too embarassed......



  • harlylena
    harlylena Posts: 125 Member
    Do this for yourself; don't worry about what others are thinking or doing or feeling. They're not there when you're dealing with the effects of your apnea (saw your profile). Start with home dvds if that helps. It will jump start your weight loss and eventually you'll forget to care about the others. You're not the 'fat girl', you're the smart person who is taking a stand for yourself at a young age. You don't want to be 60 with a long list of health problems looking back at you now wondering why you let this stop you. You can do this, there is so much support here and I suspect within you as well.
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    embarassed of what????

    of making better choices...

    of getting out there and putting the work in needed to get you to a healthy weight...

    of not continuing to jeapordize your health and overal well-being...

    of admitting that you deserve better...

    of not being afraid of a little sweat and hard work...

    sounds like instead of being embarassed you should be proud...hope you realize that and good luck!!! :flowerforyou:
  • PattyfromToledo
    PattyfromToledo Posts: 74 Member
    I belong to a gym and the last thing on my mind is to laugh at someone willng to put forth the effort and exercise!!

    Walk talk and walk pround!!! No one is laughing.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Any one laughing at you trying to get healthy is not worth your time in worrying about.
  • ahjenny
    ahjenny Posts: 293 Member
    I'm a very overweight girl. I plug in the headphones and do what I came to do. I may look at people in the gym, but I don't see them because I'm in my zone. When I do see other overweight people, I'm cheering them on in my head, because I think half the success of working out is just starting, whether it's going for a walk around the park or actually stepping foot in the gym. And if someone is an *kitten* to you, report them. Gyms want their patrons to come back and they often have a zero tolerance policy on any kind of harassment.

    Until you're ready, make other changes. Watch what you eat, park far away when shopping (and it's safe) and drink water instead of soda. Small changes can add up to make a big difference.
  • msespresso
    msespresso Posts: 153 Member
    You have nothing to be embarrassed about, everyone is there to lose weight and get fit and the progress YOU make just might be the inspiration for someone else! However, there is a lot you can do at home to start with, and even putting some time into getting your eating under control and losing weight that way will boost your confidence and show you the strength you do have!
  • I get you.

    The hardest part of exercising is taking that first step. The psychological thought of being watched and judged can weaken even the strongest heart.

    I wanted to exercise in public, but it wasn't the thought of people judging me as fat that bothered me, but people judging me if I couldn't even jog the length of a few houses.

    So I went out in my back yard where no one would see me and I did boglaps there. Round and round I'd go, every day, safe, anonymous, secret.

    Only after I was fit enough, did the courage come.

    So don't feel that you must get over your fear before you can exercise. Avoid the fear entirely, even if it means jumping jacks in the closet where no one can see or hear you.
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    I was 375lbs when I first walked into my gym. Yes, people stared but I stared back! We were all there for the same reason, to get fit, so I was no different to anyone else.

    Now I just stick my headphones on and do my thing, I don't take any notice of anybody - I'm there for ME!

    I know your pain, but believe me, you can do it, the first step on any journey is the hardest one to take. If you really cannot bear to go, there are loads of DVDs, Wii games etc that you can do in your home, even a walk around the block is beneficial. I walk now most days, and I keep my head up high!

    Good luck on your journey :)
  • katie10101
    katie10101 Posts: 15 Member
    If you feel that way, what about a wii or Nintendo? You can get amazing exercise programs for them, including Zumba and Yoga and all sorts. It will make you feel better about yourself until you get some pounds off and feel better in front of others. We have some very large gals at my gym and nobody makes them feel bad about themselves, and it's mostly guys there. As for me, I don't care....let em laugh. Sticks and stones! Be at peace with yourself and do what you need to get where you want to go. Just make sure you keep going....:happy:
  • louisau
    louisau Posts: 159 Member
    I work with a really overweight girl and everytime I see her eating (cake, bread etc) I think to myself: "I know why you look that way!"
    HOWEVER a lady of about the same size started at the gym last week and my first thought was: "Good for you!"

    I didn't want to start gym because I was ashamed that I couldn't run on the treadmill, and you know what, if I didn't start I still wouldn't be able to do it.

    One of my favourite quotes are: "You're not that important that everyone is looking at you"

    Join the gym and have fun
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    I started to run I was 115kg...with the same fear. I basically gave myself too much importance: nobody cared actually, they did not give a sh** about a fat runner. In a park, you are like somebody with his dog, if they look at you, they think aout something else. The best is a forest. Even worst, I was trying to run as slowly as possible. After a week, I was already running three time mrethan my first day. I am now slimmer than most people my age and can run 20km von a daily basis, just for fun. It took me a bit less than a year. The secret is to look for good feeling when running (I started with10 min, finnally reached 45 after 3 weeks) and stop on a good feeling so that you wish to come back on the next day. Never go to total exhaustion on the first months ot you will drop
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    I was in the gym last night and my trainer was working with a woman who was about 300 pounds. I was really proud of the woman as I watched her work out! I was also proud of my trainer who was doing a fantastic job with her.

  • Don't feel that way. I used to but it goes away as you make progress and start feeling better about yourself.

    One good suggestion I have for you would be to go to the gym during slow times. I am at the gym at 4:00 am each day and probably one of only 10 people there. So that minimizes your feelings and there is not a crowd around the different equipment.

    Also, if you walk around the neighborhood, do it before the sun comes up.
  • sewerchick93
    sewerchick93 Posts: 1,438 Member
    I was the same way when I started. I had quite the little circuit set up in my house; kitchen thru dining room into living room and then the foyer where I would go up the stairs to the second level and back down and back into the kitchen. When I started walking outside, like others suggested, I just wore my regular street clothes. Put some music on and don't worry about what others think, you are doing this for you and your health.
  • Please don't feel embarrassed at a gym. Start with a few sessions of a personal trainer so you can become comfortable with the gym equipment.. REMEMBER you are way ahead of those who are on the couch or make excuses!! Believe in yourself and success comes in small steps. If anyone is looking at you then they are not really there to workout!! You'll be surprised how supportive everyone can be. We're all there for the same reason. We all come in different shapes and sizes. Focus on your goal and be proud of yourself for every minute you work out!! Good luck and start today!!:flowerforyou:
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    You would be amazed at how inspiring it is to see someone taking charge of their health and weight.

    You must do what is comfortable for you, every baby step is a step toward your success - don't be embarrassed, be proud of what you are doing - but at the same time feel comfortable doing it.

    Best of luck to you!!!
  • raiderrodney
    raiderrodney Posts: 617 Member
    The bottom line is you would be doing this for yourself and it doesn't matter what anyone thinks. That being said, most would be proud of you in seeing you taking charge and making a change for the better.
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    I avoid the gym like the plague. I run outside (at night, for the most part) or do work-out DVDs. I'm *extremely* self conscious about "excessive motion" (when things are moving that shouldn't be)
  • knovello82
    knovello82 Posts: 110 Member
    You shouldn't feel embarassed! Just say screw those people and do what you want. HowEVer, if you really don't want to leave the house, there are lots of options for working out at home. Do you have on demand? I do know Direct TV & Comcast have fitness videos on there, so check those out. You could also buy a used tredmill for cheap & do long walks on that while watching TV or reading (I love to read my Nook while I'm on the tredmill). You can also do your own circuit training in the house, if you go online and find different excersizes and do 3 or 4 different excersizes with some cardio in between, it can be quite effective.

    It can be difficult at times to do it in front of others, I get embarrassed too, but I push myself and say who cares, if they don't like it they can suck it LOL. Actually, when I'm walking or jogging outside, my dog embarrasses me more than enything because he growls & barks at everyone (especially stupid squirrels lol).
  • Jwanguy
    Jwanguy Posts: 115 Member
    I am too embarassed to join a gym... or even go for walks outside. right now im getting exercise walking around my house.

    its stupid I dont feel like people are looking at me normally. but I feel like if I was in exercise gear they would all be laughing at the very fat girl

    I know exactly how you feel. I'm no fan of the gym either. I feel like people are starring at me. And those mirrors doesn't do any justice. I started working out at home. Starting with the zumba dvds switched it up with 30ds and six week six pack now im doing insanity. It also helps to do something that you love. Thanks to zumba and seeing the results. I wanted to push myself into some strength training. You can do it. Remain positive.

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