How do i stop eating?



  • Thanks everybody! It was all very helpful
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 619 Member
    I only looked at your diary for today, but doesnt seem to be very much food for that many calories

    you might want to try adding in sodium as one of the nutrients you monitor, seems like you could use more protein too - thats one of the nutrients i wouldnt worry about going over

    also definitely up the water!

    is 1200 calories what MFP set for you or did you change that?
  • fuzzybear123
    fuzzybear123 Posts: 32 Member
    I eat Steel cut oats for breakfast--literally, the days that I dont, I am starving and looking for snacks all day.. try it.. I make mine overnight in a crock pot. It totally fills you up like a brick
  • fuzzybear123
    fuzzybear123 Posts: 32 Member
    1/4 cup greek yogurt and half cup raspberries with a few walnuts and cocunut!!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Two thoughts. First, as lots of folks have said, make sure you eat lots of protein. Some with every single meal and snack. I've started eating plain Chobani greek yogurt with 1 tsp of honey or maple syrup in the morning because it has a high calorie count and it gets me through to lunch.

    Second, at least at first, try eating more often. My husband started modifying his diet in October and finds that he absolutely has to have 4 meals a day or he's ravenous. One of those meals is just fresh greens with Craisins and nuts - no dressing, but it's enough to get him through.
  • onahealthmission
    onahealthmission Posts: 19 Member
    My go to snacks are 15 Almonds - 1 packet of instant reduced sugar oatmeal - quaker granola bars
  • Fit and active snacks are fantastic!!! People forget to snack and shoot for three meals only. The fit and active snacks are very inexpensive (Found at Aldi's)and there isn't a need for preparation , so they are easy to tote around.
  • 1 cup SF jello with a dollop of Cool Whip is surprisingly filling (sometimes).
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    Work out Day's Below ( On none work out days it is the same only Only difference I switch out my Herbalife 24 FM1 Sport for Formula 1 Nutritional Shake and both days I try and drink at least 8-10 glasses of water.

    4am-7am Herbalife24 Formula 1 Sport with a banana or apple
    Herbalife24 Prepare w/ 20 ounce bottle water
    Bottle of plain water 20 ounce
    Total Control
    Formula 3 Cell Activator
    2 Multivitamin Complex
    Herbal Tea Concentrate w/Herbalife Aloe and crystal light

    10-11am Total Control
    Protein Bar Deluxe w/ Beverage Mix or low fat cottage cheese w/ Beverage Mix

    Noon-1pm Formula 1 Nutritional Shake or a light lunch
    Bottle of plain water 20 ounce
    Total Control
    Formula 3 Cell Activator
    2 Multivitamin Complex

    2-3pm Protein Bar Deluxe w/ Beverage Mix or low fat cottage cheese w/ Beverage Mix
    Total Control

    5-6pm Example: Small salad with Chicken Breast and a side of vegetables
    Formula 3 Cell Activator
    2 Multivitamin Complex

    Bedtime Restore
    Snack Defense
    Core Complex with CoQ10 Plus
  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 619 Member
    Work out Day's Below ( On none work out days it is the same only Only difference I switch out my Herbalife 24 FM1 Sport for Formula 1 Nutritional Shake and both days I try and drink at least 8-10 glasses of water.

    4am-7am Herbalife24 Formula 1 Sport with a banana or apple
    Herbalife24 Prepare w/ 20 ounce bottle water
    Bottle of plain water 20 ounce
    Total Control
    Formula 3 Cell Activator
    2 Multivitamin Complex
    Herbal Tea Concentrate w/Herbalife Aloe and crystal light

    10-11am Total Control
    Protein Bar Deluxe w/ Beverage Mix or low fat cottage cheese w/ Beverage Mix

    Noon-1pm Formula 1 Nutritional Shake or a light lunch
    Bottle of plain water 20 ounce
    Total Control
    Formula 3 Cell Activator
    2 Multivitamin Complex

    2-3pm Protein Bar Deluxe w/ Beverage Mix or low fat cottage cheese w/ Beverage Mix
    Total Control

    5-6pm Example: Small salad with Chicken Breast and a side of vegetables
    Formula 3 Cell Activator
    2 Multivitamin Complex

    Bedtime Restore
    Snack Defense
    Core Complex with CoQ10 Plus

    :noway: whole lot of supplements there with not alot of actual food
  • storknursekelly
    storknursekelly Posts: 94 Member
    higher protein and high fiber (pears, berries, oatmeal, kidney beans, split peas. Google high fiber, low calorie foods, altho carbs will look higher, for each gram of fiber u can subtract a gram of carbohydrates. Fiber keeps you full longer. Water, water, water too ! Also, take out all simple white foods (bread, milk, sugar etc. ) it will stop the cravings of sweets.
  • earnestfarley
    earnestfarley Posts: 14 Member
    Great suggestions. Some background. I am 6'5" 261lbs. I allow 1770 calories per day and burn around 1300 5 days per week. A Couple of simple suggestions that have helped me. First thing each morning 20 oz of water, 50 grams of protein (Monster Milk Vanilla Creme) and a supplement Apple Pectin 500mg, a type of fiber. Does everything typical fiber does but makes you feel full. Check it out at your local supplement store.
  • chubbybunnee
    chubbybunnee Posts: 197 Member
    Depending on what kind of food you like to eat, try to eat a good breakfast like oatmeal or a fruit smoothie with protein powder, then have a snack before lunch, then have a good sized lunch. One more snack then Dinner should be moderate. If you don't eat enough for lunch and snack, you will be starving by dinner and over eat.

    To stay in your macros you may need to exercise more so you can eat and feel fulfilled each day. I got so used to eating 1500 calories from my workout days that the 1200 cal days were always over. Either up your exercise (because it ups your macros numbers) or choose healthier foods. Veggies you can have large amounts without taking a large hit against your daily goals. Mushrooms, zucchini, are great veggies. Make sure you drink a lot of water to help keep you full also, and try to eat lean proteins like chicken, fish, shrimp, scallops, that way you can have higher portions. And MFP sets your protein low. If you go over a little, don't sweat it. Protein is good to go a little over on with the presets.
  • Yeah, I agree with the others here; you need a lot more protein in your meals. Also, think about staying away from crunchy carbohydrate-filled snacks like the pretzels, the Wheat Thins or the Lorna Doones: simple carbs like that are delicious but then about 20 mins later you get a mini-blood-sugar crash and feel hungry all over again. If you want something sweet aim for fruits; an apple is only 65 cals, an orange is 85 cals.

    The other problem with those carb-y snacks is how they use up all your calories and yet you don't feel full. Take the Rold Gold pretzels: instead of 17 measly pretzels, you could have had a huge piece of grilled chicken with your salad at dinnertime. See what I'm getting at? Good luck to you!
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    :wink: it may seem like a lot of supplements but the two shakes I have are a meal replacement they are a meal in them selves
  • ronny23
    ronny23 Posts: 35
    Protein , veggies and omega 3 ... Vitamins make feel stronger so... Maybe it will work to you
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    you need a healthier breakfast and try to eat more fruit than the cookie treats. if you can cook your food do that instead of buying processed or premade food. this is all a learned process and making it a habit so learning to eat healthier and cook fresh foods takes tine. just because you make your calories does not mean you are fueling your body right.. when you put gas in a car you dont put water in it wont run right..same as your body -- if you dont put the right foods in it then it just wont run right .
  • 1 words girl: FIBER. Fiber keeps you full.

    This is exactly why 1 hr after a huge meal of Chinese takeout, even with chicken (which has protein folks), you're poking around in the cabinets looks for food. It's a lot of white, simple carbohydrates and not much fiber to fill you up. Ok, maybe if you're eating an all vegetable dish with broccoli there'll be some fiber in there... But let's be real here—everyone goes for white fried rice and noodles.

    To some posters I'm seeing out there, I wouldn't be so quick to advise against carbs. And if you do so, at least set the record straight here. It's a total misconception that carbs are evil. Simple carbohydrates won't be on any help to you—that'd be all your yummy white products, pastas, breads, etc. They break down very quickly in the body, leaving you unsatisfied, still hungry, and cause your blood sugar to spike. Complex carbohydrates, the whole wheat breads and grains, digest much more slowly and tend to provide the fiber you need to feel fuller, longer. While these are a much healthier option, they are also nutritionally denser, but can be highly caloric. This is why you need to be careful of carbs, but even so...please don't spend all day cutting out every possible card thinking that you're doing yourself any favors. Carbs are an important source of energy!

    Lastly, it's a misconception that we need to seek out tons of protein, because you're likely getting it in places and don't even know it. It's practically in everything! Go ahead and get your protein, but focus on getting the fiber allocated for during the day where you can, preferably in vegetables as a first option, but also in modest portions of (100%) whole grains and the like.

    I'd love to hear back and see if this helps you. Good luck!
  • In response to drinking diet soda:

    It's so awful for you! Why do all this hard work only to have your stomach eroding from this inside? Ick. Anything that can clean a penny or unclog a drain doesn't belong in your belly!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    Did you say it's day 2? Give it about a week and your stomach will shrink smaller so you begin to feel fuller, drink lots of water. And good luck!