pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
Has anyone here tried it? What did you think about it and would you do it again just to lose pounds quickly?


  • didn't last a day too hungry
  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    The problem with stuff like that is that you lose lots of weight, and as soon as you start eating again you start gaining it back. I would go natural if at all possible.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I think we need to be clear on these cleanse things.......if you cleanse your poopidy doopidy....good for have clean pipes... You may see significant pounds off on the scale, but this does not effect the way your clothes fit, your size and more importantly your health......I thought about doing it myself, but you know what....who cares what the scale says after the poop goes out the shoot if I am still a fricken size 18??????? Just my thoughts. :ohwell:
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I think we need to be clear on these cleanse things.......if you cleanse your poopidy doopidy....good for have clean pipes... You may see significant pounds off on the scale, but this does not effect the way your clothes fit, your size and more importantly your health......I thought about doing it myself, but you know what....who cares what the scale says after the poop goes out the shoot if I am still a fricken size 18??????? Just my thoughts. :ohwell:

    lol @ poopidy doopidy

    I tried it last July from a recommendation of a friend for cleansing of my insides, getting rid of toxins, etc. and after 10 days of no solids, (TMI COMING) I was still poopidy doopidy so I felt great that it was cleaning out all that old garbage stuck to my colon and I lost 11 lbs in 10 days and went from a size 12 to a size 8. The weight loss that came along with the cleansing, it was great but the main purpose was to rid myself of this sluggish feeling that I had all the time and extra weight from...well...basically old poop. Yep and the weight ALLL CAME BACK!

    Just wondering if others have tried this and what they thought.
  • sassiebritches- you just cracked me up!!!! :laugh:
  • dachinababe
    dachinababe Posts: 185
    I would not recommended, your body is a fine toned machine it doesn't need this kind of drastic cleanse. I tried almost all of the cleanse out there. Even water fasting for a few weeks, but it ended up hurting me more than benefit me. If you really want to do cleanse,do raw food cleanse because raw fruits and vegetables have calories that can fuel you while enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that boost energy and promote overall health. Even though Mater Cleanse is not recommended a cup of warm lemon juice water in the morning helps the bow movement and refreshing.
    Source: Personal Experience/Minor in Nutrition
  • sandif1
    sandif1 Posts: 28
    I started that cleansing today. I do not feel hungry at all. There was a discussion about it on "The Doctors" today. They stated that it was safe to do it for 3-4 days because you receive all of your nutrients from the molasses except protein and we need protein. Any more days than that you will put your body in starvation mode and we all know that is not good. I will continue to do this for 2 more days and let you know the outcome.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I did it in January for about 10 days. I did however eat a lite dinner. (wife made me so I did it to... well you get it). I did it as a cleanse to move into weight watchers and I lost about 10 lbs. Did it come back, nope, I've since lost an additional 35 lbs. A total of 45 lbs. The thing is this. If you do it an drop 10, 12 or ever 100 lbs and then go back to eating they way you use to it will all come back. Try not to think about it as a diet, it's a life style change. A newer healthier way to live. You will be happy with yourself and your poopidy doopidy.
  • onfleur
    onfleur Posts: 159 Member
    What exactly IS the lemonade diet? I have never heard of it.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    It's a cleanse that was created by a doctor to help his ulcers. Weight loss is one of the side effects along with a whole slew of other good things. It's basically lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. You drink that all day long instead of eating. Each glass id about 100 calories and you drink about 12 glasses per day. Thus only taking in 1200 or so calories and because a calorie deficit is the only way to drop weight you get thinner. It is also chaulked full of vitimans and mineral so it's good for you. Google it. It works.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Ok, apparently I was mistaken.........poopidy doopity out = Sassie in size 12 britches???? I am just curious, I am not one to be into the fast fix, but I am trying to lose some inches to get into my wedding dress.....maybe I will try this....................................(looking up lemonade laxative)......:drinker: :drinker: :blushing:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    It's a cleanse that was created by a doctor to help his ulcers. Weight loss is one of the side effects along with a whole slew of other good things. It's basically lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper and water. You drink that all day long instead of eating. Each glass id about 100 calories and you drink about 12 glasses per day. Thus only taking in 1200 or so calories and because a calorie deficit is the only way to drop weight you get thinner. It is also chaulked full of vitimans and mineral so it's good for you. Google it. It works.

    I do this seasonally. It works, revives you and you feel good.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    Ok, apparently I was mistaken.........poopidy doopity out = Sassie in size 12 britches???? I am just curious, I am not one to be into the fast fix, but I am trying to lose some inches to get into my wedding dress.....maybe I will try this....................................(looking up lemonade laxative)......:drinker: :drinker: :blushing:

    Beyonce went on this cleanse right before she did dreamgirls and I you tubed lots of videos of people while they were going through their journey just to learn more about it before I did it on my own. The first day or two is tough but after day 3 it was a breeze.
    Lots of people use it to lose weight quick for a wedding, big event, etc.
    I wouldn't recommend it strictly for weight loss - the cleansing process is amazing but you do lose weight along the way. I actually liked the taste of the drink.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    this is probably just so bad for you. even though it adds up to about 1200 calories a day, all that sugar from the syrup could not be good for you. right?
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    this is probably just so bad for you. even though it adds up to about 1200 calories a day, all that sugar from the syrup could not be good for you. right?

    My medium banana that I had for breakfast has 14 grams of natural sugar but this is a good question.

    You must use grade b maple syrup in this formula, not just any ole maple syrup from the grocery store, so I'm not sure if grade b maple syrup has natural sugar or not. Anyhow, the drink is mostly water, then add lemon or lime from the raw fruit and then a measurement of maple syrup and some cayenne.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    this is probably just so bad for you. even though it adds up to about 1200 calories a day, all that sugar from the syrup could not be good for you. right?

    My medium banana that I had for breakfast has 14 grams of natural sugar but this is a good question.

    You must use grade b maple syrup in this formula, not just any ole maple syrup from the grocery store, so I'm not sure if grade b maple syrup has natural sugar or not. Anyhow, the drink is mostly water, then add lemon or lime from the raw fruit and then a measurement of maple syrup and some cayenne.

    i just looked it up, and grade b is used for sweetening and has approximately 60 grams of sugar per 3 ounces.
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    this is probably just so bad for you. even though it adds up to about 1200 calories a day, all that sugar from the syrup could not be good for you. right?

    My medium banana that I had for breakfast has 14 grams of natural sugar but this is a good question.

    You must use grade b maple syrup in this formula, not just any ole maple syrup from the grocery store, so I'm not sure if grade b maple syrup has natural sugar or not. Anyhow, the drink is mostly water, then add lemon or lime from the raw fruit and then a measurement of maple syrup and some cayenne.

    i just looked it up, and grade b is used for sweetening and has approximately 60 grams of sugar per 3 ounces.

    OUCH!!! That is lots of sugar!!!!!
  • natyasa
    natyasa Posts: 22 Member
    I did the Master Cleanse for 10 days 2 years ago. I originally did because of a lingering stomach virus that wouldn't allow me to keep down solids. I was not hungry. I was not tired or sluggish. I felt GREAT!

    I mean, I LOVE food, but the hormones and the chemicals they use nowadays really do a lot to your body. I'm extremely sensitive to all of that, so not having anything solid in my body felt great. I even used lemons from our own lemon tree so I KNEW they were grown organically (yes yes, I'm a true Cali-granola! lol).

    But anyways, I lost 11lbs, and dropped 2 pant sizes. A friend of mine did it with me (for support) and she still hasn't gained any of her weight back. She's on a gluten & refined sugar free diet, and has been since. I, of course, had many health challenges that didn't allow me to exercise, so even when I was eating "healthy" - I eventually gained it all back in about 2 years.

    IF you're going to do it - READ THE BOOKS. You must must MUST read the books - you have to mentally and physically prepare your body for the cleanse - it's not something easy.

    IF you're going to do it - TELL YOUR DOCTOR. Or Nutritionist. I did it under the supervision of my nutritionist AND was under the supervision of my holistic doctor.

    IF you're going to do it - Do it for any health reasons OTHER THAN being overweight. I didn't do it to lose the weight - I had had enough with the pills and nothing working to relieve my virus.

    That's just my $0.02. :wink:
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I did the Master Cleanse for 10 days 2 years ago. I originally did because of a lingering stomach virus that wouldn't allow me to keep down solids. I was not hungry. I was not tired or sluggish. I felt GREAT!

    I mean, I LOVE food, but the hormones and the chemicals they use nowadays really do a lot to your body. I'm extremely sensitive to all of that, so not having anything solid in my body felt great. I even used lemons from our own lemon tree so I KNEW they were grown organically (yes yes, I'm a true Cali-granola! lol).

    But anyways, I lost 11lbs, and dropped 2 pant sizes. A friend of mine did it with me (for support) and she still hasn't gained any of her weight back. She's on a gluten & refined sugar free diet, and has been since. I, of course, had many health challenges that didn't allow me to exercise, so even when I was eating "healthy" - I eventually gained it all back in about 2 years.

    IF you're going to do it - READ THE BOOKS. You must must MUST read the books - you have to mentally and physically prepare your body for the cleanse - it's not something easy.

    IF you're going to do it - TELL YOUR DOCTOR. Or Nutritionist. I did it under the supervision of my nutritionist AND was under the supervision of my holistic doctor.

    IF you're going to do it - Do it for any health reasons OTHER THAN being overweight. I didn't do it to lose the weight - I had had enough with the pills and nothing working to relieve my virus.

    That's just my $0.02. :wink:

    I think that is great advise in regards to reading the books. The friend that recommended this to me emailed me the Stanley Burroughs master cleanse reading and I made sure I read line by line as well as read reviews and watched video diaries of people as they were going through the cleanse. During the cleanse my skin cleared rapidly, my nails grew and I had so much energy by day 3 more than I ever had in my life but I agree to tell your doctor and read read read!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    it is just another diet gimmick, yes you will lose weight but you will put it on again as soon as you re-introduce whole foods into your diet.

    Your body cleans itself quite efficiently and eventually you are going to have to learn to eat right and exercise.
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