What do you think when someone on MFP is losing too fast?



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    Why do you think it is "stupid bull" for people who do NOT have "real health concerns" to want to get into shape? There is nothing wrong with skinnier people wanting to get fit or toned. It's so they can feel good about themselves & you shouldn't judge these people by just assuming that it's for "spring break". I see it a lot, there's all kinds of people on here, some to maintain, some to lose, even to gain. Maybe you might want to re-think your opinion on what is stupid or not....

    Well said :)
  • slayerdan
    slayerdan Posts: 193
    I lost 102 in 6 months......dont focus on the weight. Heaveier people can lose more in a short amount of time. If you lose 100 and youre only 250, maybe a problem---I was 467 and losing the 100+ in a short time was less of a risk than continuing to carry the extra weight. Dont go by established guideleines--they are just that, not hard and fast rules. I still am dropping lately 3 pounds a week and I dont work out 2 days a week and often go to bed far from hungry--everyone is different.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Right now, I'm averaging over 5 pounds a week with full support of my doctor and no concerns regarding health implications. My spinal surgeon also supported the idea that 2 years for 200+ pounds was very reasonable.
    Yes, I'm watching my diet. Yes, I'm working my butt off. No, I did not have surgery, am not taking supplements, none of that. I'd just be careful about judging!
  • olee67
    olee67 Posts: 208 Member
    I hear what you're saying and it's understandable to worry about how people are achieving their goals. However, depending on a starting weight and lifestyle, any change in the positive direction can lead to a drastic change in a persons life style.

    A person that ate 4,000 calories a day and led a zero activity life goes to a 2,500 calories a day and physical activity 3 times a week is going to shed weight rather quickly...

    The fact of the matter is, if you don't eat properly and do the proper exercise, you aren't going to lose weight as efficiently as you would following a proper plan.

    I hope people aren't doing things that put their health in danger, but, having the weight to lose in the first place already was...
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    I tend to worry about myself and try not to judge others. If I see someone eating in a way that I don't really agree with then I don't encourage them but I also don't express my opinion unless asked. However, if someone asks it's on them...
  • wisebadger53
    wisebadger53 Posts: 382 Member
    When I started with almost 100 lbs. to lose as my goal, I lost over 40 lbs. in 3 months (right around 3 lbs. per week avg.), but now that I am almost halfway there I have slowed down to the 1- 2 lbs. per week range. I haven't changed very much in my diet or exercise program, but just assume that the "easy" weight is gone, and now I am losing at a normal rate. Whatever the explanation is, I have felt better every week since I started on MFP, I can now actually run on the treadmill instead of walking at 2.5 mph, and the doctor's reports are all very positive (heart, blood pressure, etc.)

    I say, if you feel good and are monitored by a doctor as you take the steps to a healthier lifestyle there is no reason for anyone to judge your particular situation. We are all individuals with our own unique challenges and successes, and the best thing we can do for each other is to offer support and encouragement.
  • Judway
    Judway Posts: 246 Member
    Well, look at it like this... is it better to be 100+ pounds overweight (killing yourself) or lose a pound a week too fast?? I was 250 pounds overweight and lost 100 pounds in 5 months... yeah, very fast, but I was literally dying. When someone is extremely overweight, I say get it off! I see my doctor every month and they do blood tests, etc and They say everlything (heart, levels, etc) are great! For someone that doesn't have much to lose, I say do 2-3 pounds a week. But otherwise, do what you gotta do to get healthy.

    PS... I didn't have surgery, I just got extremely motivated. And a larger person tends to lose a lot faster than a smaller overweight person.

    that's a misconception that the bigger you are the quicker you lose and more per week...don't know why people think that
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    To me there's a difference between advice forums and the success story forum. If someone is asking for opinions then it's ok to me to give them what they asked for. But if they're just saying "hey I did this and I'm proud" then they didn't really ask me anything, so I either say "great job!" or I don't say anything.
  • Well I would like to say i have lost 49lbs. in 3 maybe 3 1/2 months and it has all been LIFESTYLE CHANGE just like most of those success story. She probably has or had some health issues and on one of the SUCCESS STORIES she says feel free to add me and/or ask any questions you want. So Ask them I am sure they will tell you. But seriously we are not her to throw stones just because they are doing well in their journey however they maybe doing it. I have many problems including Hypothyroid which for those who don't know what it is my thyroid gland is under-active which causes you to GAIN WEIGHT and now that is is being corrected I am losing it a lil faster than so people but its OK because I am getting health.
  • bnelly55
    bnelly55 Posts: 88 Member
    I've lost almost 60 lbs since Oct so I'm looking at losing 100 by April. I started out super morbidly obese though so the weight is just melting off. Will it slow eventually, of course but someone lighter and not as overweight as I am cannot compare their weightloss to mine. I am working my *kitten* off and am completely dedicated. Also, don't ASSume someone had weightloss surgery. It CAN be done with good ol' fashioned diet and exercise.
  • To me there's a difference between advice forums and the success story forum. If someone is asking for opinions then it's ok to me to give them what they asked for. But if they're just saying "hey I did this and I'm proud" then they didn't really ask me anything, so I either say "great job!" or I don't say anything.

  • I've lost almost 60 lbs since Oct so I'm looking at losing 100 by April. I started out super morbidly obese though so the weight is just melting off. Will it slow eventually, of course but someone lighter and not as overweight as I am cannot compare their weightloss to mine. I am working my *kitten* off and am completely dedicated. Also, don't ASSume someone had weightloss surgery. It CAN be done with good ol' fashioned diet and exercise.

    (CLAP,CLAP,CLAP) Thank you!!
  • :huh: I'd think it's none of my damn business, don't know about you.

    (Clap, Clap, Clap) Amen!!!:grumble:
  • VanessaFaith
    VanessaFaith Posts: 171 Member
    Well, look at it like this... is it better to be 100+ pounds overweight (killing yourself) or lose a pound a week too fast?? I was 250 pounds overweight and lost 100 pounds in 5 months... yeah, very fast, but I was literally dying. When someone is extremely overweight, I say get it off! I see my doctor every month and they do blood tests, etc and They say everlything (heart, levels, etc) are great! For someone that doesn't have much to lose, I say do 2-3 pounds a week. But otherwise, do what you gotta do to get healthy.

    PS... I didn't have surgery, I just got extremely motivated. And a larger person tends to lose a lot faster than a smaller overweight person.

    that's a misconception that the bigger you are the quicker you lose and more per week...don't know why people think that

    It's NOT a misconception... it's my personal experience.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    I lost 145 lbs in 7 months, without surgery, with proper diet and daily activity. I had labs drawn every month, my choice, to make sure I was getting all the nutrients I needed. It can be done. Granted I was at 337 lbs and now down to 192, so there was a lot to lose. It has slowed down to about 1 lb a week now BUT i've doubled my daily caloric intake to try and stem the lean body mass loss.

    Two things I would suggest for people losing weight fast:
    1. Get labs done monthly to make sure you're not creating a deficiency of some kinds with your strict diet.
    2. Drink copious amounts of water if you're worried about extra skin at the end. Either I won the genetic skin lottery or the water worked. Have lost 16 pant sizes (down to 32 inch!!) and I have little extra skin. Just around my *kitten* lol, but I'm a dude and don't plan on wearing a thong to the beach this year.

    Nothing wrong with losing fast, just track your nutrients.
  • ebmozo
    ebmozo Posts: 6 Member
    Being a one-pound-a-week girl myself, I also start to wonder when someone on MFP is losing more weight than that. My main concern is if you lose a lot of weight so quickly, will it stay off? Second, what did that other person do to lose so much weight and can I also do it? If I do it, can I sustain it? Will it be safe for me? Etc etc.

    I respect the people on the post who said that it's none of our business. And really, at the end of the day, each of us has a very unique way of losing weight.

    That's why when someone loses a lot of weight quickly, it's also natural for some of us to wonder if that's okay given all the medical warnings. I'm sure there is no intent to judge or criticize, but only to wonder if WE can also do that safely because wouldn't we all want to lose the weight already?!

    MFP is a community: we support each other and we care about all the members who want to lose weight. So, having joined this community, I don't think I'll ever say it's none of my damn business if you have a heart attack while crash dieting. I mean, you have to speak up if you see something's wrong.

    Like recently, someone told me about HGC hormone (the kind that a pregnant woman releases and shows up on the pregnancy test) as a way of losing weight fast. She said her friends lost so much weight on it (like 15 pounds in a month) and she was thinking of trying it but was afraid. So I asked a doctor and he told me that hormones are a risky thing because they can trigger cancers, just like the breast cancers that developed on women who had hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopause. So I told my friend and she didn't do it anymore.

    What I find offensive are people who -- out of envy and spite -- tell you that you've already lost too much weight, when you -- who's constantly looking up your ideal BMI, your proper BMR and who weighs yourself every day -- know that you still have 20 pounds to go. I mean: Hello!! How obvious can your envy get??

    There IS a difference between concern and envy, and we at MFP know that difference. So excuse me for now, while I recalculate my BMI and BMR, and weigh myself again. :)
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    I think it just depends. I've kept off 30 lbs including 20 I've lost since joining about a year ago. I would like to lose faster, and now I'm more focused.

    A co-worker recently lost about 60 lbs, by eating very low calorie (under 1000) a day and exercising like crazy. She lost the weight in a few months and has a great deal more to lose. (She did not use MFP by the way).

    One negative consequence of losing so quickly for her was that she developed gall stones (or they became a problem; it's often hard to tell if they've been there for a while). She was in terrible pain at one point and had to have emergency surgery. Doctors were also concerned that she had developed a complication, but fortunately she did not.

    Also note that she was eating extremely low fat (almost no fat) and was eating mostly convenience foods due to her schedule (as opposed to fresh or whole foods).

    She told me that the gallbladder problem is not unusual for someone losing weight quickly. I read somewhere that up to half of the Biggest Loser contestants have had the surgery since starting the program. Don't know how to confirm that, however.

    One article on the topic of rapid weight loss said that of people who lose between 6-20+ pounds in one study, many also had problems (when compared to the population in general).

    On the other hand, everyone's experience is unique. I think it's hard to say what other people should be doing. Studies only deal with the group, or aggregate, not the individual.
  • Well, look at it like this... is it better to be 100+ pounds overweight (killing yourself) or lose a pound a week too fast?? I was 250 pounds overweight and lost 100 pounds in 5 months... yeah, very fast, but I was literally dying. When someone is extremely overweight, I say get it off! I see my doctor every month and they do blood tests, etc and They say everlything (heart, levels, etc) are great! For someone that doesn't have much to lose, I say do 2-3 pounds a week. But otherwise, do what you gotta do to get healthy.
