Dating question for GUYS



  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I know you asked for male help, and I suck for answering. :) I was just thinking that there is no way this is not going to be awkward.

    A) You slip it to him while he's distracted (?) and he thinks someone else passed him the note
    B) You slip him a note and walk away

    It is going to be awkward if he goes, "oh, I kind of thought SoAndSo had written this..." and it would also be kind of awkward to walk up to him, not say anything and just walk away.

    Maybe I'm over thinking this.
  • Jyster
    Jyster Posts: 74 Member
    I would be flattered for sure.
  • NightOwl1
    NightOwl1 Posts: 881 Member
    I'd like it if a found the lady attractive.

    I wouldn't if I didn't.

    I hate to say it but I agree with this. I think if he's into you, he'll find any way that you try to make your move as cute. If he's not into you, then he'll think it's weird. But if he's not into you, it wouldn't work no matter how you approach him, so what's the harm in trying?
  • bigaussiebloke
    bigaussiebloke Posts: 257 Member
    I would be surprised and think it was pretty cool...especially if we had already interacted or spoken before....a quick "oh this is for you" after another conversation would be a good way to go about is too short...I say go for it! in the end the worst he can do is say no...

  • 15in8
    15in8 Posts: 141 Member
    My friend used the note approach, it worked for her. Also, even if it was someone at work, go for it. Work you can find anywhere if you try hard enough, but not giving these things a go is an ingredient for regret, live without regret!
  • RogerF765
    RogerF765 Posts: 113
    I think it would be great that she took the initiative to ask
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member

    I would much rather do that but it's a little hard, because it's at a place of employment.

    Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever a good idea. Don't s*** where you eat. Don't fish off the company pier. Etc.

    We don't work together. He comes to my work.

    Ah. Carry on, then.
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 355 Member
    I'd like it if a found the lady attractive.

    I wouldn't if I didn't.

    I hate to say it but I agree with this. I think if he's into you, he'll find any way that you try to make your move as cute. If he's not into you, then he'll think it's weird. But if he's not into you, it wouldn't work no matter how you approach him, so what's the harm in trying?

    Agreed. -Can you do a business card and a casual but open-ended verbal invite? "Hey, give me a call if..." It shows confidence and he can take it from there if he is interested. Otherwise, I would feel strange if he just never got back to me in regards to the "note". I'd be red-faced from then on, but that's just me. :) Good luck and keep us posted!
  • beqy12
    beqy12 Posts: 569
    Like a second-grader


    I gave my already then-boyfriend a note once for a business trip, and he wrote me back saying how awesome was to feel like he was getting passed a note from the cute girl in class, but this time it was from his hot girlfriend before a business trip.

    I think it's cute/awesome for some guys, and the ones that think it's lame belong with girls that think cute things are lame, too. Win-win situation for you.

    DO IT, and let us know how it goes!!!
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I'd giggle then proceed to shoot spit wads at her and push her down on the playground. What else would you expect?
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,307 Member
    If I was interested in her then I would love it,would be grinning ear to ear.

    If I wasn`t interested then would be trying how to figure out saying "no thanks" without hurt feelings or a real shot to her ego without lying.
  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    I think a little note is fine. I would respond equally to either. I think that conversation would be best though in case they are not able to respond right away, but a cool enough guy would get back with you on it within a reasonable amount of time :) Good luck and remember that no matter what happens you're still BAWSS!!

  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    I'd like it if a found the lady attractive.

    I wouldn't if I didn't.

    I hate to say it but I agree with this. I think if he's into you, he'll find any way that you try to make your move as cute. If he's not into you, then he'll think it's weird. But if he's not into you, it wouldn't work no matter how you approach him, so what's the harm in trying?

    Agreed. -Can you do a business card and a casual but open-ended verbal invite? "Hey, give me a call if..." It shows confidence and he can take it from there if he is interested. Otherwise, I would feel strange if he just never got back to me in regards to the "note". I'd be red-faced from then on, but that's just me. :) Good luck and keep us posted!

    Will do, thanks!
  • In my best gangster swagger - Hell YA Girl i knew you was all up on me and everythang! Know what im sayen!
  • Don't do it! I thought a waiter in a restaurant was really good looking so my friends convinced me to write my number on the receipt, he never called, now I'm embarrassed to go back! It was a good laugh thou!

    But I suppose if you don't try you will never know!
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    Hmmmm...not sure about a note..I used a PM here to start my conversation with the guy I wanted. Worked for me.

    I know the question was for guys but I have a hard time following the rules.
  • kimoRUN
    kimoRUN Posts: 325 Member
    Does the note consist of a box to check 'YES' and one to check 'NO'?

    And do I pass it back to you in person between classes or give it to my bff to give it to your bff to give to you?
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    Back in the day I worked at Dunkin' Donuts and there was this guy that came in regularly, we'd flirt, he'd request for me to make his coffee, etc.. I was crushing really hard on him to the point where my knees would feel like they were going to give out when I'd see him.

    One day I worked up the balls to say, "Here's your receipt... *Hands receipt* ..And here's my number.. *Hands over number*"

    It caught him off guard, it was a little embarrassing for both of us, and it didn't get me anywhere. We still catch up once in awhile on Facebook.. But he's married now. :P

    My suggestion: Don't take this approach. Through conversation and verbal cues, figure out if he's really interested and find a way to ask him out that's less elementary.
  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    id be cool with it.. i mean if shes got enough guts to write a note like a 2nd grader rather than keeping quiet and not saying anything at all, shes definitely interesting!

    SO many people keep quiet about who they are interested, and the whole time they think "noo, he wont be interested in me" or other insecurities and then they miss out on getting to know someone just because they played a stupid game of "pretend i dont like him"
  • HOSED49
    HOSED49 Posts: 642 Member
    I'd be flattered by it, my luck I'd not notice any writing on it and throw it away though...