Atkins induction?



  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member
    Ill be honest I had a doc ms-diagnose me and had me on the first wave of Atkins for 6 months and didn't want me to go off it... unlimited meats/eggs/cheese and 20 carbs a day from veggies ONLY

    I'm sorry to say, but this would NOT be Atkins....Atkins is not unlimited meats, eggs and cheese and it is not 20 carbs from veggies a day. Please do your homework and refer to the Atkins main site before stating information not to be true. Atkins is not a high protein diet, it a a diet of higher healthy fats. In other words, you should be getting 60-65% of healthy fats in from coconut oil, olive oils, etc....fats in butter, meats etc also are allowed. Fat satiates hunger on ones body and therefore curtails the need to eat. Carbs should come from total carbs subtracting the fiber and sugars therefore giving you the Net Carbs for that food item. You should be eating at least 15 Net Carbs a day and NOT just carbs which would give you LESS of that food item.

    Atkins recomends women eat 1500-1800 calories a day and more if working should eat over 2000 calories a day. So broken down, your nutrients would look like this: Fats-60-65 a day, Protein 30-35% a day and carbs approximately 10% a day. You should also get in your needed amount of water intake and take vitamins such as Omega 3's, Fish Oils, etc.

    please research where more and more studies are showing that low carb diets are helping both children and adults with seizure issues (epilepsy) due to the fact they eliminate sugar, gluten, and yes even wheat from the diets of these people. Please read the book "Wheat Belly" and how dangerous it is for our affects arthritis and other ailments within out bodies.

    If you were geared for a heart attack, there must have been another issues involved besides Atkins, which you were not doing please do not blame the diet if you don't have the facts on the eating plan. I am in the health field, more and more Cardiologist are now beginning to suggest people follow a low carb diet as well as DR. who have many diabetic patients which Dr. Atkins tried to help many years ago.

    I don't pot much here but I do read and I just wish people would state the facts or not do so at all without truly having info to back up their statements. Going to the Atkins main page, you can find/read all the factual documentation needed to work this plan. it's healthy and it does far as gaining weight back...YOU gain weight back on any plan, including WW if you go off it and back to old habits. Please review the Lessons review section at the Atkins site to understand the plan. I have LCarbed for 10 yrs and I feel great and my numbers are good....I am not a candidate for a heart attack and I eat tons of bacon everyday!
  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member
    The above should state 15 NC coming from veggies and the remainder coming from other foods with a total of approximately 20 carns including your NC
  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member
    someone up above also asked about not eating meat....yes, Atkins has a vegetarian plan that is LC. Please visit their site or buy the book from Walmart, under$10 and read for more info.
  • TNoire
    TNoire Posts: 642 Member
    well she called it Atkin's when she had me on it

    though that was few years back also, I learned what I know from my docs now and myself and others :)
  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member
    The main thing is you are eating healthy and found a plan that works for you...we all acclimate to different types of plans.. Many are happy with WW and many with SB and others Paleo/Primal. Also hope your health issues have resolved and you overall feel better with your lifestyle :) That's all of our main goal...Happy New Year!
  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member
    I also meant to say great job on your weight loss.....and I love BLoser also....looking forward to the new season!
  • cmthorsness
    cmthorsness Posts: 83 Member

    Alot if yummy looking recipes on here also has quite a few induction recipes tooo..
  • cmthorsness
    cmthorsness Posts: 83 Member
    Low Carb BUNUELOS
    (Tastes like Cinnamon Twists at Taco Bell)

    1 oz pork rinds
    1 packet of Splenda
    1/4 tsp cinnamon
    2 tsp. butter (melted)

    Melt the butter in microwave and add the splenda & cinnamon. Drizzle over pork rinds. You can even pop the whole thing in the microwave for a warm treat!
    Add more cinnamon or splenda if you like. If you let them cool for a while the mixture sort of hardens on them! Yum!
  • cmthorsness
    cmthorsness Posts: 83 Member

    Yummmy Trying this tomorrow, thinkin my teenage boys will love it!
  • Cracklinrose5
    Cracklinrose5 Posts: 35 Member
    I love Linda's site...I refer back to it all the time!
  • enusker
    enusker Posts: 11 Member
    Can you go into katosis/ stay in katosis if you go slightly over your carb count during induction? Say like less than 25 carbs but more than 20 carbs?
  • gorgonaki
    gorgonaki Posts: 11 Member
    Hey Guys,

    I started atkins again after being on it from June-October and lost 35 pounds without exercising. Now I am back on induction and hope to lose at least 40 pounds more.

    I like atkins because I am not hungry all the time and get to eat the things I like!
  • gorgonaki
    gorgonaki Posts: 11 Member
    HI rsouthland,

    You are doing great! The exercise will be an added plus.

    Take care
  • econut2000
    econut2000 Posts: 395 Member
    I did Atkins about 10 years ago and stayed on induction for 6 months! My body hates carbs so I struggled adding in additional carbs. But you can see I am now back to needing to lose a large amount of weight. I just couldn't stick to it. If you can make it a lifestyle, then I say go for it! I did manage to lose about 65lbs in about a year. The first few days are the WORST! You're grumpy and lethargic. I recommend if you go below 20gms you do it starting on a Friday. You should feel better by Monday. Or whatever your schedule allows. You need those 3 days! I'm now on a lower-carb Mediteranean diet and I'm hoping it works! So far so good :-)

    Good luck!!! :-)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
  • MistyGo
    MistyGo Posts: 7 Member
    try quiona as a replacement for anything you would have with rice or pasta
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    I did the induction phase. I dropped 7 lbs (all water), but I also had headaches, chest pains, and fatigue.

    I, since, went back to all the lovely carbs (simple and complex) my body loved and promised it never to put her through such trauma again.
  • CloneSN
    CloneSN Posts: 42 Member
    Atkins seems to work for me as well. It was great reading all of these posts. I'm still not sure exactly what i am going to do from here on though. I know one thing for sure, i'm staying away from breads, pastas, cereals, and oatmeal, which leaves me with meats for breakfast, but i'm all good with meats, fruits, and veggies for the rest of the day. I'm also going to stick under my cal limit with MFP, so i'm hoping for the right results for me.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I am on day three of Atkins Induction...seem to be doing pretty well. First time for Atkins..I did South beach a few years ago but mainly to maintain. I kind do low carb anyway. I have put on extra pounds becasue of the holidays, not watching what I was eating and not exercsing due ot chronic fatigue. I am slowly doing better, but need to get back to it. Hopeing this will jump start me. I have a problem with sugars anyway. I do so much better and always have when I reduce my sugar intake. So hopefully this will work!!

    Have a happy healthy day!!!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hey guys

    I recently discovered that low carb dieting is really the best method of weight loss for me. I kinda got serious about this idea a little before Christmas but am now starting it now christmas has passed. I am starting the very low carb plan today.

    What have your experience on the Atkins induction phase? How long did you do it for and how much weight did you lose? I am tempted to do the induction but I don't know if it will be feasible to stay under 20grams of carbs a day...that does sound very intense.

    When i eat carbs from green veggies I do feel so much better, I really don't NEED white carbs and sugar in my diet , but I do crave them horribly. Whenever I start eating these kinds of things I compulsively eat, out of habit.

    Any thoughts?



    When I did Atkins back in 2003, I stayed in Induction for about 2 months (8 weeks) before I moved on to Phase 2, Ongoing weight loss. That is they point where I started getting bored.

    I lost almost 100 pounds in 6 months time frame and never felt better.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend for support and encouragement.

    As far as the cravings...................they pass. Up your fat intake a bit more and drink more water. Those will help with the cravings.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Try low carb snacks such as breyers low carb ice-cream, sugar free candy when you have these cravings.

    Nooooooooooooooooo, the idea is to purge your body of the cravings..............not keep feeding them.

    The only way to get rid of those cravings is to stay away from the things you crave.

    The cravings go. If the cravings are that bad, get some L-Glutamine - it will help to stop the cravings.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member

    All great fps and advice guys..thanks! Think we should start an atkins forum or something to post good recipes and motivation!

    I am like you, I have uyet to remain lower than 20 grams of carbs. It is so frustrating! I usually am between 40-50, trying to cut down day by day and experimenting with foods right now until I cut down to 20 and hoping to remain on that for a good few weeks until I can lose my first initial 15 lbs. Eeeeeek. Wish I had more will power! I am terrible.

    There is an Atkins group, search for it in the groups.
  • Remember that a good portion of the weight is water and glycogen loss at first. Do not mix it up with fat
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Please anyone who is doing or thinking of doing this, please message me and tell me what foods to avoid and eat. I tried to google it but got no where. Thanks

    Go to the Atkins website and print out information on Phase 1.
  • Try low carb snacks such as breyers low carb ice-cream, sugar free candy when you have these cravings.

    Nooooooooooooooooo, the idea is to purge your body of the cravings..............not keep feeding them.

    The only way to get rid of those cravings is to stay away from the things you crave.

    The cravings go. If the cravings are that bad, get some L-Glutamine - it will help to stop the cravings.

    Completely agree with that. Have to rid yourself off the cravings, not satisfy them temporarily with chemicals that cause diarrhea and bloating if consumed too much xD
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Remember that a good portion of the weight is water and glycogen loss at first. Do not mix it up with fat

    Only for the first couple of days and water weight is lost with any eating plan............

    That is why even people doing the calorie counting thing see big losses for the first week or 2. It is water weight also.

    Once ketosis is induced, it is all fat burning from there.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Ill be honest I had a doc ms-diagnose me and had me on the first wave of Atkins for 6 months and didn't want me to go off it... unlimited meats/eggs/cheese and 20 carbs a day from veggies ONLY

    in those 6 months my cholesterol, fat, sugars etc levels went out of control when I finally went to another doctor I was weeks away from having a heart attack

    What I learned its not the best cause you start putting grains and stuff back into your body the weight can come back FASTER and HEAVIER then before

    From experience I learned this

    females no less than 1200 cals a day
    males no less than 1800 cals a day


    if you eat less your body goes into starvation mode which causes it to store which causes weight gain

    3500 burned cals = loss on 1lb of fat
    3500 cals = 1lb of fat put on

    low carb is key my dietitian says 150 or less per day is a pretty good amount =)

    Don't call it a diet just be wise on what you put into your body and treat yourself when you meet your goals

    lean meats, red meat and taters 3-4 times in a 2 week period, whole grains keep you fuller longer, heavier meals in the morning, sodium no more than 2400mg a day, fresh fruit and veggies, don't drink you calories, 8+ glasses of water a day, stay away from junk food/fast food/processed food, treat it when you meet your goals, don't eat the samethings daily or do the same workouts or your body will plateau

    but i learned all this when I gained 195lbs from quitting smoking, got on track with healthy eating and workouts and lost 156lbs in 19 months (put some back on with stress of buying/selling houses) but back on track now =)

    you can do it! promise!

    I don't know what the Dr had you on, but it was NOT Atkins.
  • Remember that a good portion of the weight is water and glycogen loss at first. Do not mix it up with fat

    Only for the first couple of days and water weight is lost with any eating plan............

    That is why even people doing the calorie counting thing see big losses for the first week or 2. It is water weight also.

    Once ketosis is induced, it is all fat burning from there.

    Well that is what I meant by at first :] I did low low carb for a couple of weeks and dropped 10 pounds, some people might get the idea that it is 100% fat ya know? Just don't want to get that mixed up ^-^
  • im ending week one and im loving it im never hungry and following it exactly as in the book! eating all the veggies i can and getting in my water intake the choco shakes and peanut butter cups (got them at wal mart) ARE AMAZINGLY DELICIOUS!!!! iv been low carb-ing IT KIND OF for over a year and lost 40lbs last year but stepped off for about 7 months i did gain 12 pounds back but im back on track and really feel this is the life for me :) it gets easier and if u cook ur food and really learn how to create foods its not hard at all if ur starving then u need to really see what ur eating and wasting carbs on.... GOOD LUCK
  • First of all, please don't listen to anyone who is voicing their opinion but doesn't know what THE REAL ATKINS DIET consists of.

    It is really the only way that I do well dieting. I'm the girl who can't limit myself to normal portions of sweets and carbs... It's like crack to me. For me, the easiest thing to do is cut them out completely.

    I lost 10 pounds on my 14 day induction. I'm currently in the OWL phase. I encourage you to really find out how to do atkins, and stick to the allowable foods lists. Don't try to cheat yourself and add in other foods that aren't approved. 2 weeks isn't long to sacrifice.

    Now that I do Atkins, I eat WAY healthier than I would calorie restriction alone, and I typically stay between 1,200-1,400 calories per day inadvertently b/c of the healthier foods. In owl, I'm now enjoying nuts and fresh berries, along with my low-starch vegetables and meats.

    I say GO FOR IT! But remember, if you don't keep with it long-term, you'll likely gain a good portion of weight back.
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