Starting 30 Day Shred Tomorrow - Join Me?



  • naia16
    naia16 Posts: 35 all are making me so nervous lol i'm worried about how much pain i'll be in! but..i'm starting today :) going to try to make it all the way through. good luck everyone!
  • happyhaunt
    happyhaunt Posts: 180 Member
    I'm on Day 1 (again). I've never made it the whole way through but I really want to this time! Feel free to add me.
  • DancinBear63
    DancinBear63 Posts: 31 Member
    My husband and I just did Day 1, Level 1. Wow, what a challenge! I thought I was in better shape than I am in, but I got through it with minimal breaks.

    See you all tomorrow!

    Feel free to add me!
  • yjdekle
    yjdekle Posts: 12
    I'm in. I just looked it up, read the reviews and I'm going out today to purchase it. I'll start tomorrow (Monday). I definitely want to start an aerobic strength training program in addition to jogging 3 times a week and I'd like to be able to do it at home. Losing the chunk on a budget is now in full effect. Let's do this!!
  • naia16
    naia16 Posts: 35
    i just completed day 1 of level 1...and omg! i had to stop 6 minutes in for a 4 minute rest because i felt so sick and thought i was going to throw up. but then i recovered and got back into the routine. has anyone felt sick like that? or am i just in the worst shape ever?
  • Just did day one... I am in
  • I just finished Day 3 and I'm really liking it. So far I'm finding it really easy to stay motivated since it takes so little of my time :-)
    I'm in!
  • Trishaf66
    Trishaf66 Posts: 27 Member
    I was going to start this one but injured my knee. Can't do the jumping jacks! I bought it a while back and used it a few times. It kicked my butt. You gals or guys think it will still be effective if I modify it? Any tips on doing those modifications?

    If you can't do the jumping jacks just do step touches and lift your arms like if you were doing a jumping jack as long as you keep moving it should be fine.
  • I'm starting it today, if you want to add me please feel free...
  • I'm starting tomorrow! I've sent you a friend request!
  • danyeld619
    danyeld619 Posts: 39 Member
    I am going to start tomorrow too! I love Jillian's workouts! They may be killer, but they work.
  • bgillis7
    bgillis7 Posts: 124
    im on day 5 of level 1 and i can see so much musical i never knew i had:) love it:)
  • im on day today. Well i have done day 5. I really struggled today but i did it. No messes so far. Add me if you like
  • kswift85
    kswift85 Posts: 56 Member
    Hey! Ill be on day 6 tomorrow and it does get better...just have to push thru the pain! I take weekends of from the 30ds but actually cant wait to jump back in tomorrow! Feel free to friend me for can never have enough.:smile:
  • kroderick
    kroderick Posts: 46 Member
    I am doing it as well I am on Day 2 of level 1...please feel free to add me, I need all the motivation that I can get! :)
  • MissyJessy
    MissyJessy Posts: 1,279 Member
    i dont have that specific Jillian Michaels DVD but i have a power yoga one she came out with so i will definatly join in!! i have been struggling with my weightloss so id love to give it a kick start!
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    Im in too :) I just started today and so far so good!
    Does anyone have suggestions for some good strength moves as I really wanna ficus on toning up now!
  • LoveActually
    LoveActually Posts: 177 Member
    For toning, running is great for the legs but if you have access to a TRX band, that'll tone you up quick. It's amazing how much toning can be done with no weight other than your body weight.. Lunges, pushups, squats, stairs, free weights.
  • turkishmelly
    turkishmelly Posts: 129 Member
    I was going to start this one but injured my knee. Can't do the jumping jacks! I bought it a while back and used it a few times. It kicked my butt. You gals or guys think it will still be effective if I modify it? Any tips on doing those modifications?

    If you can't do the jumping jacks just do step touches and lift your arms like if you were doing a jumping jack as long as you keep moving it should be fine.

    Totally! I am an activities director for a nursing home and we do morning exercises on the chairs and elderly people do jumping jacks while sitting on the chair.
  • completed day 1! wow... i think this is a really good workout. I've been doing 30 minutes of interval training, 6 days a week on a stationary bike or elliptical for the past month and i have seen some new tone, but not the kind of results i've been hoping for with that much work. and the scale hasn't budged an ounce. after reading through this site, i've decided to keep track of my calorie intake better and try a workout that incorporates more strength training. i was an overweight kid and have struggled with my weight and body issues my whole life. i'm ready to be strong, eat the right things without depriving myself and break free from the need to fixate on a number on a scale. and at 30, feel good in a bathing suit for the first time ever :) after 2 days of using this site, i already feel better and on a good path. please friend me if you'd like... we can do this!

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