Up for a Summer Challange??? 20 lbs by August 31st



  • jodazary
    jodazary Posts: 144 Member
    oooh i wanna play too ......

    Age 44 almost 45 16 more days :D
    Starting weight 180
    Currant weight 170
    Goal weight 120
    Days/minutes of exercise at least 60
  • Hi everyone- and welcome welcome to all the newbies. You are at the right place and I'm so glad you have signed up for our challenge.
    Well- Saturday night out was a blast and happy to report I did not overindulge in the food. We were at a wine tasting event, so the wine- well that's a different story lol!:blushing:
    Yestreday pretty much sucked for me. I totally blew my daily allowed calories and no workout on top of that put me in a funk of dynamic levels.
    Hopped out of bed this morning and made up for yesterday with a killer workout (525 cals burned) at the gym and so far on course with my eating.

    Lesson learned- get back on that horse asap and DO NOT get on the scales after a relapse. This is when I usually throw in the towel and go "What's the point"- no way, not me, not this time. I know tomorrow will reflect today's efforts and I avoided the emotional spiral today by avoiding the dreaded scale.
    Here's to a great week everyone.
    Stay strong!
  • Looks like we're right there together at the same weight. I was 186 when we started and 182 this last weigh in.
    Let's rock this and look hot in just 12 weeks.
  • taxgirlie
    taxgirlie Posts: 35
    I'd like to join if possible!

    Age 31
    Starting weight 183
    Currant weight 179.5
    Goal weight 125

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • You're in.
    Get ready to weigh in this Friday and also keep tabs on the days/minutes you have worked out for the week.
    A warm welcome to you:wink:
  • It's never too late. You are most welcome. Get ready to put in the time and sweat and reap the rewards.:flowerforyou:
  • Wow....a lot of people have joined the challenge!!! That's AWESOME!!!!

    I've been doing well this week. I've stayed under my calories just a little....which is good for me since I was eating 3000+ calories in the beginning and I am now down to around 1500. This challenge is just what I needed!!!!
  • natyasa
    natyasa Posts: 22 Member
    Count me in!

    I joined last week just to give this place a try and LOVE it! Although my weight loss is only 10-11lbs, my personal goal is to lose and MAINTAIN my goal weight until August for my cousin's wedding.

    Age: 26
    Starting Weight: 136
    Current Weight: 136
    Goal Weight: 125
    Work out: 30 minutes 5 days a week
  • twin2
    twin2 Posts: 404
    Count me in!!!! I have been a member of MFP for a while but life has gotten in the way. It is time to take care of me. Hopefully posting weekly will keep me motivated!

    Age 40
    Starting Weight 195
    Current Weight: 195
    Goal Weight: 150
    Work out: 30 minutes 5 days a week
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    Hey everyone! Well I got another 2 mile walk in last night and this morning I did Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred, what a great workout! It kicked my butt haha. I'm down 3 more lbs since Friday! yay! :bigsmile: Hope you all have a great day! If the weather gets nicer, I might go for another 2 mile walk tonight but it's storming now :mad:
  • Perfect as this was also my goal, started P90 today.

    Age 40 (soon to be 41)
    Current Weight 160
    Goal Weight 140 (by August 31st)
    Work Out: 40 minutes a day/6days a week - Follow the P90 Exercise Program
  • Count me in my goal was to get to the weight I met my husband at five years ago my our anni. in August so this is perfect.
    starting weight:251
    Current weight:251
    goal: 225

    forgot what else to add. Good luck to every one we can do it!!
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    I didn't get a chance to check in this weekend. My starting weight 205 (5/26/09). Current weight 207 (5/29/09) I exercised 3 days for a total of 335 minutes for week of (5/26 - 5/29).
  • chicaloca6470
    chicaloca6470 Posts: 117 Member
    ok i hope im not too late to join in but i just saw this post.

    age: 25
    start weight and current: 217
    goal weight: 120(goal for august 31st 197)
    workouts= 4-5 times a week 30-45 min
  • Hi chicaloca and welcome. Weigh in is this Friday.
    You'l need to record your workouts on that day also with the rest of your stats.
    Workouts are from Friday-Thursday.
    Good luck!
  • helenhaas
    helenhaas Posts: 12
    Do you have room for one more? Please!!!! I would love to be part of your group and I love the idea of being held accountable. You guys have permission to yell at me if i slack off. My goal: I would like to feel good in my clothing and look great for my anniversary in August. I'm turning 37 in July and the closer I get to 40 the more I worry about being over weight and diabetic. The older women in my family are all over weight and diabetic so I have to change now before history repeats itself. So, Count me in!

    Age: 36
    Starting weight:171
    Currant weight: 169
    Goal weight: 150
    Days/minutes of exercise: 5 days at least 30-40 mins
  • Beppy8
    Beppy8 Posts: 9 Member
    I would love to join this Challenge. I am getting married on Oct. 18th and my appointment to have my wedding dress altered is in the middle of August. I would love to be down twenty pounds by then so I can have my dress taken in and not feel like a big, fat slob at my wedding. I really have to get my lazy butt into gear and start exercising and eating right. I bought my wedding dress three weeks ago and I tried it on last night and it wasn't good. I couldn't zip it up all the way in the back and my arms are huge. Not to mention the backfat that was overflowing my dress. I have definitely gained some weight since I bought it due to the stress of planning the wedding and having my fiance move in with me. I have lived alone for so long, I'm not sure how to live with someone else. It is a big adjustment and I want to eat. Having to post my stats will hopefully help me keep on track.

    Age: 37
    Starting weight:185
    Currant weight: 185
    Goal weight: 165 (by August)
    Days/minutes of exercise: 5 days at least 30-40 mins
  • owenal
    owenal Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to join also, if it's not to late. I quit smoking about 1 1/2 years ago, have done some exercising in group classes, joined a gym, heck I even trained and ran slowly in a mini marathon in May. But 'm still 20 -25 pounds heavier than I have ever been. And quite disenchanted, no actually disgusted by it all. So i am trying to get this food thing together and get back into an exercise routine, I really just need someone to be accountable to and someone to lift my spirits when I'm ready to quit.
    This thread sounds like the perfect place. You all are very motivating and inspiring. Thanks in advance:)

    Starting weight: 185
    Current weight: 185
  • owenal
    owenal Posts: 3 Member
    ooops hit the wrong button not ver computer savvy either. lol

    goal weight: 155

    exercise: 6 hours a week
  • I'm in...my son is now 1 1/2 and I am still trying to get rid of 25 lbs. I need encouragement!!!

    Age: 27
    Starting weight: 160
    Currant weight: 160
    Goal weight: 135
    Days/minutes of exercise: 3 days/30 minutes
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