Intentional Small Friends List...



  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I have a medium list (70-80) and most of them I have since I came here more than 430 days ago. Each and everyone of them are logging everyday. They are absolutly fantastic.
  • bettyboop573
    bettyboop573 Posts: 610 Member
    I like to keep a very small list, dont think I will ever come close to 70....I prefer to be able to see what everyone is doing and comment...I wouldnt be able to keep up on the news feeds otherwise lol
  • rocketpants
    rocketpants Posts: 419 Member
    I absolutely like the small friend list. I decline more than 50% of friend requests. Still my list seems to grow larger than I want because there are just to many awesome people on here
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    I go with "Quality" over "Quantity" with my friends list :)

    I adore you! :smile:
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I go with a list of people that can tolerate me.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I absolutely like the small friend list. I decline more than 50% of friend requests.
    He's a sucker for a nice rack....
  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    I have like 150 but I am on here all day so I comment on everyone's stuff and have met alot of great people.
  • WarriorMom2012
    WarriorMom2012 Posts: 621 Member
    I try to keep my list small but it has a mind of it's own and grows all by itself sometimes. If someone doesn't interact and doesn't get my sense of humor, I'll cut them. Sometimes, they cut me which drives me insane but at the same time, I get it. I'm an aquired taste.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I absolutely like the small friend list. I decline more than 50% of friend requests.
    He's a sucker for a nice rack....
    I can see the point.
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    Yes, I decline most who request to add me, for various reasons.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I'm too new to worry about it yet, but I'm guessing I'll get to a point where I'll set a limit. I had a limit of 250 on Facebook and recently took that down to 50. I figured that would reduce my time online by at least 30 minutes a day and I could apply that time to working out.
  • ShazMc73
    ShazMc73 Posts: 106 Member
    My friends list is only 12, of which 3 are people I know in real life. I actually had many more, but would drop people who gave the same feedback to everyone, or just did not interact with me at all; of course I get dropped too by some friends; I suppose those are the collectors or they saw no common connection, but that is all good and part of this process.

    My friends list is probably super lame by MFP cool people standards (joke), but the MFP friends I have here now I would not trade for anything (no joke!!). The first few friends I made here are still going strong and it is so wonderful to see the progress we have all made through our daily encouragement. Always happy to have more friends once we share common goals and approaches to life.

    Again quality over quantity and happily intentional :flowerforyou:
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    I wanted to keep mine small when I first joined. But then I would get a friend request and not really have a justifiable reason to decline. Especially when I asked people to add a message with their request, and their messages were often thoughtful and just looking for help/inspiration. Not everyone wants to actively participate - sometimes inspiration comes from seeing other people's updates in their feed.

    That being said, I do trim my list regularly. I check to see the last time someone has logged in, and if they haven't stated a reason for being absent (I am away on a trip etc), after 30 days I delete the friend. I have also deleted a few for unhealthy behaviors that I could not encourage or support (eating under 800 cals of junk a day, etc.)

    I like to reply and comment on my friends' activity, but it is usually only those I see on the immediate page (or I will click "show more" once or twice) I find it funny that it seems of all the friends I have, I am still most actively involved with the same 10-20 people that I have been since I first logged on.
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    I've INTENDED to have a small friends list - but it's gotten quite copious. But, GD - some people write some absolutely hilarious stuff in their friend request I've just GOTTA give them a shot... who knows who you might be declining!

    Then again - if anyone uses the word STUNNING .... well, that there is a no-go.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I've INTENDED to have a small friends list - but it's gotten quite copious. But, GD - some people write some absolutely hilarious stuff in their friend request I've just GOTTA give them a shot... who knows who you might be declining!

    Then again - if anyone uses the word STUNNING .... well, that there is a no-go.
    EPIC reason!
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    I have about 8 or 9 nine friends, and don't feel embarrassed about it. It's not like I can exchange them for money and buy stuff. I just like to have people with a similar goal of losing weight to be healthy, NOT to be skinny. If I happen to find more people like that, wonderful. If not, then I'm good with the friends I have. Most of them have been with me from my FS days they can see straight through my b.s. and I need that!
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    Holy crap, people actually care about this? I must be so naive as to not judge someone who sends me a friend request. Instead I'm so weird that I'm pleased to make friends and support & celebrate that individual exactly as they are... I LOVE my friends.. the only thing I can't tolerate is judgement! Go figure.
  • RTricia
    RTricia Posts: 720
    I like a large list - but I've chosen the invites to people who I admire or feel like I can relate to.
  • Justien_c
    I'm extra, extra lame! LOL. I have 7 friends on MFP. I know each one personally. For me it is nice to have the community available, but I rely on a core group of friends that have similar goals. I guess it is just comfortable to have a small, close knit group for support. Maybe one day I'll have the time to keep up with a larger group. It's nice to know it is available if I want it.
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    Holy crap, people actually care about this? I must be so naive as to not judge someone who sends me a friend request. Instead I'm so weird that I'm pleased to make friends and support & celebrate that individual exactly as they are... I LOVE my friends.. the only thing I can't tolerate is judgement! Go figure.

    That's what makes you an awesome friend! I can't turn down a request...I feel bad. I do sometimes cut somone who hasn't logged in in over a month. I value all my friends.

    I don't think there's a right or wrong way. We all need to do what works for us!