Jess ~ It's OK, woman. We all have bad days or weeks. I always tell myself that I'm confusing my body for a day or two! :laugh: You go through so much and I know you can make it through this!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    So I got home from work and all of a sudden felt extremely lonely and upset. This is the first weekend I"ll really be 'alone'. Last weekend I was unpacking so I kept busy, but I realize that because of this relationship I now have no one I can call up and go hang out with. :frown: Not to mention, most of my volkswagen buddies are in Ocean City for 'Dubs at the Beach'. *sigh* At least I went and did 30min of my legs and back routine, though my shins hurt reeeeally bad and I've been stretching my calves out like crazy. I think I'm gonna shower, get some dinner and go to bed early. :yawn:
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    So I got home from work and all of a sudden felt extremely lonely and upset. This is the first weekend I"ll really be 'alone'. Last weekend I was unpacking so I kept busy, but I realize that because of this relationship I now have no one I can call up and go hang out with. :frown: Not to mention, most of my volkswagen buddies are in Ocean City for 'Dubs at the Beach'. *sigh* At least I went and did 30min of my legs and back routine, though my shins hurt reeeeally bad and I've been stretching my calves out like crazy. I think I'm gonna shower, get some dinner and go to bed early. :yawn:

    Hang in there, and enjoy you and "you're alone" time. Before you know it, you'll have little velcro children hanging off your legs and you'll wish you could have that time again. I LOVE MY TIME. My 4 velcro kids are spreading their wings-scary, but after 20 yrs of pregnancy and dependent kids, it's sooo nice to have young adults that you're proud of and can really associate and hang out with.:heart::smooched: :happy:
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I just got done with a run/walk, I ran 1 mile, ran/walked 1 mile, and walked 1/2 mile. I feel great. Already drank 2 cups of water. :drinker: :drinker:

    I am getting ready to do Day 2 of Wii Active. Here I go!!

    :heart: J
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Today is my off day for wii active but planning on doing it tomorrow before we go to our birthday party. I asked my husband if he wanted a date night tonight and I think he agreed. so we will have to do that. Maybe eat at subway or something. I plan on running or something today however.