too embarassed......



  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I started the gym at 382 pounds, no one gave a F.. As I started dropping weight I got more support then I could ever had expected. Everyone was coming over to me telling me.. YOU ARE LOOKING GOOD MAN, keep it up! These people want you to be healthy or they are too busy with themselves. No one cares but you. You have to get over it, and you just have to make the first step. May seem nervous or scary but you aren't doing this to put on a fashion show or pick up guys at the gym. You are doing this to lose weight. Who cares about the rest.
  • A really good at home program is Leslie Sansone's Walk Away The Pounds...
    Hang in there!
  • I am exetremely obese and i go to a gym well used to. (money issue at the moment) and i never got the oh look a fat girl feeling from anyone.
    if any thing you know what they will probably be thinking??

    look at her getting her fit on. damn good for her
  • Just hold your head high and dont worry about what others think!!!!, at least you are doing something about it and you should be proud of yourself xx
  • BattyMama
    BattyMama Posts: 136 Member
    I understand fully but I had to let you know even when I was 98 to 120 pounds I still could not walk into a gym with a heavier friend and not be laughed at. Some people just feel they have to say something to make themselves feel better.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    I personally decided to lose some weight through diet alone before venturing out to the gym. Not because I was embarrassed, but just because I felt it would best to get my diet inline and routine before I threw in exercise. The thing about the gym is that there are people of all levels, and even the very advanced and athletic people there had to crawl before they could walk. Just do it and don't pay attention to anyone else.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I been doing Zumba class for few months now. a 6'3, 300+ lbs man in a class of about 25-30 women doing Zumba, badly. but I don't care. I have fun. and I'm not alone either! there's 2 other guys in the class too!
  • alifer
    alifer Posts: 387 Member
    I had always been embarassed about running, jogging where anyone could see me. Then I decided I was going to take care of me and who cares what anyone else thinks. It is all about getting out there and doing something to better yourself. If other people judge you then it is their problem. I just remind myself that they may be judging or laughing, but I'm the one taking action while they are thinking about what they SHOULD be doing. Just take it one step at a time and push a little harder or a little farther each time.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    thanks guys I appreciate the encouragement. I am very big. 140kgs right now. really if I am honeat with myself I cant walk for more than 10 minutes at a time right now with a lot of ba ck pain and getting out of breath.

    I think this is a big part of it. while I have always been the large girl I was reasonably fit for my size before my sleep apnea got very bad a few years ago (still undiagnosed then) and I stopped moving became depressed and ate...a LOT...

    I am glad I am doing this and im not going to stop. I want to go to a gym or something but right now the very thought is just O.o
    If you read these forums you will see members of all shapes and sizes, bigger and smaller. than 140 kg. Best thing: So many people have success stories. You are amongst your peers here. :)
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Exercise gear? I just wore stretchy sweatpants and a huge (men's) baggy shirt with sneakers. I still wear that for the most part. It's comfortable and cheap and doesn't show my lumps, bulges, jiggles, etc. Don't look at everyone else at the gym, just do YOUR thing. You pay for it, it's FOR you, and what the other people are doing or looking at is simply not relevant. Go and hold your head high! I would bet that you will not be the heaviest or most out of shape person there and if you are, more power to you for making a change! Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • paulaSo8
    paulaSo8 Posts: 24 Member
    i can relate, for a time, i was too embarrassed to get in touch with my friends, i felt that they would judge on how i have let myself go this fat. i lost all confidence in talking to other people. i stayed just at home for 3 years.. until i just got tired and hooked up with old friends.

    it feels great! i also follow dvd inside the house, i still dont go to the gym but im working on it =)
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    You know what I normally think when I see seriously overweight people at the gym. The first is, GOOD ON THEM they areTRYING. Yes I might notice them but in a good way.
    if you are seriously overweight please remember it is 80% nutrition, you will get the best results if you concentrate not just on the calories but the food quality. maybe when you have seen some real results from this (and if you are doing it right you will lose it fast) once you are slimmer you will gain the confidence from your success to go to a gym or start a new exercise programme. It doesn't have to be all at once implement the changes you need to gradually one at a time.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    If you need to start out by walking near your house, that's good. But when I see overweight people at the gym very faithfully plodding away on the treadmill or other machines, I am proud of them for taking the first step. I even have wanted to go encourage them but they'd probably look at me like I'm a weirdo...:noway:
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    I felt that way when I first started exercising - definitely always felt like the fattest person at my gym. Luckily, I had very positive experiences and never encountered anyone who was anything less than friendly or helpful. I say luckily because I'm not sure I would have achieved the same level of success without being a member of a gym. I find the classes VERY helpful and motivating.

    And now, I am not thin by any means, but I am definitely not the biggest either, and I can always be proud of myself because regardless of my size, I show up consistently and work HARD!

    Honestly, no one will think anything about you other than the fact that you are trying to make a positive change in your life - an admirable decision regardless of your current size.
  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    Dont be embarrassed!!! I love seeing ppl trying to get healthy and fit...and ppl who judge an over weight person for trying to workout or walk or go to the gym, obviously has something wrong with their head! Go for it...give it your all and dont care about anyone else or their opinions! Your doing this for you right?! So, go for it!! You could always start with a workout program at home to drop a little but a first if it makes you feel better!
  • candykay0605
    candykay0605 Posts: 1,019 Member
    i feel the exact same way!!! I live out in the country but still have house near me where i walk/run, I will walk past the houses (even if no one is out) and when im to a spot where there are bunch of trees or no houses I run, I will also stop if i hear any cars and just walk! Its a hard thing to just get over! :/ I wish I could say "do this and you will just get over it". But I cant, I can say though I fully believe that taking the step to get in shape is the first step to gaining confidence and building it!! Soon you will be able to run down the road and could care less what any else thinks!!! :)
  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    Dont be embarrassed!!! I love seeing ppl trying to get healthy and fit...and ppl who judge an over weight person for trying to workout or walk or go to the gym, obviously has something wrong with their head! Go for it...give it your all and dont care about anyone else or their opinions! Your doing this for you right?! So, go for it!! You could always start with a workout program at home to drop a little but a first if it makes you feel better!
  • lmgidney
    lmgidney Posts: 13 Member
    At the end of the day no matter what your goal is – to lose 5lbs or 200lbs everyone goes to the gym for the same reason to get healthy and meet their personal goals.
    When you go to the gym – there are all shapes and sizes – all different ages, you are there to focus on you and that’s what other people do as well.
    I had a fear of the gym – now I can walk in there and do my own thing, I put in my ipod and do me and leave there feeling good about what I have accomplished.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    if you are seriously overweight please remember it is 80% nutrition
    More like 95%, plus when you're exercising you're not eating! Again, when you're seriously overweight there are two factors in your favour when it comes to losing weight through exercise:

    1. Even just walking involves shifting some seriously heavy weight about and that burns LOADS of calories. At 120lb an hour of Zumba burns only about 300 calories for me, you could easily burn twice that amount. So "only" walking for ten minutes is quite a good workout if it's leaving you a bit out of breath.

    2. Though you probably don't realise it, just everyday moving around carrying that weight has built you some serious muscle under there - and muscle is fabulous at burning calories even when it's not being used. If you can stay as strong as you are now, once you've lost weight, you're going to have an amazing body and be able to eat loads more than other people the same weight!

    There are loads of people on here who are 100lb overweight, I work out regularly but if you put a 100lb pack on my back, I couldn't even stand up.

    So, instead of hating your body, try looking upon it as your personal (but temporary) gym! :smile:
  • Amy1066
    Amy1066 Posts: 30
    I don't like going ether, but I get inspired when I go. I look at all the people who are heaver then me and think, if they can do it then so can I. You too might inspire someone and not even know it. Just go and do it for you.