I will never eat pasta again!!!!



  • I did it to myself today also :( Ate out w/a friend and had a WHOLEGRAIN pasta w/ grilled chicken/bruchetta - 600+ calories. I almost DIED.

    UGH. Extra running for me tonite.

    Pasta is my MAIN weakness!!!!!!!!!!!
  • noiva
    noiva Posts: 94
    You CAN have pasta though...I ate pasta last Sunday, weighed in on Monday morning, and still lost for the week. I ate whole wheat angel hair, 1/2 cup of basil tomato sauce, and two pieces of buttered and baked bread.
  • janeitg
    janeitg Posts: 33 Member
    I would have a stomach ache from attending a funeral regardless of what I ate or when.
  • davecreed
    davecreed Posts: 151 Member
    I had pasta with meat sauce and TWO pieces of garlic bread...I was at a funeral all day...and was just starving!! Since I have been doing so much better with my portions and eating this was not a good choice!!! My stomach hurt all night! Next time i will prepare.!!!

    if it upsets you stomach...then don't eat it...but don't stop eating it cause you think its bad. moderation...small portions...(or its possible pasta doesn't like you...that happens to some for some foods lol) whole wheat pasta is excellent...but even regular pasta is fine. Here what science has to say about it , not me(taken from the Glycemic index website)

    11. Why does pasta have a low GI?

    Pasta has a low GI because of the physical entrapment of ungelatinised starch granules in a sponge-like network of protein (gluten) molecules in the pasta dough. Pasta is unique in this regard. As a result, pastas of any shape and size have a fairly low GI (30 to 60). Asian noodles such as hokkein, udon and rice vermicelli also have low to intermediate GI values.

    Pasta should be cooked al dente ('firm to the bite'). And this is the best way to eat pasta - it's not meant to be soft. It should be slightly firm and offer some resistance when you are chewing it. Overcooking boosts the GI. Although most manufacturers specify a cooking time on the packet, don't take their word for it. Start testing about 2-3 minutes before the indicated cooking time is up. But watch that glucose load. While al dente pasta is a low GI choice, eating too much will have a marked effect on your blood glucose. A cup of al dente pasta combined with plenty of mixed vegetables and herbs can turn into three cups of a pasta-based meal and fits easily into any adult's daily diet.

    Why should the avg person care about GI when it makes little or no difference at the end of the day if you eat high GI foods or low GI foods?

    What? Why wouldn't it matter?
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    I am gluten intolerant and cannot eat regular pasta. I bloat and the pain killsme. I do however love the quinoa pasta but I still limit myself to the amount I eat. It still is processed and I try and stay away from processed foods but I am as you are human and have weak days/times.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I don't get it. Do you have a sensitivity to something that was in the meat sauce or gluten or garlic? It's not like you overate yesterday....

    I had not eaten since breakfast...the funeral was almost two hours long and then the service at the cemetary...then I had to take kids to dentist pick up other child and get home to eat and then back out to soccer...

    His point=
    WHAT are you complaining about? That's probably the best day in your diary...

    I say CONGRATS on FINALLY eating a HALFWAY DECENT amount (although still too low calorie). Every other day is WAY WAY WAY too low. "Pasta day" was the ONLY day you come remotely close to adequate caloric intake.
    If it upset your tummy, FINE, don't eat so much at once from now on. But EAT MORE throughout the day than you normally do. 1200 is the bare minimum you should EVER eat and you NEVER reach it. You are starving and that is why the one time you eat a SMALL normal meal you think it is huge and the end of the world....
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    btw, this thread inspired me to make a ragu sauce this sunday. with some gnocchi. be jealous. dinner is at 4.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,628 Member
    btw, this thread inspired me to make a ragu sauce this sunday. with some gnocchi. be jealous. dinner is at 4.

    I'm there...can you pick me up at the airport?
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Good girl! Pasta will make you Fatty McFatterson. With backfat. And a goiter.

    <<< Fatty McFatterson with backfat grubbin on my pasta and rice.... ooooo

    Seriously, though. You need not banish pasta or other grains. Just eat clean, and watch your portions.