Master Cleanse



  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I was brain washed into doing the master cleanse when I was on my raw vegan kick. I lost about 18 lbs of muscle & water by drinking nothing but the lemonade for 11 days straight (no cheating). Got lots of compliments at work. "Inspired" lots of people and was told I looked like a different person. I had no energy and my moods were just crazy. I was white as a ghost, super pale and scary looking and was convinced I was really onto something amazing.

    I was skinny fat at the end of it all. Gained maybe 10 lbs back in a month or so, even after doing a crazy raw vegan bootcamp online. I was given an award for being the "most changed"... LOL.

    Now... I didn't gain all the weight back like people say, but... I also continued on with my "getting healthy" kick and eventually realized that being a raw vegan wasn't all it was cracked up to be, started eating cooked foods again, then meat... then I went low carb & finally paleo for a short time... now I'm eating "normally"... and I a feel amazing, my moods are more stable, I look the best I've looked in a while.

    I do NOT recommend the master cleanse. Did it help me? It may have in some ways, but I think it's more dangerous and sketchy than not. I agree with another poster that if you truly want to cleanse and not just affect your scale weight, then drink water, eat organic fruits, veggies & meat and throw out all the sugar and processed junk. That is a true cleanse.

    The body is smarter and much more capable and intelligent than we sometimes give it credit for. It WILL fight to keep homeostasis and to cleanse and repair itself, given you don't have some disease.
  • scanderton
    scanderton Posts: 6 Member
    im thinking about doing just worried about losing muscle mass so i plan to walk and do a little pilates with it
    but i dont want to gain back all the wieght when i start eating right again
    Then don't do it since most of the weight you lose is water. And once you rehydrate, a lot of the weight comes back. "Cleanses" are nothing more than money making scams for the sellers.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Very Very Agreed
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    my internal organs clean my body that is what our organs are for they clean and filter everything that goes in it and sends the waste to the potty.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I'm sorry but "walking and pilates" are NOT going to stop you from losing muscle mass. The only thing that would help with that is a full body heavy lifting strength program.
    Plus, most of the weight you lose WILL be water weight, drinking water is what makes you stop retaining water and be less bloated. Once you go back to eating and drinking normal things (ie. sodium) you will retain some water again therefore regaining some of what you just lost.
    And lastly, why do you post a thread asking opinions on something you might try, then when everyone says it is a horrible idea, you say "I'm going to do it."? If you already had your mind made up, why ask? Were you hoping to get a pile of responses saying "yes, go for it!"?

    Don't ask for opinions, just say "I am going to do this whether you tell me it is horrible or not". Better yet, don't say anything at all.
  • mdejoseph
    mdejoseph Posts: 9 Member
    I've had 3 babies. After all 3 pregnancies my legs filled with water and in the hospital I was told I needed to drink water to eliminate it. (When you're preggo your body holds water, when you give birth is goes to yoru extremeties.) The more water I drank the faster it flushed out.

    I would suggest against any sort of "cleanse". If you have digestive problems I'd consider a doctor visit and discussion about that. If you don't want to hit the doctor, increase your fiber intake, add some benefiber to your water, coffee, etc. (staying withing the guidelines on the bottle).

    Don't be someone who says "I'll do anything to lose weight except change my diet and exercise." "Discipline is doing what you know needs to be done, even though you don't want to."
  • lor007
    lor007 Posts: 884 Member
    im going to try it it will make me feel light and more energetic so when i start doing insanity like i usually do ill be able to do more.
    and i dont know about the whole water wieght thing cuz in this cleanse all you do is pretty much drink water all day long

    You're doing it wrong.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    im thinking about doing just worried about losing muscle mass so i plan to walk and do a little pilates with it
    but i dont want to gain back all the wieght when i start eating right again
    I have done Master Cleanse three times. I am not an expert, but have researched it and learned about it. I wish I knew then what I know now. I *might* be able to justify doing my first cleanse. The other two were definitely wasted time and unnecessary grumpiness for my family and co-workers.

    First off, the Master Cleanse wasn't designed for weight loss. I know it has been popularized as such, but that's wasn't the intent of the crazy person that created it. I think a Master Cleanse might have its purpose. It's not for everybody, and probably completely unnecessary to do repeatedly. But I don't completely dismiss it's merits in certain circumstances (weight loss is not one of them).

    It's not really a Master Cleanse unless you do ALL of it. That includes the Salt Water Flush. This is essentially an enema from the inside. It is as gross as it sounds. If you skip this process, you are only doing the "Lemonade Diet" - not Master Cleanse.

    Think about what you are asking. You are wanting to do a cleanse to lose weight. Weight loss is a by-product of many "cleanses" but if you are cleansing to lose weight, you are going to be disappointed. You will lose muscle mass. You will lose water weight. You will almost certainly gain all the weight back and may have problems adjusting back to "normal" eating. Please reconsider doing Master Cleanse for weight loss. I don't think you should do Master Cleanse at all.

    You will have a hard time doing any kind of exercise during the cleanse unless you are already in the habit of exercising. Don't expect to suddenly feel like exercising. It will be just the opposite. Your energy will plummet, you will have headaches, and you'll probably be spacey for much of the day. Commit to regular exercise and cutting back your calories. Try that for a couple months first. Really get serious about MFP (counting all your calories, exercising, logging everything, etc.)

    Unless you have a LOT of weight to lose (morbidly obese), the BEST PROVEN long-term weight loss method is a calorie deficit that equates to 1-2 pounds lost per week. It's not magic. It's just slow and not very sexy.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Salt is manmade?????
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Distilled water is NOT meant for human consumption!!!!! Spring water sure, but not Distilled, that is for filling your radiator, humidifier, iron, etc.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    im thinking about doing just worried about losing muscle mass so i plan to walk and do a little pilates with it
    but i dont want to gain back all the wieght when i start eating right again
    Then don't do it since most of the weight you lose is water. And once you rehydrate, a lot of the weight comes back. "Cleanses" are nothing more than money making scams for the sellers.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Beat me to the punch - again!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    My body magically cleanses itself, all on its own, all day, every day.

    How cool is that?

    Then again, I have a lovely red liver and a matching pair of nice shiny kidneys, who knows what you've got missing if your body needs "cleansing"? :bigsmile:
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    There are things I will give up to lose fat, but control of my butt is not one of them xD

  • Thats exactly right! Just follow this free calorie counter and with time and perserverance you will succeed. Its always hard at first.. Besides siyou loose lots of weight fast that means there is something wrong with your body. Ideally the first 10lbs melts off quickly then you steady it to 1-2 lbs a week, anymore than that is really unhealthy. And pilates does not help wiht muscle retention, you have to replace your fat with muscle or it comes back.. pump some iron!!
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    vjrose... I've drank distilled water all my life and I'm doing perfectly fine.
  • I know it might be tempting to try things like this, but don't.

    Your body cleans itself.

    If you want to lose weight, eat clean and train hard. There are no quick fixes that will become permanent solutions.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Distilled water is NOT meant for human consumption!!!!! Spring water sure, but not Distilled, that is for filling your radiator, humidifier, iron, etc.
    This is bad information. Distilled water is fine for human consumption. There are some health risks (mineral depletion) with drinking only distilled water over a period of time. But to say distilled water is not meant for human consumption is incorrect.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Ahahshhhaaahaha, the fact someone is even considering this is hilarious.
  • Jolenebib
    Jolenebib Posts: 142 Member
    If you start eating right (not saying that you aren't), you'll have the energy to do P90X because your body will have the fuel (nutrients) it needs to perform. Lots of veggies, lean protein and water. Don't starve yourself, fuel yourself with the right kind of fuel.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    If you want to lose weight, eat clean and train hard. There are no quick fixes that will become permanent solutions.
    Well said.

    There are no magic diets that burn fat, no pills that make you slim, no shoes that make you fit, no cream that makes you slim.

    There IS eating sensibly and doing exercise.

    It doesn't come with shiny labels, it doesn't come with outrageous claims, but it DOES work.

    Look at my waistline in my profile pic. That's a body that was obese eleven months ago.

    You want a body like that?

    Start going to the gym three times a week and logging every calorie eleven months ago.

    Don't have a time machine?

    Then start now. This time next year you'll have an amazing body.

    Keep looking for quick fixes like this Master Cleanse?

    This time next year you'll have a body that is in worse shape than it is now.

    Your body.

    Your decision.
  • All I want to add, is that cleanses in my experience personally and with friends are either a great idea or a huge mistake. Nothing in between. A lot of times you end up so weak and depraved feeling you just binge at the end of it all, which is the worst feeling ever as your body is still getting used to solids again...

    What I will say they are good for, and this goes for any shakes/juices/concoction is to mentally prepare yourself and to shrink your stomach down (although this can take a few days for sure!) so you're satisfied with less and can start fresh on a plan.

    Oh, also as mdailey93 said, yes, your body cleanses itself. It just needs a 12 hour window to efficiently do so per night, so eat breakfast no earlier than 12 hours after dinner. Water is fine though. Hope that helps!