People in ur 20's... Looking for Support?!



  • AbimpyMoschino
    AbimpyMoschino Posts: 30 Member
    I am 24 and a mum to a 10 months old gorgeous boy.. Add me up
  • rwib4
    rwib4 Posts: 2
    Hi! i just started using MFP today, 21, male.
    My goal is to put myself into a healthy weight and (hopefully) pack on muscle as well. But being healthy is the number one priority for me.

    Do add me. I look forward to supporting others and hopefully, it will motivate myself to push forward as well!
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    29 here, almost aging out, but I'm very active and supportive on this site... Also showing the first progress I've had in years! Good stuff!!! :)
  • skump425
    skump425 Posts: 166 Member
    I'm 23, soon to be 24 and looking for some support as well! Feel free to add me!
  • i'm 20 :( can i join lol
  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 177 Member
    Hey everyone! I actually just made a group with this name. I thought it would be a good place to actually post discussions and all become friends on MFP. Just wanted to let you all know!
  • mrsskinny629
    mrsskinny629 Posts: 96 Member
    Hi, I'm 27 .. been on MFP since November, best site, ever! Add me if you'd like :)
  • nattylou90natt
    nattylou90natt Posts: 25 Member
    Hi I'm 21, feel free to add me :) could do with a little more motivation and support :) lol xxx
  • Wow, I'm glad to see all of the new people around my age.

    I'm 24. I've slowly gained about 40 extra pounds after being in a relationship and going through nursing school over the last 6 years.

    My goal is wedding related! But I don't really want to focus on the scale other than to weigh in. Add me and we can chat!
  • Hi I'm 20 and have a few more months till the big 2-1! I'm looking to lose +/- 70 lbs and keep it off especially with the whole bar scene ha!
  • nattylou90natt
    nattylou90natt Posts: 25 Member
    Wow, I'm glad to see all of the new people around my age.

    I'm 24. I've slowly gained about 40 extra pounds after being in a relationship and going through nursing school over the last 6 years.

    My goal is wedding related! But I don't really want to focus on the scale other than to weigh in. Add me and we can chat!
    Iv just done my 3 year nursing course too and gained weight ! Those long shifts dont help for snacking haha!
  • Legally_Natural
    Legally_Natural Posts: 101 Member
    26 here...add me if you like!
  • yes that would be good than you:drinker:
  • Wow, I'm glad to see all of the new people around my age.

    I'm 24. I've slowly gained about 40 extra pounds after being in a relationship and going through nursing school over the last 6 years.

    My goal is wedding related! But I don't really want to focus on the scale other than to weigh in. Add me and we can chat!
    Iv just done my 3 year nursing course too and gained weight ! Those long shifts dont help for snacking haha!

    The worst is whenever I'd be on a floor that had a great relationship with the dietary team. They would give them brownies, cookies, sandwiches, whatever. It was hard not to stress eat! I sent you a request :)
  • I'm 25 :-))
  • just joined a couple days ago. I'm 22. add me if you wish!!
  • I'm 28 and I'm always down for supporting others/receiving support!
  • Abalicious11
    Abalicious11 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 21 and would Love love some more support :)
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    I just left the "20s" crowd this past year. However, i'm happy to show support and help motivate whoever would like some. :happy:
  • I'm 25 (almost 26). Looking to get in shape for my June wedding. Really struggling with consistency of eating right and working out.