Paula Deen represents everything that is wrong with America



  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    what is wrong with america? we cant take responsiblity for ourselves.

    ...And we place blame on everyone else like Paula Deen when she didn't put a gun to our heads and scream "eat my recipes or I shoot!!!"

    i would watch that episode
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I really don't think this is a good article. Check out my food cart:

    At my food cart I frequently sell Bacon Wrapped Chicken Wings, big monster burgers with extra sausage in them... even some of my sausages fit into my macros perfectly. Since learning more from my friends on MFP and researching more I frequently ADD fats to my diet because I wasn't eating enough. Moderation is key and I have plenty of amazingly healthy fit friends on MFP that could probably eat half those foods and nicely fit them into their macros each day.

    If Paula Deen is the worst, what happened to Epic Meal Time on youtube! Have you not seen that before?

    Its okay... this is my favorite. I just found this! meal time
  • kepete
    kepete Posts: 268 Member
    There are Americans who think she is "the bomb." if she can motivate change for them i say all the power to her! Everyone is motivated by something different. The more people out there encouraginging a healthy lifestyle the better!
  • let's bring out our favorite examples, the French. They eat butter, cream, animal fats, you name it, but they don't have anywhere near our levels of obesity and heart disease. Why? Because they eat small portions.

    I agree. All in moderation….even the good stuff. It IS possible to eat too much of the healthy stuff as well. We just tend to be a nation of overindulgence. I'm sad for Paula. I don't want to see anyone suffer from diabetes, even it it was the choices she made that led her there. I don't agree with any of the "I told you so" comments people in the media and elsewhere are making. She knew what she was doing to her health. Everyone else in America does too, but that doesn't stop them. Paula has the disadvantage of being in the spotlight while going down that road. I sincerely hope she learns how to manage her disease, and that others might learn from her mistakes. End of story!
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    I've watched her shows before, have to be on the elliptical when I do watch!!!!
  • cygnetpro
    cygnetpro Posts: 419 Member
    let's bring out our favorite examples, the French. They eat butter, cream, animal fats, you name it, but they don't have anywhere near our levels of obesity and heart disease. Why? Because they eat small portions.

    What she said.
  • Seriously? Everyone needs to get off this paula deen hate thing. She is not whats wrong with america...Taking God out of everything is whats wrong with america. She is a human being I actually greatly respect. She was agoraphobic...and went through a terrible divorce and poverty. Look what shes done with her life!??? Good for her! Shes learned to love life and if she is overweight so what. There are plenty of other cooking shows I find way more know the ones that if you eat this 20 lb. burger its free and you go on the wall like you have fought the war? Gawd. Get off Paulas *kitten*. If you dont want to get fat dont eat the the foods that make you that way. The responsibility is not hers its ours.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    I watched the late Justin Wilson a few times (he died at 87, BTW) and was amazed at the junk he put into his food ... including enormous quantities of fat and salt. Same with Man vs. Food, featuring America's current favorite glutton. Same with all the other people on the Food Network and other cable channels who show how to cook food that, if eaten daily in large quantities, will likely be bad for your health.

    You don't have to eat it, if you do you don't have to choose to eat large amounts of it, and you don't have to watch the show if you find it offensive. I think the moral outrage over Paula Deen is the fruit of a culture that expects the TV networks and the government to take responsibility for keeping them safe from their own bad choices. It's your life to manage, people, not someone else's ... quit looking for someone else to keep you safe from yourselves, and shifting the blame to a woman who's chosen to cynically profit from her illness.

    It's our collective failure to take responsibility for our actions and blame someone else that's the problem with America today. I've struggled with weight most of my life because of my own choices, not because of Paula Deen, or because my parents taught me bad lessons about food. It's time we all woke up and smelled the coffee.

  • Seriously for me (I'm not from US haven't heard about her before) It's hard to believe one would even consider eating this, even PREPARING this. I couldn't without gaging. Donut with bacon? Really?

    You say everything in moderation? Sorry but NO. NOT everything. NOT deep fried cake, NOT deep fried lasagna...

    haha, don't knock deep-fried pasta til you've tried it! AMAZING. But…I've had it maybe twice in my life. It's not something I'd eat every day.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    Shocked or whatever? .... because she is now taking money to become a spokesperson for treatment of a devastating disease that is caused by behaviors she's been promoting. Shocked or whatever? .... because she has led people over a cliff for years and now she gets to get paid for what? Shocked or whatever? .... because "moderation" when it comes to her style of cooking is a cynical joke.

    Um, she doesn't tell people to eat her recipes for every meal. People are responsible for their actions, for their choices, and for their future, no matter what a person on TV tells them to eat.

    What's really wrong with America is that people think a cook on the food network should be responsible for other people's health, do you really think we Americans are too stupid to think for ourselves?
  • camille45
    camille45 Posts: 106 Member
    don't forget they walk a lot as well, we are the laziest country around. Most places don't rely on transportation like we do
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I LOVED Anthony Bourdain's tweet re Paula Deen: ""Thinking of getting into the leg-breaking business, so I can profitably sell crutches later." Totally cracked me up.

    That said, people can't seriously buy that Paula Deen made them fat. I've never watched her show, but I doubt she was hawking her food as healthy. Her diabetes comes as a surprise to no one.

    And she's a businesswoman. Why not make money where she can?
  • we are all ultimately responsible for what we do or put in our bodies. there are many other factors besides paula deen that has caused america to be fat.

    she has never said she was a healthy cook. she cooks what tastes good, what is apart of a culture (southern). and she certainly has never said, 'you need to eat this all the time'.

    what is wrong with america? we cant take responsiblity for ourselves. the education is out there, we all know what is healthy and what isnt. so its up to us, its up to the rest of america to choose health. its just that most of america is so resistance to health and eating healthy.

    ^ This.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Shocked or whatever? .... because she is now taking money to become a spokesperson for treatment of a devastating disease that is caused by behaviors she's been promoting. Shocked or whatever? .... because she has led people over a cliff for years and now she gets to get paid for what? Shocked or whatever? .... because "moderation" when it comes to her style of cooking is a cynical joke.

    Does she hypnotize people? Or does she just have minions hold them down and stuff the food down their throats?
  • sullivann
    sullivann Posts: 199 Member

    Sorry to troll, but she really annoys the crap out of me - even before her 'diabetes' fame.
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    Here's a novel idea. Take responsibility for yourself. I ate too much and moved too little. THAT'S why I got fat. Not because of a cooking show and not because McDonald's is down the street. The "finger pointing" mentality makes me wanna scream.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Again with this topic?

    First of all, people posting recipe examples, if you really think Paula Deen invented Doughnut Cheeseburgers or Fried Cheesecake, then you have absolutely nothing to add to this conversation, as both of those have been restaurant fare for decades in this country.

    Paula Deen does not eat like she cooks on her show on a daily basis. She never claimed she did. It's special occasion southern food. Also, I watched her on The Chew, and she didn't say anything that wasn't true about Diabetes, nor did she even mention drugs. She talked about giving up sweet tea as the first change she made, and they spent the entire show talking about diabetes friendly food choices.

    And, she didn't say anything publicly when she was diagnosed because she didn't know anything about Diabetes to tell. She needed time to teach herself and assimilate it into her life. And frankly, her private life is nobody's business but her own. It's not her responsibility to tell anybody who watches her about her medical history.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    not seeing the problem. I'm with a recent poster, she cooks food, and people watch. she has always made southern food the way she knows how, she's never pretended to be health conscious. I didn't watch the interview, but I do hope she changes her habits, that's the best thing for her, not hatred
  • let's bring out our favorite examples, the French. They eat butter, cream, animal fats, you name it, but they don't have anywhere near our levels of obesity and heart disease. Why? Because they eat small portions.

    This is sadly, changing even in France... With working families and fast food popularity on the rise, The French are now gaining inches and experiencing an increase in obesity-related diseases. I wrote a term paper on the dietary changes in France last year; their market for McDonalds is now only second to the US. The lack of home food preparation, change in eating patterns (more quick, on-the-go meals, etc.), more saturated fats, processed foods, etc. is deconstructing the myth that the "French don't get fat".
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