
  • JWalker514
    JWalker514 Posts: 87
    I have my eating habits down pretty well, but I really need to start working on exercising more. I really want to start getting atleast 30 min of cardio in 5 days a week, then some weight lifting.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • easy2lov3
    easy2lov3 Posts: 98 Member
    wow im so glad to hear all of u, sound soo motivated:flowerforyou: keep it up:drinker:
    as for myself, i been doing the 30 day shred( i jus started yesterday and have not done it today), but i am tryin to keep it up.

    Good Luck:happy:
  • NaiLo
    NaiLo Posts: 39
    Hey all! SIGN ME UP!!

    starting: 154

    Goal July 4th: 145!!!
  • NaiLo
    NaiLo Posts: 39
    Hello Ladies!!!

    My heart rate monitor came in the mail today!!!! Never though I'd be so excited over something like that, but I think it's just the motivation I need to really work out this week and see how many calories I'm REALLY burning instead of estimating!

    My goal is to break a sweat every day this week! :tongue:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter

    Thats great! When I got my HRM I was soo confused on how to use it, but now I use it EVERY SINGLE DAY! I LOVE IT, this morning I burned 977 calories in an hour and a half :) It makes you feel so good to actually SEE what your accomplishing.
  • happyplace
    happyplace Posts: 37 Member
    happyplace - you can do it! I'm pulling for you!

    looks like we have about the same amount to loose, too.

    we all have off days. hope yours gets better:flowerforyou:

    Thanks!! :flowerforyou:

    45 lbs. seems like a doable amount. I mean it feels like it's forever away right now but it came on slowly and it will go off slowly...especially because I want it permanent! I figure if I feel comfortable before then I will quit. The first time around doing this I lost 20 lbs and was starting to feel pretty good! Gaining most of it back did a number on my self esteem though! So I got a taste of success and now I'm giving myself a redo so I can finally get to my goal. :tongue:
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Hello Ladies!!!

    My heart rate monitor came in the mail today!!!! Never though I'd be so excited over something like that, but I think it's just the motivation I need to really work out this week and see how many calories I'm REALLY burning instead of estimating!

    My goal is to break a sweat every day this week! :tongue:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Online Calorie Counter

    Thats great! When I got my HRM I was soo confused on how to use it, but now I use it EVERY SINGLE DAY! I LOVE IT, this morning I burned 977 calories in an hour and a half :) It makes you feel so good to actually SEE what your accomplishing.

    Yes!!! I cant wait to start using it!!! It IS very confusing and I'm sure it will take a while for me to get the hang of it, but I'm excited! By the way, 977 calories is AMAZING!!!! :flowerforyou: I'm planning on working out for about an hour tonight, running 3 miles on the treadmill and then some light weight training, so we'll see if I can figure it out by then!

    Glad you joined the challenge, good luck!:drinker:
  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Also, don't give up Happyplace! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I totally get what you're saying and have been there, but agree that getting out and moving, even if it's just going for a walk completely changes my outlook, and clears my head.

    I'm rooting for you!!!!!!
  • OkieGal
    OkieGal Posts: 23
    okiegal - i can relate! I also work in a school (college) and i notice how in the spring semester (the busiest one) my waistline just goes phhhbt! Hopefully I'll be at my goal weight next year and will be better able to maintain.

    Hope you have a good summer break!:laugh:

    :sick: Yes and of course I get free breakfast & lunch thrown in, hence why I am here now. I need to get a good start over the summer to stay motivated on Aug 13 when our cooks are back :laugh:
  • happyplace
    happyplace Posts: 37 Member
    Also, don't give up Happyplace! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I totally get what you're saying and have been there, but agree that getting out and moving, even if it's just going for a walk completely changes my outlook, and clears my head.

    I'm rooting for you!!!!!!

    Thanks Channing!! I appreciate the support! :flowerforyou:
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    Roxie: SW 147/GW 128/ CW 138
    EM: SW 150 / GW 140 / CW 150
    Mackenzie: SW 160 / GW 150 / CW 160
    Tina: SW 224/ GW 195 / CW 207
    Melissa: SW 163 / GW 153 / CW 163
    Mel: SW 200 / GW 189 / CW 199
    Kimss: SW 170 / GW 154 / CW 158
    Deanna: SW 186.5 / GW 182.5 / CW 186.5
    Channing: SW 170/ GW:160 / CW: 170
    Bree : SW 227 / GW 200 / CW 215
    Sandra: SW 143.8 / GW 139 / CW143.8
    Beth: SW 168 / GW 150/ CW 168
    Kristina: SW 246 / GW 231 / CW 246
    Crystal: SW 177/ GW 167/ CW 177
    Angie - SW 207/GW 197/ CW 207
    Holly SW 226/ GW 215/ CW 226
    Kristle SW 170/ GW 160/ CW 170
    Melina: SW(150) / GW(140) / CW (150)
    Christy: SW 240 / GW 230 / CW 240
    OkieGal: SW 245 / GW 220 / 245
    Yolanda: SW 203 / GW 193 / CW 203
    Whitney: SW 174/ GW 164 / CW 174
    Lisa: SW188.2/GW178.2/CW188.2
    Lisamgould SW138, GW124, CW138
    Shannan SW 207, GW 187, CW 198
    Julie SW 161, GW 150, CW 161
    Toots SW 217 - GW 205 - CW 215
    Amber SW240 - GW 200- CW 235!!!

    i would love to join this challenge!!! i am starting week 2 of my diet and have lost 5 pounds already!! i am so happy! this site and all the tools on it such as the food diary have really helped me. maybe having a challenge to be a part of will motivate me even more. i hope everyone had a great day today!!!
  • kimss
    kimss Posts: 1,146
    I had a good day today. I walk/jogged for 60min. today and did some strength trainning at the park with my little one. " the playground equipment can make for a good workout." I am planning on tomorrow being a day of rest. I hope you all have a good day.
  • anthrochix
    anthrochix Posts: 264
    i HAVE to brown bag it everyday. The cafeteria here only has ONE healthy choise - egg whites on wheat toast (pleh!):sick: I can only handle that with tons of mustard! Free food isn't good food!:grumble:
  • JWalker514
    JWalker514 Posts: 87
    I am feeling really down about myself today, dont know why. I know I have been doing great. 11 lbs in 3 weeks. I think it might be because I know that the weight loss is going to be slowing down now. Plus I really need to start exercising. . How do all you other mommies find the time to exercise? I have a 1 year old, hubby is deployed, so I am living at home and my family works all day. I manage to get a little in while Daniel is sleeping, and Daniel and I go for walks on nice days, but thats it. I have a bike I want to start riding atleast 5 days a week.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • Philde04
    Philde04 Posts: 160
    I am feeling really down about myself today, dont know why. I know I have been doing great. 11 lbs in 3 weeks. I think it might be because I know that the weight loss is going to be slowing down now. Plus I really need to start exercising. . How do all you other mommies find the time to exercise? I have a 1 year old, hubby is deployed, so I am living at home and my family works all day. I manage to get a little in while Daniel is sleeping, and Daniel and I go for walks on nice days, but thats it. I have a bike I want to start riding atleast 5 days a week.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary

    Do you have any workout videos that maybe you could do while your son is napping or after he goes to bed??? And also going on walks with him is good too!!
  • NaiLo
    NaiLo Posts: 39
    :( went for a run this morning ( I have only just started about a month or so ago so I only run about 3 miles 4 or 5 times a week) ...but my shins and calves ARE THROBBING this morning. I always stretch, I spent a FORTUNE on a nice new pair of Asics...and Im still suffering with shin splints :( I hope this goes away soon. Its just very frustrating, I want to work out..I "enjoy" it so much lol...no really I do, I love the feeling when its all said and done and I know I burned those calories and put all of myself into it and I am all sweaty and feeling like I want to eat the whole pantry :) but I hate the pain my legs are in...and I hope its only because Ive just started running, and it won't keep me down for long.
    my goal today is to NOT SNACK after lunch...for some reason Im always hungry even after Ive eaten lunch. NOT TODAY!! Im going to eat smaller portions more frequently in hope that I wont stand and snack on those randoms in my cupboards. Hope everyone is having a great day so far!
  • OkieGal
    OkieGal Posts: 23
    Well it's my first day of freedom from work today, no school until 4th week of July - heaven. I have started off great with my oatmeal after a lie-in and am now off to clear some cupboards. Day 3 and I am not hungry, feel good and in control which is really the key for me to success.:drinker:

    I plan on a treadmill walk later and have my meals planned for today, have a great day ladies.:tongue:
  • happyplace
    happyplace Posts: 37 Member
    I am feeling really down about myself today, dont know why. I know I have been doing great. 11 lbs in 3 weeks. I think it might be because I know that the weight loss is going to be slowing down now. Plus I really need to start exercising. . How do all you other mommies find the time to exercise? I have a 1 year old, hubby is deployed, so I am living at home and my family works all day. I manage to get a little in while Daniel is sleeping, and Daniel and I go for walks on nice days, but thats it. I have a bike I want to start riding atleast 5 days a week.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary

    I know how hard it is. My two are 7 and 9 now so they no longer present a challenge when it comes to working out. They join in half the time, especially my oldest! Her favorite is yoga. :smile: It was definately challenging when they were younger though! 20 months apart and I was all alone as well. It gets better though! For now just try and find ways to include him in your workouts. My challenge now is the 3 yr old I do full time daycare for. It's a little more difficult but I try to plan my workout for his nap time. Walking is great so don't feel down!! Plus I think the fresh air can do wonders! :flowerforyou: I hope you have a great day today!! Congrats on your 11 lbs.!!
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    I wanna join ooo pick me SW 225 CW 194
  • JWalker514
    JWalker514 Posts: 87
    Thanks ladies. I dont have any work out videos yet, but I am going to get the jillian michaels one this weekend. I hear she kicks your butt lol. I am feeling a bit better, bc my brother said he would watch my little one when he gets home from work today. So I can go for a nice long bike ride and maybe get on the elliptical for a while at his house.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • I am feeling really down about myself today, dont know why. I know I have been doing great. 11 lbs in 3 weeks. I think it might be because I know that the weight loss is going to be slowing down now. Plus I really need to start exercising. . How do all you other mommies find the time to exercise? I have a 1 year old, hubby is deployed, so I am living at home and my family works all day. I manage to get a little in while Daniel is sleeping, and Daniel and I go for walks on nice days, but thats it. I have a bike I want to start riding atleast 5 days a week.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary

    Hi!! I have found that taking longer and longer walks is the key for me. My son is 2 1/2, so there is no way in hell that he will let me try to do video or anything!! So we started walking, alot. (I HIGHLY recommend the jogger-style strollers, with only the 1 wheel in front. You can not help but speed walk with them!! I had the regular kind before, but then got this and found it is just so easy to manuever and makes walking so much more pleasant!) I've found that about a 45 minute walk is 2.5 miles, and only 1 1/2 hours is 5 miles!!! I couldn't believe I was walking so far when I checked the miles with my car, I was in shock. Then when we get home, I immediately start doing my strength exercises, while my heart rate is still up. I do about 30-45 minutes of simple exercise. Like squats while I am making his lunch, dips in the kitchen on a chair while he is eating, then I lift simple 2 lbs weights while he watches whatever movie it is for the day, plus many more simple exercises. I had been having a very hard time losing any inches until I started treating everyday like this (except if it rains, the I run up and down the steps for 15-20 minutes before the strengh exercises) and now I am FINALLY beginning to see the inches melt off!!!!!!
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