Anyone interested in a Wii Active Challenge?

annaliza Posts: 809
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
So, I just got my Wii Active and the 30 day challenge looks great. Anyone interested in doing it with me?

Or we can come up with something else to challege us (like so many workouts per week or whatnot). Anyone got any ideas?

Oh yea, and we don't have to start it right away so that we can wait for others to get their dvd's too.


  • wattsam1
    wattsam1 Posts: 95
    I really want to get one! I'm hoping my husband picks one up sometime this week!
  • chicaloca6470
    chicaloca6470 Posts: 117 Member
    im just waiting for mine to get here and im in
  • jcarter0525
    jcarter0525 Posts: 84
    my husband is buying me one for my birthday which is june 9! ya'll don't have to wait that long to start but keep me posted on how it is!
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    OK - I went and picked one up today - haven't tried it out yet, but I am up for the challenge.
  • Bunbun
    Bunbun Posts: 2
    I'm up for the challenge too! Do you know how we could do it? I'm new to this message board! :)
  • Tizzle16
    Tizzle16 Posts: 4
    I am in this seems like a better workout for the wii.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Awesome! I'm so glad to have people who want to do it with me!!

    Tizzle, I agree with you...I think it's a better workout than the wii fit, too.

    bunbun, basically we're going to do something each week or month (depending on if we decide to do certain workouts per week or do the 30 day challege). So each day we'll post what we did for the day and the results. I'll put it all together and keep track of everyone's scores - lol somehow...I've never ran a challege before but I'm willing to jump in and do it :)

    Anyone have any other suggestions? I think if we all start the 30 day challege first since the game is still new...or we can come up with some challeges on our own like creating unique routines.

    I'm so excited about this! When should we start? Do you think June 1st is too far away? It will give others a chance to get their games and we would start fresh at the beginning of a month.
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    Awesome! I'm so glad to have people who want to do it with me!!

    Tizzle, I agree with you...I think it's a better workout than the wii fit, too.

    bunbun, basically we're going to do something each week or month (depending on if we decide to do certain workouts per week or do the 30 day challege). So each day we'll post what we did for the day and the results. I'll put it all together and keep track of everyone's scores - lol somehow...I've never ran a challege before but I'm willing to jump in and do it :)

    Anyone have any other suggestions? I think if we all start the 30 day challege first since the game is still new...or we can come up with some challeges on our own like creating unique routines.

    I'm so excited about this! When should we start? Do you think June 1st is too far away? It will give others a chance to get their games and we would start fresh at the beginning of a month.

    Doing the 30 day challenge first sounds good to me and starting it on the 1st of the month is a good idea. Hopefully more people will jump on board/
  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    I just picked up my Wii Active last night. Haven't opened it yet but looking forward to taking on the challenge. I had just purchased the Wii Fit on Sunday and have been going through the different programs. A lot of fun, energizing and makes working out alone pleasurable. That Hula-Hoop one is my favorite.

    Look forward to starting the challenge on the 1st.

    For the Wii Active, is it possible to just look through the program before actually starting the 30-day?

    Thank you for starting this challenge.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    I'm looking forward to it on the 1st as's been hard not to start it already lol

    If you look at the premade workouts, at the bottom of the list will have the 30 day challenge routines. I've been using those so that I don't actually start the challenge until the first of the month. Let me tell you...they are a workout (at least the ones I saw)!


    See you guys this coming Monday for the first day of our challenge!!!!!
  • SuzanneM
    SuzanneM Posts: 9
    Man, I am too impatient to wait... just got my game today :)

    ok ok I will enjoy the weekend and start with you guys on the first ....


    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Man, I am too impatient to wait... just got my game today :)

    ok ok I will enjoy the weekend and start with you guys on the first ....


    LOL :laugh:

    You can always do the workouts :) just wait for us for the 30 day challenge. BTW....they kick my BUTT!!!!
  • SuzanneM
    SuzanneM Posts: 9
    awesome! Will you need any help organizing? If so just let me know!!

  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    Today is the day ladies!!!!

    I will be starting the challenging this evening. What's the strategy for tracking our progress? Thanks!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Woo hoo, today is the first day!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Suzanne, if you got any ideas, I'd be grateful :smile: I could always use help :smile:

    So, the challege is to do the 20 workouts in 30 days. Not bad....averages about 5 workouts a week.

    I did workout 1 on hard this morning and it kicked my hiney!!! I think the next time I'll go down to medium - lol, I think I got a little too excited and sure of myself :laugh:

    I did 30 minutes and burned 220 cals (according to my HRM) but I'm already sore from this mornings workout.

    So, I guess what I can do is keep track of what workout each person is on (so I've done 1 and am on workout 2) and the number of cals burned.

    Do you guys want to do a weigh in each week?

    So I'll keep track of what workout you are on, how many total cals burned for the week, and weigh ins (if we decide to do that).

    What do you guys think?
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Bump :tongue:
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    annaliza- That all sounds good to me. So Monday will be check in day? I'll be doing my first workout later on since I have an appt at the school soon. Hopefully I can make it through the workout. I laid a lot of sod in our backyard a few days ago and my hamstrings are still very sore. I'll be starting at the easy level. :bigsmile:
  • SuzanneM
    SuzanneM Posts: 9
    oooooooook. I started today! at 5:00 this morning!!! I soooo started on the easy level....

    I burned 144 calories... My starting weight is 235.5 today.

    Go! Go! Go! :tongue:
  • chicaloca6470
    chicaloca6470 Posts: 117 Member
    uh ill have to jump on board late, they just sent my game on thursday, so ill probably get it either this thursday or friday.
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Lol, oh yea, my start weight is 180 :laugh:

    Do you guys want to make it a Wed check in weight? That way it will give us a few days to work off the weekend (lol, ok, so I have gone on a binge on the weekend occasionally) ....? So....have everyone's start weight by Wednesday? You can either post it or pm me...whichever you prefer.

    Suzanne, great job!!! 5am is soooo early!!!

    Chica, that's's 20 workouts in 30 days so there's plenty of time. And it's not exact...we're just aiming to support and motivate each other. We'll be glad to have you., I wish I had started out at the easy level. Ohh, I'm sore!
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