I <3 MFP but really, is this nastiness necessary?



  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    calling somebody an asshat isn't constructive criticism? This makes me sad :cry:
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I agree.. I dont see why people have to be so nasty. I guess its a crime to ask for help, or have an opinion now days. But sometimes, your opinion is best if kept quiet. Somethings just shouldn't be said. If you want respect you need to be respectful. But then again, you best respect yourself first. Everyone struggles in their own way, and may not know as much as they want, thats what were here for. to help others out. not degrade them or make them feel worse than they already do.
  • tataliciousd89
    I hate everyone. Hopefully the zombie apocalypse will come soon so I can start shooting.
    :laugh: Yes! I think I love you.
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I guess I'm just wondering how someone writing a post about how people should be less mean, will change anything? I mean... it's not like some "bully" is going to be like, "omg... I am totally who this post is about. omg. I am a meanie mean pants. I need to change." Telling someone to smarten up and change their behavior isn't going to be met with change very often... if at all.
    Would it be better to do nothing at all? I don't think so.
    I would rather make the effort and possibly not get results than do nothing and guarantee no results.

    Hmm... Well it would be nice if it was so cut and dry, but it isn't. Posting something like this often makes matters worse, not better. But whatever, you've made your peace and now we can all go back to the way it was...
  • JJhoney
    JJhoney Posts: 29
    this is why i love the new "ignore" feature. i know of several ppl on here who i cannot STAND, due to personality conflict. i'm sure that, to ppl who don't clash with them, they are perfectly nice individuals. that doesn't mean i have to like them. and now, i don't have to even see them on here.

    basically though, don't be a d!ck. ignore the ppl you don't like and this site gets a LOT cooler. and it was pretty up on that scale anyway.

    This is the most important thing that will be said in this thread, most likely.

    Don't like someone? Put them on ignore. You don't even need a good reason. Just set them to ignore and you never have to hear from them again.

    OR you can start threads when someone is saying something you don't think they should, like you're their mother. Basically exacerbating the problem. Nobody likes to be told how they should behave by a stranger.

    So why not just put people you don't like on ignore as opposed to starting threads calling them out to increase the drama? Hmm?

    Lay down and just let me pet you, love.

  • KMSForLife
    that this forum is drier than a popcorn fart.

    I don't care who you are - that was funny :laugh:
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I hate everyone. Hopefully the zombie apocalypse will come soon so I can start shooting.
    I am SO READY.
  • AlSalzman
    AlSalzman Posts: 296 Member
    Someone has a blue waffle as their profile pic.


  • samatalma
    samatalma Posts: 197
    I have to agree with everyone else.
    Clearly, you've never been anywhere else on the internet.
    Go spend some time on the Babycenter forums if you think what you've read here is nasty then come back and we'll talk.
  • I don't even post very often because I find the responses so nasty, sarcastic and sometimes just cruel. Also why I don't have a profile pic, I wasn't even going to post now because I figured I'd just be opening myself up to the cruel but I'm a member of a number of online forums and none are as cruel or judgmental as this one. Perhaps I've just been lucky with what I've found. I enjoy MFP for the close friends I know in real life who are also here and the food logging. I scan through forums looking for tips, strategies and inspiration but most of the time I just lurk and get disappointed with all the nastiness.

    So to the OP - I agree completely!
  • recriger
    recriger Posts: 245 Member
    Well, when a bunch of fat people don't get their cookies and sweets they tend to become nasty. Just personal experience


    I didn't bother to read all this. Fat people can eat more than cookies and sweets. This people can not eat cookies.
    OP should know better, than to eat cookies!

    I can hold back no longer! if you take the above statement and post it right next to the Zombi apocalypse string it starts to remind me of a conversation I overheard a few weeks back. the wife and I were out on the town for our "date night" and stopped at a restaurant/bar for a few drinks. I heard a group of friends down the bar from us having a lively conversation. The only part I could make out clearly was

    "You know scrawny boy, when the S#*& hits the fan in this country and all esential services are broken, my fat *kitten* will will be alive just long enough to look at your skinny, starved, dead carcass...and eat you.."

    Sorry, couldn't help it. :laugh: :laugh: :noway: :laugh:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    And this is why Cory is one of my favoritest people on here!

    Yes, it is way friendlier than a lot of other forums out there. And I know damn well how therapeutic it can be to be snarky behind someone's back because I admin my own forum, with a private "behind the scenes" forum for admin and mods and a lot of frustrations get vented in there. And I'm sure private messages have always been swapped about this one or that one getting on so and so's nerves.

    But not all forums/ communities have walls like we have here. I've seen the same thing, where one person on my friend's list doesn't like another, and it is a bit uncomfortable. For the most part, I just stay out of it, because I don't want to be the person who gets caught being two faced. :laugh: That, and there's been very few people here who've annoyed me to the point where I'd actually say something bad about them.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    this is why i love the new "ignore" feature. i know of several ppl on here who i cannot STAND, due to personality conflict. i'm sure that, to ppl who don't clash with them, they are perfectly nice individuals. that doesn't mean i have to like them. and now, i don't have to even see them on here.

    basically though, don't be a d!ck. ignore the ppl you don't like and this site gets a LOT cooler. and it was pretty up on that scale anyway.

    Nice! I wish they'd make an ignore feature for Pinterest, too...

    Can't you just unfollow?
  • emy10284
    emy10284 Posts: 171 Member
    I love all the "POOR ME THERES BULLIES HERE" threads.

    srsly, have you EVER been anywhere else on the net? At least no one told you to kill yourself today

    thank you very much finally someone said it !!!

    (im being seriously btw )
  • AlSalzman
    AlSalzman Posts: 296 Member
    A forum I frequent is partial to "Piss in your mouth and throw yourself down a flight of stairs."

    That particular forum is inhabited by a guy that posts under the disguise of Dr. Phil McGraw... he'll jump into a thread where someone is whining and start out giving sensitive advice, gradually earn their trust, then work his way up to encouraging them to drop a can of green beans into a hiking sock and spin it in a circle until it hits them in the face as punishment for them being a sad sack. He told a chick that she should dive out of a moving car into a telephone pole because she worked at Taco Bell and would never move out of her parents basement.

    This place is Disneyland compared to the rest of the 'net.

    My $0.02 would be to forget about changing the *kitten* ('cuz you can't. Ever.)... when a post gets your goat, look at it and ask yourself "What about that post pissed me off, and why? Is that pushing my buttons 'cuz part of that rings true with me?" Aaaaand then you ask yourself what you're doing about fixing it.

    Or just tell the next person that's mean to go eat glass and die in a fire.
  • PepeGreggerton
    PepeGreggerton Posts: 986 Member
    A forum I frequent is partial to "Piss in your mouth and throw yourself down a flight of stairs."

    That particular forum is inhabited by a guy that posts under the disguise of Dr. Phil McGraw... he'll jump into a thread where someone is whining and start out giving sensitive advice, gradually earn their trust, then work his way up to encouraging them to drop a can of green beans into a hiking sock and spin it in a circle until it hits them in the face as punishment for them being a sad sack. He told a chick that she should dive out of a moving car into a telephone pole because she worked at Taco Bell and would never move out of her parents basement.

    This place is Disneyland compared to the rest of the 'net.

    My $0.02 would be to forget about changing the *kitten* ('cuz you can't. Ever.)... when a post gets your goat, look at it and ask yourself "What about that post pissed me off, and why? Is that pushing my buttons 'cuz part of that rings true with me?" Aaaaand then you ask yourself what you're doing about fixing it.

    Or just tell the next person that's mean to go eat glass and die in a fire.

    lol awesome
  • LaComadreja14
    LaComadreja14 Posts: 277 Member
    Generally, I only open posts like this because they're good to read when I feel like I've missed some big drama-party that might make a rule change or highlight a rule I was previously unaware of.. I also don't generally reply because I feel like any replies only perpetuate the drama.
    However, I felt compelled to reply to yours because I have to say I love this statement right here:
    "Instead of calling people ego-maniacal, self-centered, self-righteous, ignorant, etc., why not offer CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. You could offer helpful feedback on things they have said, or correct ignorant assumptions with your own research-based opinions, or just simply bite your tongue."

    When I first started using internet forums, I made a few posts like this and I said stuff like statement above, however I have to admit that you definitely expressed the entire sentiment more elloquently than I think I ever have.

    Kudos, hopefully one day people will listen :)
  • missfluffyuk
    Honestly, of all the internet forums I've frequented, this has got to be the nicest.
    Whether that's the strict moderation, or people are generally nicer here I don't know.
    I agree. Visit 4chan or even reddit for that matter.

    On 4chan, everybody knows they aren't being taken seriously. That's why they act the way they do. However, I've seen some truly heartwarming things come from Anon.
  • juliesauber13
    A forum I frequent is partial to "Piss in your mouth and throw yourself down a flight of stairs."

    That particular forum is inhabited by a guy that posts under the disguise of Dr. Phil McGraw... he'll jump into a thread where someone is whining and start out giving sensitive advice, gradually earn their trust, then work his way up to encouraging them to drop a can of green beans into a hiking sock and spin it in a circle until it hits them in the face as punishment for them being a sad sack. He told a chick that she should dive out of a moving car into a telephone pole because she worked at Taco Bell and would never move out of her parents basement.

    This place is Disneyland compared to the rest of the 'net.

    My $0.02 would be to forget about changing the *kitten* ('cuz you can't. Ever.)... when a post gets your goat, look at it and ask yourself "What about that post pissed me off, and why? Is that pushing my buttons 'cuz part of that rings true with me?" Aaaaand then you ask yourself what you're doing about fixing it.

    Or just tell the next person that's mean to go eat glass and die in a fire.

    1. You are spot on with your insight that everyone has certain things that resonate (in good and bad ways) with them because of their own issues. Forums like these (and the much gnarlier ones) can be a great place to find out what our triggers are...and what patterns or behaviors or beliefs we might be holding on to that we aren't even acknowledging. And like you said, we can use those posts and opinions that get us bent out of shape to look at what we'd like to change in *ourselves* (the only people we can completely change, afterall). Excellent points.

    That being said,

    2. I wonder what the hell happened to that Dr.PhilMcGraw dude, that compels him to sucker punch people online. I would love to analyze him.

    3. Yeah, I'm a psychologist. Sorry for all the jargon.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    People name call when they've nothing constructive to say, and their huge egos are bruised.
    I ignore it and just pity such miserable people.