favorite superhero



  • Spider-Man hands down.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member

    I love that u even know who he is! Most ladies say "Who?"

    Verily.... You love his comics though? Maybe it's just me lol

    I love the comics AND the movie :]
  • Thor

    I love that u even know who he is! Most ladies say "Who?"

    Verily.... You love his comics though? Maybe it's just me lol

    I love the comics AND the movie :]

    I can't read his comics lol, he bores me.... Loki's is verily boring too. :p Personal preference! Love him in the team-up with Deadpool comic & the Avengers. :)
  • I mean I have read mostly all Thor's comics, but it's mediocre to me. I know Loki is comparable to Deadpool's wit and it should be more appealing; however, it really isn't lol. I get the humor, it's just too... cheesey I guess. I know it's meant to be cheesey, but I don't dig it that much :P
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Poor Aquaman gets dissed again.
  • Poor Aquaman gets dissed again.

    I have Aquaman underwear. >:O
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    How about some of the more mystically oriented superheroes? I always thought Deadman was cool, being able to take over the body of any person. The Spectre and Dr. Strange are also interesting.
  • Stepmom1
    Stepmom1 Posts: 155 Member
    I could never make up my mind.

    I do like Thor and Wonder Woman.. and yes, I know who Thor is :tongue:
  • How about some of the more mystically oriented superheroes? I always thought Deadman was cool, being able to take over the body of any person. The Spectre and Dr. Strange are also interesting.

    Love Dr. Strange. Love Dormammu more though. >:)
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
  • asgard825
    asgard825 Posts: 1,516 Member
    Poor Aquaman gets dissed again.

    I have Aquaman underwear. >:O

    Love Aquaman--should try the new series-- awesome

    As to the underwear -- sweet!
  • kag1526
    kag1526 Posts: 210 Member
    I feel obligated to pick Spiderman since my son is OBSESSED and I know entirely too much about the story and characters. He is pretty darn cool actually.

    My personal new fav is Scarlett-Johansson-Black-Widow.jpg

    Just because she rocks my socks. :laugh:

    does black widow qualify as a super hero? she seems like she is going to in the Avengers movies but most of time she is more of a free agent (or a double/triple agent)... helpful and good sometimes, double crossing in others.

    My favorite in the DC universe is Batman. Because he is a guy. He managers to take on superman at a few points in the comics and different series and yet he is just a person that managers to do good with sheer determination and will.

    It would be pretty easy to be super if you were mostly invulnerable, could fly, shoot laser beams, and had super human strength.

    In the marvel universe my favorite is Spiderman (unless you are watching the movies... because he sucks in those). I always liked that he was a teenager but not a sidekick. Ironman is a close second here for the same reason as batman above.
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    THOR!!!!!! Thats actually my nickname too... lol
  • I feel obligated to pick Spiderman since my son is OBSESSED and I know entirely too much about the story and characters. He is pretty darn cool actually.

    My personal new fav is Scarlett-Johansson-Black-Widow.jpg

    Just because she rocks my socks. :laugh:

    does black widow qualify as a super hero? she seems like she is going to in the Avengers movies but most of time she is more of a free agent (or a double/triple agent)... helpful and good sometimes, double crossing in others.

    My favorite in the DC universe is Batman. Because he is a guy. He managers to take on superman at a few points in the comics and different series and yet he is just a person that managers to do good with sheer determination and will.

    It would be pretty easy to be super if you were mostly invulnerable, could fly, shoot laser beams, and had super human strength.

    In the marvel universe my favorite is Spiderman (unless you are watching the movies... because he sucks in those). I always liked that he was a teenager but not a sidekick. Ironman is a close second here for the same reason as batman above.

    Yes, Natasha Romanova is a super hero. She is basically the Russian Captain America and part of S.H.I.E.L.D and the Avengers. Batman doesn't qualify though :O Are you excited for the new Spiderman movie? IT LOOKS BADASS!!! Not a huge Spiderman fan, but it does look like it pertains more to the comics.
  • eg140
    eg140 Posts: 8
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    Wolverine has clawed his way to the top of my list.
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    THOR!!! :love:
  • LOVE WonderWoman!! We need more superheroes like her...to many men wanna be's...Give me that Body, and who can stop me? Ha! :bigsmile:
  • Bishop

    Cable and Deadpool together are hilarious. :)