Started Off Good...but then

So here a couple days in I was feeling AMAZING....I mean I felt so much better annd I havent really been hungry to the point that I couldnt get over it.....but then later in the evening I dealt with some emotinal stuff and I feel like I could go raid the freezer for ice cream and some chips...... BAH!!!! I am such an emotinal i figured i settled for smartfood popcorm measured out which I never do and some diet coke......I am on target for my calories and I really want to keep it that way.....but I can tell I want more only becasue I am upset about something......just looking for some support...I know it is weird to turn to strangers but at this point I know that some of you will unerstand what I am saying and let me know I am not crazy:P


  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 841 Member
    You're not crazy :)

    Popcorn is a good choice... I keep a stash of Kettle Corn in the cupboard for those nights. It's sweetened with Splenda so not *too* high on calories but takes care of the munchies.
  • perpetuallyfit
    perpetuallyfit Posts: 153 Member
    No you are not crazy!! :laugh: I feel like raiding the fridge right now but I don't want to go over the calorie limit. I really have been eating a lot today. I am an emotional eater too. :sad: I am chewing gum right now so that I don't feel tempted to eat again.:tongue: I think I should hit the sack!
  • mrscollins1112
    It just frustrates me that I know that I am not hungry but yet I want to eat BAH I guess this is how I ended up fat lol but atleast I am realizing it right now and not just going ahead and eatting
  • renee55150
    Hi, I totally understand how you feel. I associate food and relaxing. For me I'm stressed all day long at work. I get home, watch tv and have my low cal sugar free chocolate pudding. It's almost 10pm and I still want another snack. I'm not going to eat but I could. I took a drink of water...blaahhhhh, but it's gonna hold me till the morning. You can always send me a msg. I'll listen and understand. Remember, you can hang in there and you're gonna look FABULOUS!
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    When strangers are united in a single goal, we're no longer strangers but partners! If you had ice cream in the house and chose the popcorn instead...BRAVO! You did what a lot of us could not! Be proud of resisting temptation! Hang in there! You'll have many, many more days of feeling fabulous!:flowerforyou:
    GINAvsGINA Posts: 270 Member
    Im an emotional eater as well and I find when I do some type of cardio, even just taking a walk, my cravings subside. It has help me get through a lot of nights, maybe that will help you. Just know that even if you go over on cals today is just one day and you can work that much harder tomorrow. Your going to have bad days the key is not to give up because of it. You can do this!!!
  • tataliciousd89
    Yeah, popcorn and a 40 cal fudgesicle is what i go for. I fully understand. I eat when im bored, stressed, sad... you name it. It gets easier after a while, but just make sure to keep healthy snacks around for when those emotional munchies hit.
  • JediMaster_intraining
    Trust me you ARE NOT crazy! Try to keep yourself distracted and calm. What I do when I know I'm not hungry (I'm just upset or bored) is brush my teeth. At night once I brush my teeth I'm too lazy to brush them again and so I just decide not to eat. That sounds silly but it might work. Also I think I read somewhere that diet soda makes people more hungry later (I think I read that on here?) :flowerforyou: I'm sure everyone has those days. Emotional eating gets to me too sometimes. You just have to keep yourself as FAR away from food (at least could probably get an apple or baby carrots if you REALLY ARE hungry). :smile: Don't give up. And I hope you feel better soon.
  • mrscollins1112
    So much stuff in this house.....the boys here eat it still and i figured I better learn now to just ignore it as i cant make choices for others only myself....thanks guys:) I am gonna brush my teeth that sometimes helps
  • renee55150
    I started working out on the weekends and it helps curb my appetite and it really helps with the weigh loss too. Yeah, I hate to work out while I do it and then after I'm done I'm happy I did it. I can't eat popcorn. wish I could
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    I know what you mean. The cravings are the worst. I try to keep myself busy doing stuff. For whatever reason I dont think about food when I'm trolling the internet or playing video games. TOM cravings are the worst.
  • tataliciousd89
    Yup all of my roommates use a certain "herbal" remedy a little liberally so there is nothing but junk in my house. I keep the pantry door locked when I'm home alone. All bad!:noway:
  • renee55150
    I'm gonna try brushing my teeth when I'm hungry. That's a great idea, thank you! I'm also too lazy to brush 2x's at night. I brush and go to bed. Think I'll brush and watch tv in bed. I ususally fall asleep. Thanks for your advice.
  • mrscollins1112
    This is exactly what i needed last night:) Thanks everyone I made it thru and did not go over calories........Its nice knowing that i have some where to turn when I need it:)
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    In my honest opinion you shouldnt be hungry if you eat the proper calories daily.
    Anyone who is mildly active and stands 5'3" or taller should be consuming upwards of 1600 calories per day.
    High protein diets hav also shown greater satiety throughout the day.
    If you are getting appx 30g protein per large meal you shouldnt have munchies.

    I always recommend you check out the website
    Do the military body fat calculator then the BMR tool.
    If i'm wrong i'm wrong but i'm guessing you dont eat enough to begin with.

    Hugs and good luck!
  • gleechick609
    In my honest opinion you shouldnt be hungry if you eat the proper calories daily.
    Anyone who is mildly active and stands 5'3" or taller should be consuming upwards of 1600 calories per day.
    High protein diets hav also shown greater satiety throughout the day.
    If you are getting appx 30g protein per large meal you shouldnt have munchies.

    I always recommend you check out the website
    Do the military body fat calculator then the BMR tool.
    If i'm wrong i'm wrong but i'm guessing you dont eat enough to begin with.

    Hugs and good luck!

  • mrscollins1112
    I have done the high protein thing before it just doesnt work with me to be honest. When you have over eatten for so may years i just believe it is a matter of shrinking your stomach back to the proper size it should be. Once I loose my weight I will be uped in my calorie intake as there will be maitnence. But we shall see what happens within the next week.