does the 30 day shred do what it says on the tin?



  • vadiane1
    Hi Started it last Monday and have already noticed I have lost several inches off my waist and hips. I too, have a lot of weight to lose and am going to stick with it for the full 30 days. I am 46 years old and have re-found muscles I forgot even exsisted!
    The day I could barely do anything. Ab work, jumping jacks, jump rope in place, and push ups. I am able to do all of them now and do not feel like I am going to puke like I did the first 3 days.
    I am planning on working my way thru all her her workout DVDs!
    I feel so good after doing the workout.
    Let me know how you do!
  • Itsallbs15
    Itsallbs15 Posts: 262 Member
    Thanks for the post and all the responses. I am starting tomorrow and was looking for some advice. After reading all this I am very excited and motivated. I have about 25 pounds to lose but I want to tone up too. My ultimate goal is to get to a condition where I can do P90x and I think this is a great place to start. Good luck. Add me if you wish.
  • fightingautism
    My total weight lost isn't all I've lost. I dropped 65lbs before coming to myfitnesspal and have about 40 more to go.

    All that said to encourage those of you who posted with lots of weight to lose who are very out-of-shape that it WILL take TIME to get fit. When I started exercising I couldn't walk a mile without having to sit down. I eventually got up to 3 miles/session of fast walking/jogging. I now lift weights and do various machines at a fitness center. After 3 yrs of working out and dieting to lose the weight i have so far, I've realized, there are NO QUICK FIXES.

    This video may be awesome, I dunno anything about it. Just please, please, please do not give up if after 30 days you do not feel in shape as you want. I am now 40 yrs old & feel increasing fitness will be a life-long journey, not a "til I get my weight off." Focus on doing something good for your body every day, forgive yourself on the days you fall short. Congrats for looking for ways to make yourself healthier. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    It asolutely does. I lost 7lbs and almost 7 inches my first go around and only did it 20ish days. This time I am on day 14 and I have dropped from a comfortable size 14 to a size 12. I haven't lost pounds though really I lost 2.2 last week and 0.6 this week but my pants fit great and they are a size 12! Fiend me if you want. Just mention this thread please in the message. You will love this DVD. If you search success stories for 30 Day Shred you will see some awesome before and after pictures.
  • wildhehr2
    wildhehr2 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm on Day 2 Level 3 tomorrow. I honestly haven't lost a pound--in fact, I've gained a couple. BUT I have lost nearly 3 inches from my natural waist (and almost 5 inches from my baby pooch), and I'm looking good and fitting into clothes that I haven't worn in years. I just started doing additional cardio this past week, in the hopes of getting the scale numbers down. I really like this video.
  • helper1112
    helper1112 Posts: 80 Member
    It is a tough work out, you may want to take it slow. I know the first day I did it I really pushed and my legs where killing me for almost a week before I was able to do it again. It went much better the second time I did it. Just take it slow and if you feel uncomfortable or sore rest and then start back in to it. You don't want to hurt yourself. I myself am doing it every other day, with Tae Bo or walking or something else on the non-DS30 days. Feel free to add me as a friend and I will be glad to do it with you, in a online kind of way... LOL
  • Adshill
    Adshill Posts: 130 Member
    I started on January 3rd, did 10 days on level 1, and just started level 2 today. I have been trying to do it every day, but had to take a couple days off because my knee was bugging me. I am 40, out of shape, and have bad knees, but several of the exercises have modifications for those who aren't as fit, or as flexible. I found the first 3 or 4 days to be the hardest. Everything hurt, especially my legs walking down the stairs. By about day 5 or so the achiness and sore muscles started to fade. I am really enjoying it and can see a definite difference - especially in my stomach. I lost a few inches overall in the first week and will be taking measurements for the second week tomorrow. I am down about 3 lbs. That is not a huge amount, but I feel stronger. I would definitely recommend it, and remember to stick with it - the first few days are by far the hardest.

    Good luck!! And feel free to add me :smile:

    Oh yeah - I log it as circuit training, general. Not sure how accurate it is, but that is what others have suggested using.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I bought it after seeing peoples' before and after pics. Just wondering how everyone is logging it in their exercise diary. Any one want to share?
    Before I had my heart rate monitor I logged it as circuit training.
  • meghanmac31
    I started 30DS on 1/1/12 (New Years resolution to lose 20 lbs) and have been doing it daily. I just purchased another one of her DVDs, Ripped in 30 and love it too! It has some of the same moves, but she has three strength moves in each circuit rather than 2. It makes the DVD slightly longer, but I like the variety of moves. I've been alternating daily between 30DS and Ripped in 30 and have thrown in Six Week Six Pack once a week as well. I curse her during the entire Six Week Six Pack, but I can honesly say that I feel sweaty and oh so accomplished when I'm done. I've only lost a few pounds, but I feel stronger and can already see definition in my body. Can't ask for much more when you're doing 20-30 minutes of exercise!

    I've been toying with the idea of purchasing a heart monitor, but until then, I've been logging it as "Circuit Training" general (which sounds like what most others are also doing). I'm sticking with it because I love the feeling that I've accomplished something each day. Good luck everyone!
  • chameleon73
    chameleon73 Posts: 119 Member
    After reading so many positive comments about this program, I'm buying it. Can't wait to try it!!
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    Alright, you all have convinced me!!!! lol I just ordered it from Target :flowerforyou:
  • kellbellblue
    Oh I am going to Target tomorrow! I will look for it there. This thread has me really feeling like I want to give it ago.
  • sammibob
    Thanks for all your replies guys... looks like I'm gonna be buying the video! :))
  • determined1221
    determined1221 Posts: 139 Member
    I'm a little late replying on this but I would recommend this video. I am doing day 8 today and I can see a difference. I also have quite a bit of weight to lose. I also would recommend joining one of the 30 day shred support groups. It really helps to be able to talk to people going through it with you. Its very motivating. I'm also taking a picture once a week to compare results instead of measuring or weighing- and let me tell you those pictures are very very motivating! Good luck!!!
  • ESP12
    ESP12 Posts: 118 Member
    I started with the 30DS group that started on Jan 9th. I've tracked it as 'circuit training, general' in the data base. How many minutes do you log? I'm struggling with the actual time done, because with warm-up and cool-down I only count ~22 minutes. Oh, and where did you find that info on the web, I'd like to look at that for comparison. -Elke
    I bought it after seeing peoples' before and after pics. Just wondering how everyone is logging it in their exercise diary. Any one want to share?

    I looked it up on the net. a Person weighing 154 pounds will burn 503 calories in an hour on this DVD so for me it would be 532 calories/hour. I had to add it to "my exercises".
  • stef827
    stef827 Posts: 215 Member
    I have done this workout in the past but started back up today. Feel free to add me as a friend, I could use support and motivation :)