How do you drink your coffee?



  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I take mine iced with a splash of nonfat/whole milk mixed and sometimes with a tiny bit of Truvia. It was hard giving up the sugary coffee drinks early on, but really, once your body adjusts, it's much better. All the artificial sugars are so sweet they, in my opinion, make you crave it even more and make natural sugars found in fruits, etc, less satisfying. Just start cutting back a little at a time and you'll see and appreciate the difference. I can't stand drinking soda anymore because it's so sweet after I cut back on sugar and sugar alternative sweetners.
  • theginnyray
    theginnyray Posts: 208 Member
    About every three months I convince myself that I should give up creamer, so I try for a few days, and then I'm over it. I like creamer in my coffee, and that is just that. I drink a lot of flavored coffee too, and there are probably three cups a week that I go sans creamer.
    I drink one or two cups per day, maybe three if I'm feeling crazy on the weekend.
    I really don't like a lot of creamer in my coffee - and I prefer the Coffeemate liquid creamers to powder. So, I use half a tbs in my cup and that's perfect. I've tried the Splenda/Sugar/Milk thing, and I just don't care for it.
    I can handle the extra 25/35 calories of creamer (if I decide it's a three-cup day, I make sure that one of those is just plain coffee).
    I really love coffee, it makes me happy. My happiness is very important :-)
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    I drink my morning (and sometimes evening) coffee with half and half and sugar in the raw. It's 83 calories but worth every single one!
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    I drink my coffee exactly the same as you. I have two a day. I need them. It stops my cravings and it keeps me energized so it's worth it.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I hate my coffee sweet so I never take sugar. I prefer it without cream or milk too so at home I always drink it black. I always have one cup in the morning when I first get up. Some afternoons I have a second cup and some days i just stick to tea for the rest of the day.
  • Stacyanne324
    Stacyanne324 Posts: 780 Member
    I like mine black but my taste for that didn't come over night. I used to put creamer in it and then I got lazy to add the creamer so I would drink it black. After drinking so many cups this way I now love it black and would never go back.

    I think it probably is an aquired taste. When I first started drinking coffee it was at my husbands (then boyfriend) bachelor pad. He didn't have any milk in the fridge or creamer so I had no choice but start with only sugar. I always drank it with only one spoonful but when we got engaged I was trying to lose weight so I cut out the sugar from it. Now I can't stand the taste of it with any sugar. Yuck.
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
    All day everyday. a smidge of fat free milk and 1 splenda pack.
  • milo28
    milo28 Posts: 42
    Decaf w/ skim milk, usually 2 cups a day, one in the morning and one after supper.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Fully caffeinated with 2.5 ounces of flavored creamer.
  • tig_ol_bitties
    tig_ol_bitties Posts: 561 Member
    I enjoy my coffee like I enjoy my men....I hate coffee.
  • mrhammon
    I have anywhere from 1-3 cups of coffee daily, with liquid creamer and 3 equal.
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    About every three months I convince myself that I should give up creamer, so I try for a few days, and then I'm over it. I like creamer in my coffee, and that is just that. I drink a lot of flavored coffee too, and there are probably three cups a week that I go sans creamer.
    I drink one or two cups per day, maybe three if I'm feeling crazy on the weekend.
    I really don't like a lot of creamer in my coffee - and I prefer the Coffeemate liquid creamers to powder. So, I use half a tbs in my cup and that's perfect. I've tried the Splenda/Sugar/Milk thing, and I just don't care for it.
    I can handle the extra 25/35 calories of creamer (if I decide it's a three-cup day, I make sure that one of those is just plain coffee).
    I really love coffee, it makes me happy. My happiness is very important :-)

    This is exactly me.

    I've just gotten to the point I budget half n half in everyday.

    Espresso, on the other hand, I prefer with stevia only, no cream.
  • mgero212
    One Cream and 2 sweetnlows and I only have one cup a day.
  • paeli
    paeli Posts: 295 Member
    I mix it up but yesterday I just tried double espresso, tbsp of half and half and a tsp of honey. Most enjoyable 75 calories ever.

    Considering I never drink away my calories, I have no problem drinking coffee every day!
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    black with sweetner, unless i'm at home - when i add some 0% fat milk. max 2 cups a day.
  • lucretia86
    lucretia86 Posts: 32 Member
    with two sweetners and skimmed milk, usually 2-4 a day :)
  • FittingIn
    FittingIn Posts: 162 Member
    I don't drink coffee at all. Just lots of water.
  • davecreed
    davecreed Posts: 151 Member
    I drink it in caffeine pill form...cause if i don,t i need sugar in it or sweetener and id much rather put that in some oatmeal or not have it at yeah 7 dollars at walmart for 100 coffees...and it speeds me up and leans me up way more than a cup of coffee ever did lol. My girlfriend actually likes coffee and has 2 tsp sugar and a little cream....only 80 i said id rather put 2 tsp of sugar in my oat meal which is only 30 extra cals and 10 are good! lol
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    How many cups? I'm not sure, but until very recently I was drinking up to 4 liters of coffee in a day. Cutting it down to one or two big mugs is turning out to be terrible, but it will be worth it in the long run. I drink it with a splash of unsweetened almond milk, for ~10 calories.
  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    One Expresso in the morning with either Almond Milk or Soy Milk and 1-2 packets of Splenda and 1 cup of decaff at night. :drinker: