10 day juice fast



  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    I am not going to state my opinion, but rather encourage you to start a blog and log everyday. I am curious to see the results...if you have blogged and I missed it, I apologize. thanks
  • dsckrc
    dsckrc Posts: 194 Member
    just a few more days until i begin the fast. after many (some heated) discussions, i have decided to strive for a 3 day juice fast instead. if i can handle going the entire 10, so be it. i am having a hard time finding recipes though. considering i don't eat vegetables AT ALL, some of the recipes i HAVE found turn my stomach. if anyone has a good recipe packed w/nutrients please let me know...
  • LANESE25
  • LANESE25
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    personally i dont think this diet can be any good for the body and whilst someone else has recommended it to me recently, i am not willing to give it a try. i would be one miserable ***** for those 10 days (that is if i make it through the diet alive). i remember skipping breakfast in the past and i ended up fainting in public and embarassing myself. i have learned a valuable lesson :-)
  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
    O.K. - I'm gonna be the voice of dissent here :) While I'm not a 'juicer' - my husband and I watched the same movie and my husband promptly decided to try it! In the first two week he lost 17 pounds and has since lost another 20 over three more months. He exclusively juiced for the first few weeks only(plus nuts for extra protein) but now alternates juicing with regular meals. It actually did help quite a bit in the beginning with arthritis pain as well. I don't think the logic is to 'cleanse' as much as it is to flood your body with all the vitamin and nutirient rich fruits and vegetables,(natural anti-inflamatories) while also cutting out harmful fats and processed foods. It is not a sustainable program long term - and I don't think it is intended to be, but it has worked for the hubby as a jump start and also keeps him going with the huge quantitites of veggies he can consume through juicing. As a side note, he did mention it to two different docs he sees and they had no problem with it. I'm no expert - just offering up another point of view :)

    I completely agree with this. And if your doctor thinks it's okay, go for it. Have fun and be creative with your juices. I love to juice, but I'm trying to wean myself off fruit juices (apples/carrots) because of all the sugar, and drink more veggie juices.
  • lmbame905
    lmbame905 Posts: 84 Member
    Modern Family was on last night. The Juice Fast episode. How Timely. :)
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Dont risk your overall health. If want a "cleanse", then go through the nutrition offerings in your house and get rid of everything that negatively impacts you. Adjust your everyday eating habits..otherwise known as your Diet.

    1 weeks in, your body will have adjusted and you have "cleansed".

    There is no Magic in becoming healthy. There is only a choice and commitment in doing so. It's your EVERY DAY living. Not a specific time frame, not some BS fad that makes you throw away money. Eat well and move your body.
  • stefanieanne14
    stefanieanne14 Posts: 119 Member
    I did it for 5 days after watching that movie and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I think juicing once a day is a great way to ensure that you are getting your veggies, especially if you have a hard time eating them normally. I would put all the following in my juice and I would never have been able to consume all this normally:

    green apples
    green beans

    On the fast I lost a total of 6 lbs and gained 3 of it back so in 5 days I had a total weight loss of 3 lbs...not too bad. Good luck!
  • mommyoverboard
    Anyone who doubts a real juice cleanse is nuts! It seriously can and does work! Id use Natural Born Juicers, here is their website

  • mommyoverboard
    Why Cleanse?

    Juice Cleansing is a great way to give your digestive system a rest while pumping your body with vital and live vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and enzymes. It also boosts the immune system. Juice cleansing can help with a myriad of symptoms: allergies, toxicity, fertility issues, skin issues, digestive issues, depression, sluggishness, weight loss, insomnia, high blood pressure, memory loss, and thyroid function…just to name a few. We recommend eating lightly: lots of fruits and vegetables, grains and beans before and after your cleanse to ease your body through the transitio
  • DizsJourney
    DizsJourney Posts: 83 Member
    HI, i just started my juicing today. It's all about trial and error. take a basic recipe & try it. If you dont like it, try to add more of this or less of that, maybe something totally different all together for the next one.

    So far today I had 2 different juices. the first had kale, celery, green apples, ginger, lemon & cucumber. The second had green apple, beets, carrots, ginger & lemon. The first was ok but i will probably tweak it when i have it later today to see what happens. the 2nd was much better, but also had a lot more sugar in it.

    so no matter what you decide to do, you have to be able to live with it. while I plan to juice for a couple weeks, i will slowly start incorporating food into my diet. But i will continue having a juice daily. theres no denying the amount of nutrients you get from it. Good luck with your juicing & happy new year!
  • BellyLaugh
    BellyLaugh Posts: 32 Member
    I am not going to state my opinion, but rather encourage you to start a blog and log everyday. I am curious to see the results...if you have blogged and I missed it, I apologize. thanks

    Great idea! Hope you decide to blog. Would also be interested to read an honest opinion of your experience. Let us know if you do!
  • BellyLaugh
    BellyLaugh Posts: 32 Member
    O.K. - I'm gonna be the voice of dissent here :) While I'm not a 'juicer' - my husband and I watched the same movie and my husband promptly decided to try it! In the first two week he lost 17 pounds and has since lost another 20 over three more months. He exclusively juiced for the first few weeks only(plus nuts for extra protein) but now alternates juicing with regular meals. It actually did help quite a bit in the beginning with arthritis pain as well. I don't think the logic is to 'cleanse' as much as it is to flood your body with all the vitamin and nutirient rich fruits and vegetables,(natural anti-inflamatories) while also cutting out harmful fats and processed foods. It is not a sustainable program long term - and I don't think it is intended to be, but it has worked for the hubby as a jump start and also keeps him going with the huge quantitites of veggies he can consume through juicing. As a side note, he did mention it to two different docs he sees and they had no problem with it. I'm no expert - just offering up another point of view :)
    I completely agree with this. And if your doctor thinks it's okay, go for it. Have fun and be creative with your juices. I love to juice, but I'm trying to wean myself off fruit juices (apples/carrots) because of all the sugar, and drink more veggie juices.

    Well said! Neither insulting, critical or in attack mode, instead encouraging based on 1st-hand experience in your own household (your husband) plus the always wise suggestion to speak with a physician as he did.
  • Amberchalon
    Amberchalon Posts: 207 Member
    Let's do it! I saw it too on Netflicks!
  • beautyreaps
    just a few more days until i begin the fast. after many (some heated) discussions, i have decided to strive for a 3 day juice fast instead. if i can handle going the entire 10, so be it. i am having a hard time finding recipes though. considering i don't eat vegetables AT ALL, some of the recipes i HAVE found turn my stomach. if anyone has a good recipe packed w/nutrients please let me know...

    If you're desperately trying to incorporate veggies into your diet, then just add a serving to each meal. Your organs work on their own. Cleanses are only temporary fixes. If you want to see and feel the benefits of juiced vegetables, then try making a pitcher of juiced veggies like this: 4 carrots, 1 beet, 2 tomatoes, 1 c. spinach and a bunch of celery. This specific mix will leave you glowing; I drink it once a day as a snack. Carrots contain beta carotene (aid in cell formation), beets work as a blood tonic, spinach has iron and is high in anti-oxidants, celery and tomatoes hydrate (plus they'll make it easier to drink). Just add them that way. There's no need for a "fast"/"starve".
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Why Cleanse?

    Juice Cleansing is a great way to give your digestive system a rest while pumping your body with vital and live vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and enzymes. It also boosts the immune system. Juice cleansing can help with a myriad of symptoms: allergies, toxicity, fertility issues, skin issues, digestive issues, depression, sluggishness, weight loss, insomnia, high blood pressure, memory loss, and thyroid function…just to name a few. We recommend eating lightly: lots of fruits and vegetables, grains and beans before and after your cleanse to ease your body through the transitio

    Well this is just selective advertising... doing a juice 'cleanse' does not affect these things at all, eating more fruit and vegetables does, it just happens that you get them through the juice rather than eating them (and as it happens miss out on some of the nutrients in the process).

    If you are someone who cant stomach the taste of veges and needs to juice to get the nutrients I say go for it... but as part of a balanced diet, not in exclusivity.

    Why does every decent health professional recommend doing things in moderation? Because its sensible. Exercise is good for you, but I dont think too many people would recommend you exercise for 18 hours per day... just think logically and have a balanced diet that is maintanable long term.

    Stop looking for quick fixes and BS snake oil solutions to a simple problem... sheesh!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    juicing is bad mmmkay

  • byronguy74
    Well, it looks like I am going to be another one of the few voices of dissent. On January 1st 2012 I started a juice fast. I did the 10 day fast (11 days actually) and lost 19 pounds. The first few days were kinda rough but I did not cheat. I went to lunch with people from work a few times and drank a glass of water while they ate and I drank my juice when I got back to work. I juiced twice a day, I have never really eaten breakfast with any regularity so I replaced my lunch and dinner with juice. I was sure to drink several glasses of water to go with my juice each day. The only other thing I "ate" were a couple of fish oil pills and fiber pills with my glass of water in the morning and again in the evening.

    Now fast forward a couple more weeks. I am still juicing for lunch and dinner a few days a week. I have not had any cokes or sweet tea (that has probably been the hardest single thing to give up). I have started to do some exercise in the mornings just after I get out of bed (Yoga for Regular Guys and I just finished week 1 of 10 Minute Trainer). When I eat I try to make the meal a nice salad, usually without dressing. I have eaten Zaxbys chicken a couple of times and I had O'Charlies chicken tenders with a side salad and a "naked" baked potato. For snacks I have been eating stuff that is not too bad for me - popcorn, pickles, etc.

    Most of my juices consist of some combination of spinach, romaine lettuce, carrots, apples, asparagus, and broccoli. I have tried celery, ginger, garlic, tomatoes, pineapple, honeydew, collard greens, cauliflower, cilantro, cucumbers, zucchini, onions, sweet potatoes, kiwi, beets, and just about everything else I could find. Some combinations came out good while others were disgusting and I have thrown out more than one juice combination. For me it seems like the plain boring combinations have been working the best and most consistently for me.

    Now, if you have read all that and are still interested... As of this morning I have lost 31 pounds in five and 1/2 weeks. Since I have started rotating meals with juicing and exercising the weight loss has slowed - remember I lost 19 pounds in 11 days when I first started this journey - and I am sure it will slow more as I lose more weight. Since I have started tracking my progress on MFP, which was just a week or so ago, I have only eaten close to my daily calories a couple of times. I am usually WAY under the daily calorie intake that MFP recommends.

    I understand a juice fast is not sustainable over a long period of time but it provided me enough of a boost to get me started on my journey. I have more energy, feel more awake, I am sleeping better at night, my bowel movements have been much more consistent, my skin has cleared up, aches and pains have eased up, my blood pressure has gone down, and my heart rate has gone down - pretty much every part of my life has improved. I do not have a target weight as such, more of a target pant size that I would like to get back into, but I feel like I still have at least another 30 to 40 pounds before I get to a point that I will be happy.

    If anyone is considering juicing be aware - it is not easy to do and everyone you talk to about it will think you are crazy. When you start eating again you WILL gain some of the weight back. There are going to be times that the cravings are unbelievable but you have to have your mind set and follow through.

    Let the flaming begin!
  • szqnva
    szqnva Posts: 52 Member
    Well, it looks like I am going to be another one of the few voices of dissent. On January 1st 2012 I started a juice fast. I did the 10 day fast (11 days actually) and lost 19 pounds. The first few days were kinda rough but I did not cheat. I went to lunch with people from work a few times and drank a glass of water while they ate and I drank my juice when I got back to work. I juiced twice a day, I have never really eaten breakfast with any regularity so I replaced my lunch and dinner with juice. I was sure to drink several glasses of water to go with my juice each day. The only other thing I "ate" were a couple of fish oil pills and fiber pills with my glass of water in the morning and again in the evening.

    Now fast forward a couple more weeks. I am still juicing for lunch and dinner a few days a week. I have not had any cokes or sweet tea (that has probably been the hardest single thing to give up). I have started to do some exercise in the mornings just after I get out of bed (Yoga for Regular Guys and I just finished week 1 of 10 Minute Trainer). When I eat I try to make the meal a nice salad, usually without dressing. I have eaten Zaxbys chicken a couple of times and I had O'Charlies chicken tenders with a side salad and a "naked" baked potato. For snacks I have been eating stuff that is not too bad for me - popcorn, pickles, etc.

    Most of my juices consist of some combination of spinach, romaine lettuce, carrots, apples, asparagus, and broccoli. I have tried celery, ginger, garlic, tomatoes, pineapple, honeydew, collard greens, cauliflower, cilantro, cucumbers, zucchini, onions, sweet potatoes, kiwi, beets, and just about everything else I could find. Some combinations came out good while others were disgusting and I have thrown out more than one juice combination. For me it seems like the plain boring combinations have been working the best and most consistently for me.

    Now, if you have read all that and are still interested... As of this morning I have lost 31 pounds in five and 1/2 weeks. Since I have started rotating meals with juicing and exercising the weight loss has slowed - remember I lost 19 pounds in 11 days when I first started this journey - and I am sure it will slow more as I lose more weight. Since I have started tracking my progress on MFP, which was just a week or so ago, I have only eaten close to my daily calories a couple of times. I am usually WAY under the daily calorie intake that MFP recommends.

    I understand a juice fast is not sustainable over a long period of time but it provided me enough of a boost to get me started on my journey. I have more energy, feel more awake, I am sleeping better at night, my bowel movements have been much more consistent, my skin has cleared up, aches and pains have eased up, my blood pressure has gone down, and my heart rate has gone down - pretty much every part of my life has improved. I do not have a target weight as such, more of a target pant size that I would like to get back into, but I feel like I still have at least another 30 to 40 pounds before I get to a point that I will be happy.

    If anyone is considering juicing be aware - it is not easy to do and everyone you talk to about it will think you are crazy. When you start eating again you WILL gain some of the weight back. There are going to be times that the cravings are unbelievable but you have to have your mind set and follow through.

    Let the flaming begin!

    Thanks for this post, Brian. I am doing some research into juicing and the information in your post was very helpful. I actually ordered a juicer today. Haven't decided yet whether to actually do an actual fast, but the nutritional benefits make sense to me. Especially, since I tend not to get in all the fruits and veggies that I should. If there are any books you can recommend, or other resources, I'd appreciate it!
