They said WHAT????!!!!!

Did anyone say something to you (good or bad) that motivated you to start your weight loss journey? Or that keeps you going when you want to quit?
I can remember when I was in high school there was a boy I liked :heart: . I FINALLY got the courage to ask him out with the help of my friends being the messengers (give me a break it was HS). He started laughing and said “NO WAY”, my girlfriend said “Well, your loss!” and he replied “Yeah, like a 200lb loss”. :sad: This was over 20 years ago and I can still remember it so clearly!!!!! When there are days I don’t want to work out or I just feel like giving up this comment haunts me… I was just wondering if anyone had a similar situation. I would LOVE to know if anyone had a POSITIVE comment that motivated them rather than a negative.


  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    Did anyone say something to you (good or bad) that motivated you to start your weight loss journey? Or that keeps you going when you want to quit?
    I can remember when I was in high school there was a boy I liked :heart: . I FINALLY got the courage to ask him out with the help of my friends being the messengers (give me a break it was HS). He started laughing and said “NO WAY”, my girlfriend said “Well, your loss!” and he replied “Yeah, like a 200lb loss”. :sad: This was over 20 years ago and I can still remember it so clearly!!!!! When there are days I don’t want to work out or I just feel like giving up this comment haunts me… I was just wondering if anyone had a similar situation. I would LOVE to know if anyone had a POSITIVE comment that motivated them rather than a negative.

    where is he? i will beat him up!
  • rebawagner
    rebawagner Posts: 199 Member
    I should have added that I am over it LOL!!! I just replay it in my head for motivation. I actually need to thank the guy (if I could remember his name) because I am a much healthier person because of him :flowerforyou:
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 599 Member
    My daughter said to me one day... I want a flat mom NOT a FAT mom. That was all it took. I have been working on becoming FLATTER ever since. I tell you 4 year-olds can be mean lol!! But she very possibly saved my life with those words!
  • I had a similar thing happen to me when i was in highschool. My friend asked when said guy and i were getting together. THe guy's response was not ever with that body :(

    It was heartbreaking but the motivation i needed.
  • My grandma passed away in December and so all of my family was together (never happens) and we took some pics (I never let my kids take my pic) and I was like, I don't want to not be in the pics with my kids, how sucky of me to take that from them? Then, my sis-in-law told us she is having WLS. And I was like, ok, this is it. You will be the last fat girl in the family.

    I have been fat forever. Seriously. I lost a lot of weight a couple of years ago, then life sucked again and I gained it and more. Diets have never worked. So now I am here and we are going to Disney World Spring 2013 and I'll be da**ed if I'm not going to be in the pictures then!

    So my moment is pictures...I want to take a family picture and not have to delete it because I'm in it.
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    Bad: Out buying office supplies one day, the young worker (male, early 20's), in attempts to be nice to the customers, asked me when I was expecting. I wasn't. Not even close. I don't think I ever wore that specific shirt again! This happened five or six years ago.

    Good: A few years after I started running, my sister in law (a casual runner for years) told me that my running inspired her to run more. Just a really nice compliment, totally unexpected. She had been an inspiration for ME!

    Good: Got together with some friends from high school (graduated almost 10 years ago). They were athletes then, I was a couch potato. They gushed about how they could not believe that I am a runner now, by choice. They said they were really proud, and surprised.

    I like to remind myself of the "good" comments when I'm having a moment of self doubt. It's a nice reminder to see how far I've come.
    PS. Reading the "bad" comments are heartbreaking :-(
  • chefswife07
    chefswife07 Posts: 58 Member
    I had a very similar thing happen to me my freshman year. I had a crush on this guy for a year prior to entering High School. One day we were walking alone down the hall to art class and he turned to me and said "you are so ugly". I think the worst part was that we were alone, no one was there to impress. And, I actually had been feeling pretty good about myself that day with my new dress on. People can be so cruel!!
  • changling82
    changling82 Posts: 137 Member
    There were a couple of things that spurred me to the right path.

    the first was my daughter. She was looking over my dads shoulder as he searched the internet, and she saw one of those sensa weightloss ads where the cartoon woman is fat and then shrinks. As it was on the fat woman she pointed to it and said "look, it's a mommy". out of the mouths of babes.

    The second:

    I was at my kids daycare for a special occassion. I was all dressed up and feeling fairly good about myself. One of the teachers saw me from the back and called the name Jaime. My name is Danielle : P. Jaime is around the same height as me, but was at least 100 pounds heavier than I was at the time. That was the day that i finally joined the gym and never looked back.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    when i turned 50 i realized life was way more than half over. i asked myself at that point 'what do i want to do with the rest of my life?' one thing was to live again and be healthy so i COULD live the rest of my life. i still have 37lbs to go but ive lost about 80lbs and am finally living my life again. the growth in myself and my life the last two years is what keeps me movtivated to stick this out and reach my goal
  • DawnMarieMomofTwo
    DawnMarieMomofTwo Posts: 186 Member
    my 4 year old son thinks when you become an adult you are supposed to be fat! i want to show him this is not true,

    and just recently my husband told me im never going to loss the weight and i might as well give up.. that is pushes me harder to prove to him I CAN loss the weigh!
  • my 4 year old son thinks when you become an adult you are supposed to be fat! i want to show him this is not true,

    and just recently my husband told me im never going to loss the weight and i might as well give up.. that is pushes me harder to prove to him I CAN loss the weigh!

    My eyes still water when I think about what your husband said to you. Even though I know that it was weeks ago and he doesn't even know that I exist, I still feel the pain! I have a little request though. If you don't mind, please tell your husband that I said thanks. He has inspired me to get to where I want to be with even more spunk in my step! When I want to go get french fries, I think of the words that he spoke to you and I turn away from them! When I don't feel like going to do cardio, I think of those words and I pound the pavement even harder. So please, thank him for me. I am like the incredibly shrinking man because of the words that he spoke into the atmosphere!:) I hope the same goes for you, your husband did us favor....
  • My 5 year old daughter came home from school upset one Day near the end of December. She did not want to tell me why at first (she said it would hurt my feelings) but when I got her to open up about it it turns out one of the little girls on her bus told her her Mommy was fat and needs to stop eating so much sugar. it is one thing for people to look at me differently for my size I will be da**ed if someone is going to treat my children differently!
  • my 8 year old lad just kept calling me fatty..thats all it took for me to want to lose a few pounds.
  • linzirussell
    linzirussell Posts: 116 Member
    my ex boyfriend said the titanic didnt sink till i stepped onto it.
    ahahhahha i can see the funny side now im 100lbs lighter, im glad he said it really or id have never done anything about being so unhealthy lol
  • kylee_marie
    kylee_marie Posts: 299 Member
    i was dress shopping and had to take my son into the dressing room with me at a store. i went to put one on and he said to me "mommy you are too fat to wear that" i told him it wasn't nice to call people fat and he tried to make up for it by telling me i am pretty... i couldn't be mad, he was only 3 but it was definitely motivation!
  • eoney
    eoney Posts: 35
    This is an incredibly motivating thread!

    BTW, 4-year olds ARE brutal...while we were watching tv on the couch, mine asked if she could lay on my tummy because it was softer than the pillow. Ouch.
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I was told 'If you get a body like David Boreanaz you can do anything you want to me'

    well there was an ACME puff of me shaped smoke as i hit the gym
  • chelsea_thatsme
    chelsea_thatsme Posts: 138 Member
    Yes I do! the other day i went shopping with my mom and saw this cute jacket (the last one) that was on sale. it was a little tight but i thought it would be some motivation for me to lose some extra weight. then my mom said you are only losing weight for graduation (which is in june) and then your gonna gain it all back....:O i couldn't believe she said that. but instead of being insulted it motivated me to want to lose weight and maintain it
  • Spinelli2288
    Spinelli2288 Posts: 188 Member
    My mother has never gotten off my back about my weight, even when I was at 140 and LOVING myself. She is a small frame, always been 110 pounds. I am a medium frame, if I weighed even 120 pounds I would look disgusting. Now, my mother is subtle about making jabs, and will outright say something mean from time to time. I hated Christmas and my birthday because of my mother. When I was 8 years old she bought me weights and an instruction book on what work out techniques would flatten your stomach. When I was 9 she bought me work out DVDs and a juicer. When I was 13 she started buying me clothes that I wanted so badly that were two sizes too small, when I asked why she said "because it'll will make you work harder so you could wear them." She still does to this day, the only reason she didn't do that to me this Christmas is because I told her I was starting the HCG diet and to get me a nook card so I could get a couple of HCG cook books. I never heard her so happy when she said "Finally! It's about time you did something about that." Last summer I told her I was looking into the HCG program and she told me "Good, because I don't understand how Rick(my boyfriend) can even be seen with you."

    I'm happy to say that it doesn't bother me anymore. Unfortunately my mother won't be happy unless I weigh 100 pounds, but that's okay. When I get down to 135-140, I'm going to love every moment of it. I'm doing it for ME and no one else.
  • DawnMarieMomofTwo
    DawnMarieMomofTwo Posts: 186 Member
    my 4 year old son thinks when you become an adult you are supposed to be fat! i want to show him this is not true,

    and just recently my husband told me im never going to loss the weight and i might as well give up.. that is pushes me harder to prove to him I CAN loss the weigh!

    My eyes still water when I think about what your husband said to you. Even though I know that it was weeks ago and he doesn't even know that I exist, I still feel the pain! I have a little request though. If you don't mind, please tell your husband that I said thanks. He has inspired me to get to where I want to be with even more spunk in my step! When I want to go get french fries, I think of the words that he spoke to you and I turn away from them! When I don't feel like going to do cardio, I think of those words and I pound the pavement even harder. So please, thank him for me. I am like the incredibly shrinking man because of the words that he spoke into the atmosphere!:) I hope the same goes for you, your husband did us favor....

    you are just a big sweetie i will most certainly tell him from you, and i will show him i can do it!!! it might take time but i will get there!!!