


  • bigfrank2
    Try to refocus the diappointment into motivation. As others have said losing weight is a marathon not a sprint. Do not get down on yourself take pride in what you have already accomplished. You have already concurred the hardest step getting off the couch and making a change the rest is all downhill! Good Luck!
  • leftymae5454
    Hang in there, it will get easier, just don't give up!
  • bookwormie
    bookwormie Posts: 32 Member
    I've made myself a list of mini-goal rewards (not food-related) for about every 5 pounds or so, with a shopping spree for halfway there, because I'll need new clothes then. Also things like a haircut and maybe signing up for some kind of sport or nutrition class. Some of them are things I've never done, so it's exciting to look forward to them. This way I'll get to celebrate along the way, which will hopefully make it easier.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    When I first started, I was looking at my ticker thinking the little butterfly was never going to get out from under the cloud. Now the butterfly is closer to the rainbow, so yay! If you keep going, you will get there. It may take a while, but it'll happen.
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    It takes a lot of courage and strength to make the decision to get healthy and lose weight. If you are strong enough to get that far, then you can reach the goal if you stay in the mindset. You made a very difficult decision today to avoid falling into the bad habit of over-eating and not turning to food the way you may have in the past. I commend you for that and say that you are an inspiration to the rest of us that have had the same problem. As far as something to make you feel better... I am finding that doing a little jogging in place or going for a walk really helps me. Exercise is a great way to make yourself feel great and eventually look great too. Keep up the good work and hold your head up high for a job well done today! :smile:
  • yoouperh
    yoouperh Posts: 68 Member
    I guess my only advice is think one at a time, it might take a week to get one off, it might take 3 days...but when that week is done, you have one less to worry about. And eventually your to-go weight will be less that your "I've lost" and you'll feel amazing! :)
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    When I first started, I was looking at my ticker thinking the little butterfly was never going to get out from under the cloud. Now the butterfly is closer to the rainbow, so yay! If you keep going, you will get there. It may take a while, but it'll happen.

    I love this!
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    When you're feeling down, log on to this site and browse the forums, particularly the success stories. The motivation I pull from my friends on here is what gets me through some days. Build a strong network and it will help.

    97 lbs is a lot to lose. If you start with smaller goals it won't seem so overwhelming. 5 lbs, 10 lbs, 20...then before you know it, you've lost 50 lbs. You didn't turn to food today and that is a huge accomplishment. Keep at this because it is WORTH it. You are WORTH it.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Just take it one day at a time. You can and you will get there. Not every day will be a great day but we do the best we can.

    Also, don't think of it as some big huge jump between "now" and "when you're at goal".... long before you hit your goal, you will be reaping the benefits - you will feel better, look better, have more energy, your blood work at the doctors will start coming back with flying colors.

    You got through today even though you didn't feel at your best. You should wake up feeling proud of yourself tomorrow and continue on with this.
  • sylvuz323
    sylvuz323 Posts: 468 Member
    Hang in there, before you know it you will have lost 10, then 20, then 30 and so on. It takes time, some days will be good and some not so good. Take it one day at a time and remember none of us here gained weight overnight so there is no way to lose it overnight either.
  • shaynes14
    shaynes14 Posts: 106 Member
    You can do this! Others have said it, but mini-goals help make it less daunting. Come up with some little reward besides food for each goal you reach. Early in my journey here, I saw that someone bought a necklace and she bought a bead for every 5 lbs. she lost. She also bought a charm with a major milestone like losing 25 lbs. or running in a 5k. I started doing it, and now I have quite a necklace. Even though no one else may know what it is, I know what it represents. Just lost my 45th pound today so I need to go shopping. Some have set goals as crazy as get a tattoo or manicure. It seems like a good idea to me. It lessens the dread of "denying" but rather gives you something to reach for. There are some great stories on this site. You won't have to look hard to see some great success stories! Don't give up! You are worth it!
  • spottedlee
    :glasses: Yes. One pound at a time. I have about 135 to lose. It seems daunting at times!
    me too! I thought my 125 was bad enough when I first joined but I am doing great,, one step at a time,, we both will get there!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    to be honest you will have MANY more of these days, but for right now, small steps. Best quote I can think of, "If the problem isn't hunger, food isn't the solution"

    So many times when we're upset about something food is a comfort. When we're happy or in a social setting we tend to conform and eat like everyone else, also not good.

    This is to say, we just need to realize how emotions/settings/people all influence our eating.

    The weight loss journey is more mental than anything, and learning. Pretty much whatever you think is right for weight loss will probably work, just keep going, and make sure to measure your success on the scale but find MANY other ways to do this as well because sometimes the scale will let you down when indeed you have loss inches, or you have better endurance, or your pants fit better, your blood pressure went down, etc. . .

    There hasn't been a day I haven't acknowledged I am actively losing weight, and need to be aware of what I eat and what activity I'm getting in. So this must be at the forefront, the weight will never go anywhere if there isn't action behind the thoughts and feelings of wanting to lose them.

    There will be binge days, you will feel suckish and hate yourself, but another quote "Guilt doesn't burn calories, neither does shame"

    Okay, pretty sure none of these random string of thoughts went together, but I think it should help; you CAN do this, it's not going to be easy, it's worth having, so the time it took to gain the weight, it'll take time to get it off.
  • siouxperwoman
    Take it ONE pound at a time. You didn't surpass your weight overnight so don't get disappointed when you don't wake up skinny the next morning. It is very hard keeping motivated when you know that you are eating right and working out but you are losing at a safe rate and you manage to keep the weight off. This site is wonderful for support and you did AWESOME by not turning to food for comfort.

    When I feel down, I take a walk or put on happy music and dance around the house. Not only am I making myself feel better but I am also burning calories and that's what we want to do. Keep your head up!

    I agree with this! I did myfitnesspal before, and lost about 20 pounds, over a lonnnnggg amount of time. But when I stopped, it didn't come back. This is because I worked hard, and for a long time to make sure it was really the fat that was gone. Then when I would try "fast" tv dieting plans that you pay for, I would stick to the unrealistic ways for a few weeks, lose a lot, then as soon as I couldn't just live off of lettuce and ate normal, ALL of the weight came back. It wasn't fat I lost at all, just water weight. SO... remember this from my mistakes. There is no "fast" track to losing it, and if there is, it's not permanent and most likely not healthy.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    We all have such days - just keep punching.

    All Is Possible!
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    You should be proud of yourself for not turning to food. I am PROUD of you! This journey will be full of ups and downs and everything in between. And during those times when you need a a boost, there are alot of people here that will give you the hand up you need. We are in this together.

    When you have those times when you feel that you had a bad day, acknowledge it, make peace with it and move on to the next step. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Beating yourself up doesn't accomplish anything but causes so much inner turmoil. Every day, get up look at that wonderful person in the mirror and tell her how proud you are of her for making that lifestyle change. And tell her how much you love her for her. It is a very hard thing to do. But it will get easier. That person looking back at you needs to know that you love her.

    Best wishes on your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • ahjenny
    ahjenny Posts: 293 Member
    Not turning to food is a great thing! Don't think of it as 97 pounds to lose. Think of it as "10 pounds is my first goal." You're already 3 pounds closer to that! Break it up into smaller and more managable goals. 10 pounds, 1 workout a week, keeping withing caloric goals for a week, etc. It will make things easier. Keep it up. Every day is a new day to make good decisions.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    You really have to break it down to taking it one day at a time and if that still seems to daunting then break it down even more. When I started and was staring at losing 300+ pounds it was just to overwhelming to wrap my head around. So I took it hour by hour and then half day at a time and then to where I am now... I get up everyday and make sure that I do everything possible to make each day as successful as I can so that when I go to bed at night I have done everything possible to obtain my goals for that day and then I get up refocus and do it again. Always putting one foot in front of the other... 30 months later and I am 7 lbs. from breaking 300 lbs. loss!!! and it seems like just yesterday I started my journey... Just stay positive and keep taking those baby steps.... Good luck.......
  • vguynes
    vguynes Posts: 794 Member
    Just take it one day at a time. Not turning to food during your time of disappointment is a major accomplishment. You should be really proud of yourself. Stick with healthy eating and exercising, and you WILL reach your goal! Keep your head up!
  • Fit02bme
    A good remidy for discouragement is K-Love radoi, they can also be found online at K-Love.com. It is positive encouraging music. One of my favorite singers is mandissa she has a lot of upbeet, encouraging, feel good music. Keep your head up and pray for courage and determination. I say a prayer for you. God Bless & Stay Strong