


  • JeanniebeanL79
    JeanniebeanL79 Posts: 96 Member
    I get discouraged too but as everyone tells me: If you are exercising and eating right, you will eventually see the results you want to see. If you give up and go back to your old ways that won't change anything. And who knows maybe you are retaining water, and you will see a change when you least expect it. DON'T GIVE UP!!! 4 pounds it amazing!
  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    Dont be discouraged. 4 lbs is a good start. Remember that the weight did not get on you overnight and its not going to come off overnight either.

    Educate yourself on nutrition and make changes as you go. Learn and change what you're consuming and what you're doing.

    Drink lots of water, eat whole, nutritious foods lots of veggies and lean protein, move more each day. It truly is a process to change your life. I've been working on it for 2 years and still have times of being upset with the slow pace....but I know that its worth the effort to save and improve my life.

    Dont give up.
  • LS7301853
    4 pounds down is better than 0.1 pound up. Congrats! Keep up the good work. I started at the beginning of the year, too. I'm down 0.2, but it's better than gaining. I got my calorie intake under control the first two weeks and now am adding in water water and more water and exercise. Again, keep up the good work and best of luck to you.
  • aimeercole
    * you didn't put the weight on in a month, you won't take it off in a month
    That is exactly right! 4 pounds is great! Imagine if you had GAINED four pounds, you would think it was ALOT.... so give yourself the victory of the 4 pounds lost. Great job. Keep it up.
  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    Hang in there. Two things that help me. Really watch your sugar intake that is a real diet killer. Try to make sure you are only getting the sugar grams you are allowed (that was the hardest part for me). Second is make sure you are eating protein at breakfast !! This starts your engines running 1st thing in the morning. On the days I don't haave time for eggs I add a JM whey protein shake along with oatmeal or whole grain toast.

    Oh and water water water water......and no processed foods!!:happy:
  • ashlie30
    Are a lot of your calories from vegetables and fibre? I have only been doing this site for two weeks, but I have gone through big weight fluctuations before (lost 60lbs, and then over time and pregnancy slowly let it all creep back on). What I have learned about myself in the past, and what I have been focusing on since I started on MFP, is how I eat my calories. I have stayed within calorie goals before and not had it be effective, and I have still ended up being hungry. So I had to get creative in maximizing my calories and finding a balance that works for me. I found that I am a protein, veggie, fruit girl. I eat grains and snacks and cheese and things too, but I really have to watch how I balance them into my diet, or I plateau.
    Try maybe mixing some different things into your diet, if you haven't already, or some substitutions. It is a constant game of trying o figure out what your body responds to, and what it doesn't. And I found a great way to get some extra vegetables and things is to make some homemade soup, and have that for one meal a day. You can find some great recipes online. Use a broth base, lots of veggies, maybe add some turkey and/or some brown rice to help fill you up,
    Another thing you might want to try is shifting when you have your calories. Some people respond better to eating their larger meal earlier in the day, and then a lighter (but still filling meal) at dinner time. Some people it doesn't matter. Just don't jump around too much, start changes slow, and give them time to see results.
    Sorry if this seems like a lot, or confusing. But everyone loses weight differently, and every body is different. You just need give yourself some time to see what works best for you.
  • katkat1717
    katkat1717 Posts: 143 Member
    Keep up the good work!! four pounds is great!!
  • crysmcd1
    i feel the same way. i like to see results. 5 years ago i did medifast and took off over 40lbs in less than 3 months. it was amazing to see the change happen so fast. but i realized something, i cant live off of medifast for the rest of my life. its a good way to talk lbs off fast, but without a life change (like we are making) its never going to stay off. im right there with you. im not going to give up, and i hope you dont either. hugs. :)
  • MalibuBeth
    MalibuBeth Posts: 87 Member
    i feel the same way. i like to see results. 5 years ago i did medifast and took off over 40lbs in less than 3 months. it was amazing to see the change happen so fast. but i realized something, i cant live off of medifast for the rest of my life. its a good way to talk lbs off fast, but without a life change (like we are making) its never going to stay off. im right there with you. im not going to give up, and i hope you dont either. hugs. :)

    that's right! great support!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    4 pounds is great! Keep in mind that this isn't "The Biggest Loser." You aren't working out 6 hours a day and eating next to nothing.

    Losing weight slowly is the right way to go. Yes, it'll take longer but you'll also greatly reduce your chances of having lots of loose skin left over when you're done. Shrinking slowly will allow your skin to shrink with you. You'll look and feel much better when you're done.

    If you haven't started yet, try adding some exercise into your routine. Even walking 20 minutes a day can help you to shed pounds and inches just a little quicker, plus you'll feel great!

    One other recommendation... if you haven't yet, start measuring your body. Often you'll find that even though you aren't losing much weight, you're losing inches. I think inches are more important because that's what determines how your clothes fit, not the number on your scale.
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    Today is your 19th day and you've lost 4lbs? That's awesome. Successful weight loss isn't something that happens overnight. I truly believe that slow and steady weight loss - while frustrating at times - is the key to keeping it off permanently. So, don't be down on yourself... you're doing great!
