What's your biggest fear ?!



  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    I'm afraid i will get fat again. :(
  • slayerdan
    slayerdan Posts: 193
    The 3 H's

  • Something happening to my children. I think all parents have that fear, most of us just don't want to admit it.

    Other than that it's probably a tie between bugs and heights.

    ^^totally agree with all of these.
  • Never getting skinny and always being unhappy with how I look :frown:
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,340 Member
    I have 2 that just scare the crap out of me. I mean in an irrational level.

    I am terrified of spiders. Even the tiny ones. I can't even kill them for fear that they will seek revenge if I miss, or crawl up the broom handle. To the point that even animated spiders make my tummy knot up.

    The other, is that I will FINALLY get to my goal weight after trying for 20 years, only to die the next day.
  • kat2475
    kat2475 Posts: 159 Member
    My biggest fear is something happening to me before my kids are grown. I know my husband is capable of stepping in but it would be so hard on him.
  • sinistertitan
    sinistertitan Posts: 603 Member
    Our government.
  • Being a disappointment to people!!
    If I cant lose the weight I want to lose!!

    People dressed up in things eg costumes that aint real!!
    If ya sitting watching someone/something & comes in to the audience!!

    Probably everything if I sat & thought about everything!! Lol!!
  • oberon0124
    oberon0124 Posts: 10,524 Member
    anything happening to my children. i wish i could protect them every minute & second of their lives.

    Yes this is my biggest fear by far. I almost lost my oldest daughter a few years ago in a horific accident. She is alright now but I tell you those fifteen minutes between the call to get to the hospital, (of course when asked they would give no info) till I could get there and check on her are the hardest fifteen minutes of my life!!! Bar none!

    So this by far yes!!!
  • megganjana
    megganjana Posts: 61 Member
    Friends and Family getting hurt
    Not being able to complete school
    Not finding a job
    Not losing the weight I need too
    Gaining back all the weight I've lost
    Losing the people that mean the most to me
    Not being able to have kids because of my weight.
    Failure in general
  • Shanaedunn
    Shanaedunn Posts: 171 Member
    WOW I can almost pretend like nobody will know...

    I am afraid of never being able to know at 33 what I am susposed to do with my life. I am single and I am a mother but is it wrong to want to obtain my own success? Now I have a drive and the urge in my inner self but no clue which way I should go and I am deathly scared I wont figure it out...

    Also I have three boys and I am scared that I wont be enough for them that they will miss something and grow up with hurts and disappointments becasue of my mistakes in chosing mates....

    I am scared that I may have missed the boat and that I will never be a bride (in my 30's three children ummmm)...

    I am scared that I may give up on me and not make it to my goal (the negatives can get you sometimes)....

  • I have an EXTREME needle phobia. That's actually one of the reasons I stay motivated to lose weight. Diabetes and other weight-related health problems run in my family and I need to do all that I can to avoid those. I cry when I even think about the possibility of having a disease such as diabetes where I'd have to give myself shots of insulin or test my blood sugar by pricking myself. AHHHH!! I hate the idea! :sad:
    SO, like I said, my needle phobia is motivating me to continue losing weight. I also never have to worry about becoming addicted to heroine! lol :tongue:
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Mannequins. They give me the creeps!
  • danigirl1011
    danigirl1011 Posts: 314 Member
    Being alone forever :(
  • That this is it and things will never change...
  • My husband's driving...really, really, for real....and death.
  • BlueEyedMomma88
    BlueEyedMomma88 Posts: 558 Member
    Something happening to my children. I think all parents have that fear, most of us just don't want to admit it.

    Other than that it's probably a tie between bugs and heights.

  • CynthiaCollin
    CynthiaCollin Posts: 406 Member
    MY BIGGEST FEAR : I am scared of dying and leaving my children behind. It frightens me to think as well how I am going to die and when. I am even more terrified of something happening to my beautiful girls....cause that would surely kill me. Fear that something will happen to my husband and I would be without my soul mate breaks my heart just at the thought of it..... They are my life..... I guess death and the unknown is something almost paralyzing to me.

    FYI....spiders are creepy and crawly....but we weigh a zillion times more than them and they are pretty easy to squish.... I used to be afraid but got over it when I was living alone and realized if I didn`t kill them then I would have to live with them..... lol.... my 3 year old squishes her own bugs and it usually quite proud of herself....lol....

    I used to be petrified of needles and then taught myself not to be.... I realized that there are many more scary things than that and needles can save your life either by finding out what is wrong with you are giving you the medecine that makes you better.

    Failure used to be a fear, but then realized that as long as I do my best everyday that I have not failed.

    Some fears are easy to work on.... it is an everyday fight not to let fear take over. One day at a time....one fear at a time... I will prevail!
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    These are my "silly" fears, because to me, I think I'm too old to be as freaked out about it as I am sometimes
    1. The dark, or rather the things in the dark. I attribute this to my love of zombie movies and anything paranormal. I want to see things coming at me.
    2. Elevators. Have had unexplained nightmares of them for as long as I can remember.........
    3. Freeway/Highway Overpasses. The tall ones. I mean higher than some buildings tall. I have unexplained nightmares of them too.....

    Real fears:
    1. Dying a horrible death: ex: mangled in a car wreck and bleed to death, bit by a poisinous snake/spider, drowning, burning, eaten alive. Anything similar to that.
    2. Marriage not making it/infedelity of spouse (Don't have any serious problems, just seen so many others collapse)
    3. The world actually ending this year. It's kinda silly, unless it actually happens. What if it does? I guess we all die. If it doesn't we can make a T-Shirt saying we survived!
  • anna_love
    anna_love Posts: 177
    to gain back weigh :( and be fat forever .....