[CLOSED GROUP] "A little bit of this, a little bit of that"



  • Alexagetsfit
    Alexagetsfit Posts: 313 Member
    Week 2: Jan 15-21

    8.71/12-20 miles Run/walk
    0/100 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    0/60 push-ups (0/5 without knees)
    0/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    0/3 days of drinking ALL your water

    Try a new physical activity for 20 minutes. Let us know what it was and how you liked it! (Done!)
    0/100 jumping jacks
    2/ 5 pieces of fresh fruit
    0/1 healthy new recipe

    I need to come up with a fun new activity. I'm sure i can find one.

    I actually made it on last weeks' challenge and got everything done, but I waited to do all the push-ups and sit-ups on the last day. I need to not do that again as I am really sore now.
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
  • livingonpurpose77
    livingonpurpose77 Posts: 29 Member
    I suck. I got my period, and my cramps are always, ALWAYS comparable to labor pains. I also started coming down with something and it hit my chest. I don't work out when there's anything going on below my neck. I probably could've walked though, but I didn't think about that until the week ended! I'm always run or nothing. I have to get out of that mind set, and that is why.....I suck. I ruined it for myself. :(

    Now moving along from my pitty party. I'm well, and geared up for week 2! I'm actually going to try and make up for week 1.
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    Week 2: Jan 15-21

    Run/walk 13/12-20 miles-DONE!
    25/100 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    31/60 push-ups (5/5 without knees!)
    1/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)-DONE!
    3 days of drinking ALL your water

    Try a new physical activity for 20 minutes. Let us know what it was and how you liked it!
    100/100 jumping jacks-DONE!
    Eat 4/5 pieces of fresh fruit
    0/1 New healthy recipe
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 540 Member
    Day 2 is a repeat of yesterday, walked 2 miles, 20 jumping jacks, 10 push ups, 15 crunches, 8+ waters, have had 2 of the 5 fruits, have not added the push ups without bending my knees....those are gonna get me!!!
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    So I did procrastinate a little last week....and it was so hard to eat all my calories!! got close 3 days but couldn't get it down to the 10!

    Week 2: Jan 15-21

    0/12-20 miles
    100/100 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    0/60 push-ups (5 without knees!)
    0/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    1/3 days of drinking ALL your water

    Try a new physical activity for 20 minutes. Let us know what it was and how you liked it!
    0/100 jumping jacks
    0/5 pieces of fresh fruit
    Try a new healthy recipe out! Great places to find them would be skinnytaste.com or hungrygirl.com

    I baked the low fat chocolate chip cookies off the skinnytaste website....delicious!!! kids are even gobbling them up!
  • cgeiser1
    cgeiser1 Posts: 145
    So has anyone already done the new physical activity yet? I'm really having a hard time thinking of something!
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 540 Member
    So has anyone already done the new physical activity yet? I'm really having a hard time thinking of something!
    I will probably either do zumba or the wii...not sure yet
  • DterMined2012
    DterMined2012 Posts: 540 Member
    Thought I would post my stats like everyone else:

    4/12-20 miles Run/walk
    30/100 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    20/60 push-ups (0/5 without knees)
    1/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining) DONE!!!
    2/3 days of drinking ALL your water

    Try a new physical activity for 20 minutes. Let us know what it was and how you liked it! (Done!)
    40/100 jumping jacks
    2/ 5 pieces of fresh fruit
    0/1 healthy new recipe
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Week 2: Jan 15-21

    Run/walk 2.28/12-20 miles
    25/100 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    10/60 push-ups (5 without knees!)
    1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    1/3 days of drinking ALL your water

    Try a new physical activity for 20 minutes. Let us know what it was and how you liked it!
    25/100 jumping jacks
    Eat 5 pieces of fresh fruit
    Try a new healthy recipe out! Great places to find them would be skinnytaste.com or hungrygirl.com
  • PBmaria
    PBmaria Posts: 854 Member
    So has anyone already done the new physical activity yet? I'm really having a hard time thinking of something!

    I was thinking about a cardio workout DVD. Like a dancing one or something. My backup is doing the exercise bike!
  • thamre
    thamre Posts: 629 Member
    Week 2: Jan 15-21

    Run/walk 2/12-20 miles
    100/100 crunches/sit ups (any kind) DONE
    100/60 push-ups (5 without knees!) DONE (10 on toes
    0/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    1/3 days of drinking ALL your water

    Try a new physical activity for 20 minutes. Let us know what it was and how you liked it! DONE tried the BOSU thing - not sure if I liked it
    100/100/jumping jacks DONE
    0/Eat 5 pieces of fresh fruit
    Try a new healthy recipe out! Great places to find them would be skinnytaste.com or hungrygirl.com DONE - tried White Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins I found on here - they were awesome!
  • Week 1 was AWESOME! Week 2? Here's where I'm at so far:

    Week 2: Jan 15-21

    9.5/12-20 run/walk miles
    100/100 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    0/60 push-ups (5 without knees!)
    1/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    2/3 days of drinking ALL your water

    Off to a pretty good start, if I do say so myself!! Now I just need to keep my snacking in order, and I should be GOLDEN :D
  • Run/walk 0/12-20 miles (oh crap >_<)
    50/100 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    30/60 push-ups (5/5 no knees!)
    1/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining) DONE
    0/3 days of drinking ALL your water (I came as close as 6 cups per day ._.)

    0/100 jumping jacks-DONE!
    Eat 5/5 pieces of fresh fruit (I eat that much fruit PER DAY, bwahahaha xD)
    0/1 New healthy recipe ('v' nothing yet, any recommendation >_<?)

    New activities: I bought Dance Dance Revolution and do some dancing on wii today xD It was super intense but also plenty fun :3 Burned 100 calories in 20 mins too ... seems like an activity I can repeat daily OvO
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    Week 2: Jan 15-21
    Mondays stats:

    Run/walk 2/12-20 miles
    0/100 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    10/60 push-ups (10/5 without knees!)
    0/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    0/3 days of drinking ALL your water

    0/20 Try a new physical activity for 20 minutes. Let us know what it was and how you liked it!
    20/100 jumping jacks
    1/5 Eat 5 pieces of fresh fruit
    0/1 Try a new healthy recipe out! Great places to find them would be skinnytaste.com or hungrygirl.com

    The hardest part is gonna be the new recipe (i don't cook much). second hardest is gonna be the push-ups as my wrist is sore but i'm gonna make it if I have to do modified ones. Normally I can do 20 regular but yesterday my wrist was killing me so i did them but my right hand looked like i was punching the floor.:)
  • lilrhody
    lilrhody Posts: 84 Member
    Not off to the greatest start this week! I think I'll have to start to tackle the crunches, push ups and jumping jacks while watching the Biggest Loser tonight - that should motivate me!

    Week 2: Jan 15-21

    Run/walk 12-20 miles - 4.5 miles done
    100 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    60 push-ups (5 without knees!) - am dreading these!
    1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining) - done!
    3 days of drinking ALL your water

    Try a new physical activity for 20 minutes. Let us know what it was and how you liked it!
    100 jumping jacks
    Eat 5 pieces of fresh fruit
    Try a new healthy recipe out! Great places to find them would be skinnytaste.com or hungrygirl.com
  • Promethea79
    Promethea79 Posts: 19 Member
    So last week I was short most of the goals (situps, stairs, calorie intake, run/walk) I plan to do better this week!

    Week 2: Jan 15-21 (Tuesday Jan 17)

    3/12-20 miles Run/walk
    25/100 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    20/60 push-ups (0/5 without knees)
    0/1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    1/3 days of drinking ALL your water

    Try a new physical activity for 20 minutes. Let us know what it was and how you liked it! [pilates/ jungshin fitness= EVERYTHING'S SORE :) ]
    25/100 jumping jacks
    2/ 5 pieces of fresh fruit
    0/1 healthy new recipe
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    The hardest part is gonna be the new recipe (i don't cook much). second hardest is gonna be the push-ups as my wrist is sore but i'm gonna make it if I have to do modified ones. Normally I can do 20 regular but yesterday my wrist was killing me so i did them but my right hand looked like i was punching the floor.:)

    I have wrist issues although they are getting stronger....try doing push ups on your fists or on weights (barbells on the floor in your hand)...it helps
  • smurfette75
    smurfette75 Posts: 853 Member
    My new activity this week is going to be a kettlebell workout!! So excited to try it out.
  • lovinlulu
    lovinlulu Posts: 65 Member
    stats for week 2 (Tuesday)
    Week 2: Jan 15-21
    Run/walk 6.5/12-20 miles
    25/100 crunches/sit ups (any kind)
    25/60 push-ups (5 without knees!)
    1 day of consuming ALL your calories (no more than 10 remaining)
    1/3 days of drinking ALL your water

    Try a new physical activity for 20 minutes. Let us know what it was and how you liked it!
    50/100 jumping jacks
    3/Eat 5 pieces of fresh fruit
    Try a new healthy recipe out! Great places to find them would be skinnytaste.com or hungrygirl.com