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Men cooking....



  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    Look at the Michelin Restaurant Guide and see how many females there are in this male dominated industry!

    I accept that your husband is probably influenced by steroeotypes, but when you change it from being a domestic chore to being a career option let's hope he sees it differently.

    Btw, I am very impressed that he has made such a dish at his age! Well done to the lad!
  • doughnutwretch
    doughnutwretch Posts: 498 Member
    I disagree with your husband. Cooking is not a "feminine" thing for a man to do and if your son enjoys it, let him run with it like you have been. My wonderful man loves to cook and he is FAR from feminine. I think it's incredibly sexy and sweet that he enjoys doing it so much. And, truth be told, he's a better chef and baker than I. I'm okay with this :)

    Some kids have a really hard time finding things they are really passionate about, so the fact that he's as young as he is and really excited about cooking is pretty awesome, I'd say. There are a lot of successful male chefs in our current society and I don't think any of them should be ridiculed for being feminine.
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Absolutely Archaic. May of the most prominent chefs throughout the world are men. I have loved to cook since I was little. I used to push a chair up against the counter so I could watch what my mom was doing. My dad is a great cook as is my grandpa who used to run his own diner and later his own catering service.
  • angela2084
    angela2084 Posts: 12 Member
    Most chefs are men, but aside from that fact, if your son wanted to be a fire breather a good father would support him no matter what.
  • GreatSetOfBrains
    GreatSetOfBrains Posts: 675 Member
    Make him go hungry. . that'll teach him!

    No seriously, I'd leave it up to son. Neither parent should have much say, except for money, etc. . . As far as "right" or "wrong". . it's the boys decision.
  • ahealthy4u
    ahealthy4u Posts: 442 Member
    Both my boy's learned to cook at a an early age they love it. No mind you my oldest one now in college dosen't cook as much as he did with his high school classes but he knows how to cook. My younger son he trys new things all time with little cooking classes. I think he should try it at least he will have a chance to try something he likes and he may find it isn't something he really wants to do but I think he should go for it. My husband to cooks and he is amazing at it as well. I don't think one should discurgage are children if it is something they are truly passionate about, unless it is something harmfull that is diffrent.

    I think your 14 year son should try it and phewy to your husband no offense. Some of the worldest famous Men are chefs
  • waskier
    waskier Posts: 254 Member
    I enjoy cooking and take cooking classes several times a year at our local Sur La Table. And I don't know of anyone that would question my masculinity! Both of my boys cook and we all give my wife a run for her money in the kitchen. Our friends love to come to our house because they never know who's cooking and what great food they are going to get. Tell your son to keep at it and your husband to shut up and enjoy his meal!
  • ryno0618
    ryno0618 Posts: 361
    Let the boy take the culinary class. its not feminine. A lot of chefs are men. Ever watch food network? more men than women it seems. Also, its a great career.... a lot of science goes into it, nutrition, menu development, etc etc. its not all food prep and making fancy feasts. Your husband needs to do some research on culinary careers if this is what interest your son.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    I do at least 80% of all the cooking. My wife does 95% of all the baking. My first job was in a restaurant. I did everything but wait tables. I love when i cook something and people eat it! I take a great deal of pride in my cooking, and last time i checked, i'm pretty damn manly!
  • Having grown up with a Latino family that wasn't "traditional", I think it's great that you are helping him in his quest to become a cook, chef, or whatever he aspires to be. My parents never looked down on me or any of my various dreams growing up. I wanted to be a chef, computer tech, and welder, just to name a few things. It wasn't until I found my niche that I was truly happy. There are many men that cook who you would never call anything other than men. Gordon Ramsey, Anthony Bourdain, Andrew Zimmern, and Wolfgang Puck come to mind. These men are incredible artists that make amazing things with food. I would even dare say, without any research to back me up, that most successful chefs are, in fact, men. It's not to say women can't be chefs, but, most television shows and cooking channels spotlight men as the chefs. It's the 21st Century. Let's break out of "traditional roles" and encourage him to do what makes him happy.
  • ink1402
    ink1402 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, your husband sounds like he came out of the Ark.........sorry but every man I know cooks and very well, including both my late father and my husband. Maybe you should send him on cooking classes. Excellent news for your son though, he is in the a lot of young people and good for you for signing him up. Cooking is a wonderful skill and it's not a man or woman thing - anyone can do it.
  • eayal002
    eayal002 Posts: 186
    Some of the best chefs in the world are men, also one of the hardest to actually break through. I would be more concern at what type of living he can make with all the competition and lack of big $$ unless you are a super chef (and all those guys started at the bottom) than the fact cooking is "feminine" as Chad Ocho would say Child Please!
    I enjoy cooking, cook just about every night. I like knowing what I put in my food and what I'm eating.
    Wonder what would Ramsay say if he told him cooking was feminine.

    Again I would be more concern about the $$ for someone starting out that then actual profession choice.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Cooking is about as feminine as Football, video games and Ball Scratching. Men are eating machines. We like to make good food! Jeez your husband has a strange unresolved issue somewhere.
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    I do at least 80% of all the cooking. My wife does 95% of all the baking. My first job was in a restaurant. I did everything but wait tables. I love when i cook something and people eat it! I take a great deal of pride in my cooking, and last time i checked, i'm pretty damn manly!

    Yes! That is something he does do, when he makes something here or brings it home from school he waits for everyone to try it with a HUGE smile on his face. It really makes him feel great to see us eat it and compliment him on it. I am the same way tho, I really enjoy creating a great meal and having everyone enjoy it.
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    Not sure what universe your husband lives in but men cooking is not feminine. My husband and I both love to cook and hopefully all my children will as well. I have to admit he bakes a better cake than me. If I were you, I'd advocate for your son to take the class.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    My brother was like that at that age, and later became a professional chef. There is nothing feminine about my bro-man, he just loves and has a talent with food. Not sure what your husband's issue is, especially since as you point out, many top chefs are male. Also, even if your son was a little (or a lot) feminine, if that's who he is, and he is happy, what's wrong with that?
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,638 Member
    He believes it is "feminine".

    that is strange. It was my dad who taught me and my brother how to cook. Cooking meals for women got me better results then barhopping ever did. I cook better then most of the women I have dated.

    I think this has more to do with your husband being worried that your son is not going to be the exact kind of guy he is.
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    Some of the best chefs in the world are men, also one of the hardest to actually break through. I would be more concern at what type of living he can make with all the competition and lack of big $$ unless you are a super chef (and all those guys started at the bottom) than the fact cooking is "feminine" as Chad Ocho would say Child Please!
    I enjoy cooking, cook just about every night. I like knowing what I put in my food and what I'm eating.
    Wonder what would Ramsay say if he told him cooking was feminine.

    Again I would be more concern about the $$ for someone starting out that then actual profession choice.

    Lmbo.... I would love to hear what Ramsey would say :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: !!! I am sure idiot with a few adjitives before it would be part of it.
    I am not sure if this is his career choice, he just likes it and has a natural talent for food pairing.
  • arnoldnagy
    arnoldnagy Posts: 51 Member
    I'm going to defend your Husband here. Getting paid to cook is very manly, cooking for the family is viewed as more feminine. That doesn't mean it is the responsibility of only females, it just means that it is viewed that way in our society. If I told you that I cooked dinner while my wife hooked up our new surround sound system it would sound strange to most people. Not because either of us is incapable of doing those things, but because in our society they are viewed as outside usual gender roles. To argue against this point is to ignore the culture that we live in.

    I don't think your husband is a Neanderthal or an idiot. There are a lot of things in our society today that push young males to be kindler, gentler and softer (generally more feminine qualities). Your husband is probably just concerned that your son could travel too far in that direction and lose some of the aggressive "male" nature that will help him later in life. No man wants any of their children to become a doormat. Instead of just dismissing your husband's concerns as outdated or sexist, try to understand his real reservations and look for an understanding you can both live with.

  • Congratulations for embracing your son's interest. My brother, now 44, has always loved cooking and even took Foods class in high school. He is as manly as they come, complete with man cave, big garage and a wife and two boys. He has a binder of his favorite recipes and his wife loves that he takes an active interest in feeding the masses! My ten year old son loves to help me in the kitchen and my truck driving manly husband encourages him every step of the way. A recent trip to the local kitchen center found my little man checking out every gadget to see how it worked and how we would use it at home. He ended up with a palm peeler making his potato peeling days much easier. As parents, we should encourage and nuture our children's interests especially those that are safe and healthy pursuits. At the very least, he's learning an important life skill.