Forgive me MPF, for I have sinned...



  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member
    Just this past weekend I went out and had nachos and bruchetta and a giant brownie...split between two people lol. *shrugs* I do something like that every few weeks, I probably shouldn't, but I enjoy it, I don't dwell on it, I just have my fun night then I go on with my healthy stuff the next day! :)

    Things I can't have in the house....chocolate (though i'm getting MUCH better), chips..pringles especially!, cherry cheesecake, any baked goods....if they're there, I WILL eat them, so we just don't buy them.
  • Steffi330
    Steffi330 Posts: 109 Member
    girl scout cookies...I only allowed myself to have four but they were fantastic!!

    Nice restraint!!
  • Alcohol.

    I had a perfect day eating-wise on friday then ended up going on a spur of the moment night out. No idea how many calories I drank, but definitely way too many. Then of course the hangover food the day after. Not good!
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    Wendy's chocolate frosty with fries... Ohh, but it was sooo goood!
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    I have eaten most of a jar of Nutella. Also, On occasion, I consume an entire can of sweetened condensed milk, all by itself. I. Love. That. Stuff.

    mmmm... condensed milk. I have a can in my cabinet that I am avoiding like the plague. It makes absolutely no sense for something so simple to be that good and have that many calories. Oh no... now its calling me and my mouth is watering. Lol.
  • fatty2fabby
    fatty2fabby Posts: 415 Member
    burger king!
    and one day i had *2* molten lava cakes w/ ice cream! horrible
  • elleT80
    elleT80 Posts: 15
    all you can eat Chinese? on a regular basis lol

    lol ditto! that's always my weakness smh...
  • hellokathy
    hellokathy Posts: 540 Member
    I had fried calamari, french fries and meat-filled pizza rolls yesterday. I stayed within my limit but I wasn't allowed anything else beside that. Oops...
  • 3 large slices of homemade Jamaican Ginger cake - 1 with custard - in 1 afternoon!! :tongue:

    can I have the recipe?!?
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    bubble tea, chips, fried kway teow, fried bee hoon, fried noodles, hor fun... damn it!
  • My wife and I are doing MFP together and do a good job sticking to a good diet all week.......except Friday night dessert. We allow ourselves a cheat to keep our sanity. This last week was a hot fudge sundae with PB M'Ms and Oreos. :)
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Ate an entire pizza, about 25 minature candy bars, an entire section of oreos, and about 13 shots on new years this year
  • Friday night I had 2 peices of fried breaded chicken, wedge fries and macaroni salad. I felt like death after.
    Went right back to my good eating on Saturday though :o)
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    I made a brownie recipe with only 60 calories per piece that I found on this site. Then I ate almost half straight off. that was 5 pieces. Probably not very sensible.:tongue:
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    ive eaten chocolate cake for breakfast on the way to the gym before :blushing:

    I love the honesty here!! Atleast you went and worked off what you ate... right?

    yep! 350 cals of cake, 400 cals of spinning & 300 swimming :)
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    re: the weekend - let's just say fortunately there is now no more candy in the house...
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Saturday went from, "May I have another Dos Equis" to "Beer me!" to just a nod. I stopped drinking midway through the fourth quarter and started drinking water. I cut back on my calories Sunday and hit the gym with a vengence this morning. I booked 2000 calories for it, but it was likely more than that.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    bubble tea, chips, fried kway teow, fried bee hoon, fried noodles, hor fun... damn it!

    Love Kway Teow!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    people.....I was just so hungry
  • natalieg0307
    natalieg0307 Posts: 237 Member
    Yesterday at the entire box of Milk Duds. And last week......3 pieces of birthday after breakfast, lunch and dinner.