Posting your minimal clothed before pics



  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    I was too embarrassed to take a racy before picture. Actually, I was too embarrassed to take any before pictures. In my comparisons I have to dig around and use other pictures, so it's more difficult to see the progress. In my mind at least.

    No one is forcing you to post any before pictures. I can tell you though, from fully clothed pics at least, that it's really liberating once you have a bit of weight down. Not necessarily a lot. Feels good, man.
    <~~~~~~~ I sport my 70-pounds-overweight pic everywhere I go. This is my body, and I love it no matter how it looks right now. I'm not going to be fat forever, so this is just the way I look for the time being.

    Right on! Good for you!
  • Begood03
    Begood03 Posts: 1,261 Member
    I won't ever post my before photo, but I'm much happier with my after photo.
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    I took a series of before photos too- they are safe and sound on my computer- I don't plan on posting them until I am at my goal- then with pride will definitely post them- to help and encourage everyone else that is on the same journey.
  • InnerPinup79
    <~~~~~~~ I sport my 70-pounds-overweight pic everywhere I go. This is my body, and I love it no matter how it looks right now. I'm not going to be fat forever, so this is just the way I look for the time being.

    Wow thats an inspiring statement. I know most people are ashamed of their current look but you are focused and dedicated on what you will accomplish and not let anything stop you.

    I agree! Good for you hon!
  • rayleansout
    <~~~~~~~ I sport my 70-pounds-overweight pic everywhere I go. This is my body, and I love it no matter how it looks right now. I'm not going to be fat forever, so this is just the way I look for the time being.

    I love it. You are the *kitten*!
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I don't have any before pictures really, but i've taken a couple of pictures I was going to use as progress pictures then I looked at them & was like OH HELL NO. Eek.
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    I posted a before picture of me in a bathing suit--reason being because it was the photo that made me realize I needed to lose weight. Seeing it on the computer screen and KNOWING people could see that was a motivator for me...I WANTED to be able to add newer, thinner, photos of myself--so I worked hard to be able to do so... Now I got that sexy photo of myself up on my profile now! :-) Not that "chunky monkey" in the bathing suit.