you experiences with zumba?

to all those out there who use zumba.. how do you rate it?.. is it a good workout? i know i have tried zumba on the wii and quite enjoyed it!!! but saw a DVD exercise kit with toning sticks on amazon... most of the reviews seem fairly good... really tempted to buy it and give it a go... what do you think? could really do with some MFP feedback... thanks


  • angiebabes84
    angiebabes84 Posts: 31 Member
    I dont have the dvd but have been to a few different classes, i think the dvd would be more of a workout, as at the classes, its a little less strenous due to different people with different abilities being there!

    Good luck, it is great fun!
  • Cassi_Eats_Apples
    I love zumba! Its so fun and really makes me sweat!
    I have a dvd and have gone to classes and I have found the dvd to be more of a work out because I'm not chit chatting with my friends. although when out in public I try harder to get the right moves, so I'm not sure which one for me is more of a workout.

    Maybe they are both the same I just don't notice at the class because I'm having so much fun and socializing.
  • 1215ladybug
    I go to my gym for Zumba classes 2 times a week. Both classes are high impact non stop but very enjoyable. Each person in the class has the option to slow down if it gets to intense but the instructor doesn't slow down at all. I think it all depends on the Zumba instructor. Try different classes and different DVDs you'll see that they differ in intesity but the moves should be the same if not similar. Also it's a great calorie burn! Have fun.
  • littlebuddy84
    littlebuddy84 Posts: 1,000 Member
    Zumba classes are excellent and a really good workout
  • gecho
    gecho Posts: 426 Member
    i don't like the zumba on the wii but if i could afford it i would own the one off amazon in a heartbeat!
  • nothingisred
    I'm a complete Zumba addict and it's what made me fall in love with exercise. I love it so much that I've just switched gyms so that I can do 5 classes a week. I put a lot of my weightloss (24lbs so far) down to it.

    I have the wii game and it's good but it's nothing like what you get out of a class (and by now I know all the songs off by heart, so I get a little bored with it!). I currently have the DVD on order so I'm not sure what it's like, I would imagine it will probably be a bit of a better workout than the wii game.

    If you have the opportunity to go to a class please do, especially if you enjoy the wii version. The classes are a much better workout (unless you get a bad instructor; if you don't come out of the class dripping with sweat then find a different instructor!) and usually the atmosphere adds a lot to the workout.
  • ludeo
    ludeo Posts: 75
    i have the first wii game and it works well for me,the only problem is the graphics make it hard to know if your really doing it the right way,but if you get the dvds you wouldnt have this problem. ive borrowed the dvds and its easier to follow than the wii game.
    i also find it hard to go do a diiferent workout after zumba without being extremely sore. and it put heaps of pressure on my knees. you need to find good shoes that helps as well.
  • jomclaren
    Ha Ha >..... I have bought this workout package ... It comes tomorrow .......
    I bought the Wii one too and started it today .... knackered after half an hour and loved it .... so glad to be doing it in my own home until I can manage to move in the right direction .......... Looking forward to the other one tomorrow xx

    Jo x
  • AprilOneFourFour
    AprilOneFourFour Posts: 226 Member
    I have the DVD - I picked it up cheap on ebay. I like it, but glad I didn't pay the shopping channel price. I've not exercised for over a month and it makes me mildly out of breath - probably enough for fat burning. The classes at my gym are much better - more variation in dances and higher impact. There's also the party atmosphere (it's very popular class) that you don't get at home in the living room - well, not mine!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I have lost my weight doing pretty much zumba. Sometimes I run, and I did the shred for a little while, but gave it up. Zumba has been the only thing I've done consistently. I've gone from a US size 14 to a 6.
  • REYNA824
    REYNA824 Posts: 8 Member
    Zumba class is the best....
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I've never done the DVDs - guess it depends on the size of your front room, I'd barely be able to move personally!

    My opinion on classes:
    At its worst - dull and doesn't raise your heartrate at all

    At its best - really good fun and gets you moving fast but not an intense workout.
  • evl1988
    evl1988 Posts: 2 Member
    I've done the Dvds ^.^ I really enjoyed them. It really does feel like you're just dancing around instead of working out especially if you're listening to your own playlist. When I do I can feel it, but I'm having too much fun to realize, however afterwards I'm exhausted haha. As long as when you get the choreography down you don't get bored with it. I tend to do that o.o I used to swear by Turbo Jam, but became very bored after a month of doing it. Other than that, with Zumba you can go hard or take your time, either way you'll get a really good work out. The thing I notice was I'm not so exhausted that I just want to relax the rest of the day. It actually keeps me energized and like I can push myself to do other things. That's just me though, everyone is different. I say you should try it :) since you liked the Wii game and all.

    I hope that helped, good luck!
  • nmitch1689
    nmitch1689 Posts: 22 Member
    I am doing Zumba classes at the YMCA. It's really alot of work but fun. Hopefully I will get better at keeping up with everyone as I do more classes and lose more weight. I would recommend trying it. If you like dancing then you will enjoy it and it beats walking on a treadmill!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    I love Zumba. I burn anywhere from 900-1100 calories in an hour. It works all the muscle groups in your body. I love it so much that I took the training to become and instructor. I am also getting my Gold, Toning and Aqua training for Zumba in the next two weeks. By the way, I have lost 148 pounds doing Zumba.
  • deb62pink
    deb62pink Posts: 84 Member
    Zumba is so much fun, it doesn't feel like you are working really, but at the end of the class it is so satisfying to see how many calories you have burned!! Give it a go, you'll love it I'm sure.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    It's a fantastic workout.
  • whit1108
    I teach a zumba class twice a week and love it!! It's a great workout!! The classes are high impact and You sweat and burn alot of calories. I also have the zumba fit and it is also a great workout. I enjoy the classes better because then im not working out alone. Its more fun to do it with people. I feel I push myself harder when I am in a group class working out... To find out how many calories you burn from doing zumba either on a game or in class you can go to and get the correct amount burned.
  • zumbarachel
    I'm biased since I teach it, but I only teach it because I got so addicted and there weren't any classes when I moved cities, so a friend and I figured we might as well create some :-)

    One thing I would say to people is that if you've been to one class and didn't like it, try others (unless you didn't like the latin music, in which case it's not for you!) As instructors we have so much control over the songs we use, the pace of the class and general way that it's run that one class can feel almost completely different from another. For instance I went to a class at my gym the other day and the instructor had a mic on and talked people through the steps as well as breaking down moves before each song. When I teach, I don't tend to speak - all the instruction is visual and we rattle straight through the hour without stopping. Some classes are fast, some are slower, some do a lot of whooping and "Hey!"ing and some don't - seriously, try a few.

    The only real restrictions are that the class should use a minimum of 70% international dance styles, and the instructor should be listed on If one of those isn't happening, it ain't Zumba. :-)
  • Meglm1117
    I love Zumba. The game on PS3 which I think is the same on Wii was almost not challenging enough for me so I have been doing the Zumba Exhilirate dvd's. I think they are definitely more challenging which I like and still so much fun.