HELP ... what alcohol to drink when dieting ?



  • lorabaybai
    emma this post is hilarious!! clearly she has NO problem .. she asked a question whats an alternitive .. wanting suggestions .. just like we all want alternitives to bad foods which arent good for you but we all enjoyed. . some people need to chill jeeeeeez...
  • Destinie589

    So, do you think a little heroine for an addict would be okay? Ya know, giving them a little slack?

    If alcohol is a problem, listen folks, it is a problem. If you can not give it up, then IT IS A PROBLEM!

    YES!! I WOULD give "heroine" to a junky. It would be nice to have a woman of distinguished courage on their side.

    :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh:
  • dukes418
    dukes418 Posts: 207 Member
    If you must, red wine is actually good. Top shelf alcohol (vodka) with club soda (not tonic water) instead of juices. You can always do a Shirley Temple if you have to have something in your hand also...
  • GabyG69
    GabyG69 Posts: 213
    I've heard that vodka and cranberry juice is good..
  • Ambamm77

    Actually this thread has been AMAZING!!! So far I have had several people message me and a few people that are currently new to recovery that were slobbering over this post at the thought of having some alcohol. My comments snapped them back to reality.

    So thanks for this.

    Not saying you aren't helping some people but I dont think it's fair for you to automatically jump to a person has a drinking problem. I enjoy a drink occassionally and was wondering the same thing. If reading a post makes some start slobbering then they do have a problem and do need help. If they are just asking a question that does not equate to they have a problem.

    Exactly, and I did not accuse her of having a problem, I said if you can not imagine living with out alcohol then it is a problem. If you go all day and are depressed because you can not have alcohol it is a problem. I did not accuse anyone of having a problem.

    See, the thing is, if my answers are upsetting people thats their business, not mine.

    It's certainly an insinuation.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    Easy Answer - the non-alcoholic type of alcohol. No calories - Really...
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    I'm sure the OP wasn't expecting to be branded as having a drinking problem... this site is for advice right?

    Also, it's NOT alcoholics anonymous... so certain folk should keep their day job away from dieting and fitness forums.

    In response to the OP I'd go with what others say... stick to clear spirits and diet mixers. Maybe wine if you've had a really good workout week.
  • Julianne1222
    Julianne1222 Posts: 4 Member
    vodka/diet coke with a lime. One shot of vodka only has about 100 calories!
  • solpwr
    solpwr Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hard liquor over wine, Wine over beer.
    Diet coke over regular coke, and soda water over tonic for mixers.
    Gin martini, extra dry, extra cold, shaken. Most bang for the fewest calories. Then drink soda water with a lime wedge. When you're ready, have another martini.
  • sharrrina
    sharrrina Posts: 37 Member
    Vodka, rum & DC are best for me. I do love craft beers though so they are pretty high in calories as well as carbs so sometimes I go over and others I'm able to fit them in. I agree, you don't have to give up everything to still be healthy and have an enjoyable life!
  • lorabaybai

    Also, it's NOT alcoholics anonymous... so certain folk should keep their day job away from dieting and fitness forums.

  • sharrrina
    sharrrina Posts: 37 Member
    Hard liquor over wine, Wine over beer.
    Diet coke over regular coke, and soda water over tonic for mixers.
    Gin martini, extra dry, extra cold, shaken. Most bang for the fewest calories. Then drink soda water with a lime wedge. When you're ready, have another martini.

  • LBachynsky
    Before New Years Eve, I was drinking every Thursday, Friday and Saturday. gave it up for the diet which I started after a big New Years bash all my friends were attending. I had been moderately watching my calories and moderately exercising all of 2011 and hadn't lost a single pound. I only maintained my weight. I was convinced it was the alcohol.

    Now I'm working extra hard at the nutrition and exercise and haven't touched a drop of alcohol. I have a few exceptions - I WILL drink on St. Patty's day, my birthday, and at the Chili Feed (biker rally in Wisconsin), and of course, during the holidays.

    Here's something I read yesterday that reinforces my decision to stop drinking:

    "When the body is focused on processing alcohol, it is not able to properly break down foods containing carbohydrates and fat. Therefore, these calories are converted into body fat and are carried away for permanent storage on your body."

    Let me say that again.

    *****These calories are converted into body fat and are carried away for permanent STORAGE on your body.*****

    Then they went on to explain:

    "When you drink alcohol, it’s broken down into acetate (basically vinegar), which the body will burn before any other calorie you’ve consumed or stored, including fat or even sugar. So if you drink and consume more calories than you need, you’re more likely to store the fat from the Cheez Whiz you ate and the sugar from the Coke you drank because your body is getting all its energy from the acetate in the beer you sucked down. Further, studies show that alcohol temporarily inhibits “lipid oxidation”— in other words, when alcohol is in your system, it’s harder for your body to burn fat that’s already there. "

    Maybe it is better to drink on a empty stomach? :drinker:
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member

    Actually this thread has been AMAZING!!! So far I have had several people message me and a few people that are currently new to recovery that were slobbering over this post at the thought of having some alcohol. My comments snapped them back to reality.

    So thanks for this.

    Not saying you aren't helping some people but I dont think it's fair for you to automatically jump to a person has a drinking problem. I enjoy a drink occassionally and was wondering the same thing. If reading a post makes some start slobbering then they do have a problem and do need help. If they are just asking a question that does not equate to they have a problem.

    Exactly, and I did not accuse her of having a problem, I said if you can not imagine living with out alcohol then it is a problem. If you go all day and are depressed because you can not have alcohol it is a problem. I did not accuse anyone of having a problem.

    See, the thing is, if my answers are upsetting people thats their business, not mine.

    It's certainly an insinuation.

    MMM, yeah, still not caring that people are upset that I say that if you have a problem not drinking, it is a problem. Trust me, work with recovering alcoholics and see where it has taken them and what it has done, you may just change your mind about thinking I am insulting people.

    The issue is alcohol and dieting, its best if it is given up, that was the answer to the question.

    People that can take it or leave it, and drink in moderation, well that is not a problem. Its when it is a problem that it is a problem.

    Alcoholics are not the people you pass by that are living on the streets. The people I work with are business women, housewives, actresses, teachers, you name it. There is no shame in it. People are born with the disease, it is not a chosen path.
  • stephenatl09
    stephenatl09 Posts: 186 Member
    Absolute Vanilla Vodka & diet coke...per MFP database 60 cals for 1 oz. :drinker:
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    Im a fan of vodka soda with a little splash of cranberry but it's also a lot about moderation...6-7 of anything will be counterproductive...

    just a lil sn: the OP said she would like to continue to calculate it into her lifestyle...while going cold turkey is certainly the healthier choice, it's not what she asked. if you choose not to drink, more power to ya, but the question here is what can she drink to help her work towards her goal. why respond if you dont really give her an answer that relates to her question?
  • Atarahh
    Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
    DONT drink at all if you can truly help it! But restaurants like TGI Fridays have the "Skinny" drinks nowadays. They don't taste nearly as good, definitely lose taste, taste very sugar free, but the alcohol is there.

    But when I go out, I will get tonic water with some fruit like cherries in it to feel cute on the bar. Or even seltzer water, which is calorie free. The tonic water is basically soda-like, but only 90 cal a serving. Definitely healthier than your average sugared down cocktail.

    In liquor stores they have a brand of liquor called Skinny something I can't remember. Also, anything that is sparkling will always be more calorie friendly. Like the Verdi sparklers are great. Load up on water and try to stay under 3 drinks/episode.
  • Linda916
    Linda916 Posts: 124 Member
    My husband and I just tried the Budweiser 55 (has only 55 calories per bottle!) and it was good to me. NOT a gourmet frou-frou beer but it went nice with the football muchies. I remember on Biggest Loser, Jillian allowed 2 cocktails. The choice was vodka or tequila for the liquor and they could have either seltzer or water. and then a twist or squeeze of lemon or lime.
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
  • Jam5021
    i go out alot and i would rather find a healthy alternative rather than give it up helpppp?
    A glass of red wine a few nights per week is all I bib.

    If you're one of those heavy drinker types who can't live without a semi-weekly buzz, oh well.
    Your ability to reach goals will be inhibited, because it's a lot of wasted calories that can only come from one source: nutritious foods your body needs.

    Now might be a good time to re-evaluate your drinking habits.

    I raise my glass of water to him! He is right on target. Get your buzz from exercise endorphins and a good laugh watching your friends get drunk. Be the DD! :smile:

    I understand the enthusiasm but it;s not a reality. Extremes in either direction are not sustainable.