Coffee! :(



  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    well i was set on not giving up my creamer until i read the thing about adding liquid creamer is like adding liquid cancer....might have to try a little harder!:0( but then i think what doesn't give u cancer?...yet?
  • ViSabbi
    ViSabbi Posts: 120 Member
    Hydratation wise, everytime you drink a coffee you should add a cup of water to your daily water-intake. That way you balance things out and keep your body from holding it back. Also, there's many products that offer similar taste and less calories than creamers and sugar. On my part, I know that what I love is drinking a hot beverage, which is why I drank so many coffees a day, so I switched to tea and herbal tea, got used to a bit less sugar or sugar alternatives. I still drink 1 coffee to 2 coffee a day, add them to my meals to count the calories.

    Regarding my water-intake, since we should all drink at least half our weight in ounces, in my case it means 90 ounces of water a day, nearly 3L...adding more than that drives me a bit nuts which increased my motivation to cut down coffee a little.

    The main idea is to figure out...why you love coffee so much, and turn to alternatives when it's possible. Nobody says to cut it out completely, often it's what we put in it that brings us more problems. For example, my mother only drinks coffee and no glass of water or anything else during the day, it's safe to say that she drinks between 10 and 15 coffee a day. Before, she was putting in it 2 tea spoons of sugar, sometimes 3 depending how it is prepared, and 2oz of 3.25 whole milk. Calorie-wise, we're talking of at least 58 calories per cup so at least 580 calories a day including over half a cup of sugar!

    I managed to get her to slowly go down to a teaspoon of sugar and switching 3.25% milk to 2% which means...around 1/4 cup of sugar per day and around 490 calories per day. She still needs to cut down on the number but it's a little better?

    Hope it helps :)
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    My kids are NOT safe if I don't get enough coffee.

    I got a Keurig, and I'm cheap as all get out. At $.50 a cup, I find that I will drink two in the morning, and one in the afternoon... Not the whole pot.

    I also make myself drink water ( 3 liters ), which cuts down on my need for coffee.

    I put in 1 oz of whole milk and a squirt of chocolate syrup. And then I'm nice to my family. LOL
  • alliesun53
    alliesun53 Posts: 160 Member
    I feel your pain. The one thing I can not give up is my coffee. At one point I'm pretty sure I no long had red blood, but was functioning on coffee alone. AHH! While I generally like the flavor of coffee and can drink it black, I like to put in skim milk and truvia now. Sweetens it up and no fat from the skim milk!! Also, I like to have coffee on my way to work now only (I work 1-9 so its a good boost after lunch).

    If you're stuck on flavored coffee, try the sugar free versions! And try to only have coffee before 12, this way it will limit how much you're actually going to drink. Good luck!
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    My suggestion is to find a coffee you really love (even if it's a bit pricey) and drink it black. No extra calories, you get your caffeine fix, and you get to enjoy a little indulgence!
  • timmymon
    timmymon Posts: 304 Member
    I started replacing coffee with hot green or oolong tea. It took me a little while to get used to it but I absolutely love drinking tea now.
  • hoytcindy
    I drink instant coffee usually one cup in the morning with fat free french vanilla and a little artificial sweetener. It is a good alternative to the high calorie coffees and gives me the satisfaction of a simple pleasure.
  • nessafly
    Love coffee!!! I limit myself to 1 large mug with sugar-free hazelnut coffeemate, truzia & a sprinkle of cinnamon (supresses appetite!) Super good!!!
  • sarahbear1981
    sarahbear1981 Posts: 610 Member
    I make it strong and drink it black. I use coffee that doesn't have a bitter aftertaste. I used to pile on the creamer and sugar and just weened myself off it.
  • sunshine421969
    sunshine421969 Posts: 273 Member
    Just lower the amount of creamer you use and use splenda instead of sugar.I only use splenda in my hot teas,and 1-2 tlbs of Bailey's caramel creamer in my coffee.,,
  • toniace1
    this is probably awful advice, but what i have done is allow a tablespoon of fat free creamer in the am with no sugar (i never drank my coffee with sugar anyways so no biggie)..then the rest of the day I DRINK IT BLACK! There, I said it!! BLACK with NOTHING IN IT!!! I'm going to learn to love it that way, just as I learned to love diet sodas in place of sugary ones. Its all about training your taste sucked at first, but its getting better. Try sucking it up, its better than blowing your diet. Remember I said it was awful advice???? lol...too hard core for ya?:noway:
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I would try vanilla almond milk and truvia to cut the calories down.

    One of my friends started drinking back coffee and lost 20 lbs (thats all she did, no exercise, no other change in diet) in a couple of months.
  • jaim30
    jaim30 Posts: 24 Member
    Truvia sweetener and sugar free favored cremer or fat free creamer but try to measure it..
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    So I entered today's coffee into MFP. WOW. So I found another reason to drink coffee potassium! I have to do some more research but I've been struggling to get potassium into my diet and 465 mg just in my coffee sounds great. Then again the creamer I used was 240 calories of crap so black coffee it is.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I don't understand coffeemate. They make organic vanilla 1/2 and 1/2 which would probably be more satisfying. Idk...drinking something so fake and full of sugar just seems wrong. Wrong like singing the American national anthem in a Canadian accent.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Then again the creamer I used was 240 calories of crap so black coffee it is.

    *blinks* say what? If you're using THAT much creamer, I would suggest switching to coffee milk. You just buy a coffee syrup and make it like hot chocolate. You will get less fat, and more protein for the same or less calories. Just an idea.
  • Slim_Donna
    Slim_Donna Posts: 44 Member
    I love creamy coffee so put plenty of milk in it and sweetner. If i want a treat i put pouring cream in it instead of milk.

    And if i really really really want a treat then i will buy a flavoured, creamed, very unhealthy latte from Costa :)
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    I drink it black or with a splash of almond milk. I used to drink double doubles, but that was just too much. For a treat sometimes I'll put in a packet or two of raw sugar and a splash of real cream (still under 50 cals), but learning to drink it black was probably the best thing I ever did.

    And yeah, I drink between 1 and 4 liters of coffee every day. >.< I have a real problem that I'm not willing to address yet.
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    Then again the creamer I used was 240 calories of crap so black coffee it is.

    *blinks* say what? If you're using THAT much creamer, I would suggest switching to coffee milk. You just buy a coffee syrup and make it like hot chocolate. You will get less fat, and more protein for the same or less calories. Just an idea.

    Yeah, my girlfriend makes my coffee. She was trying to give me a healthy alternative to Starbucks, which this is. The 240 comes from 4 cups of coffee (well two of my mugs which = 4 actual cups). Each with 1 tablespoon of Nestle CoffeeMate Peppermint Mocha Creamer which is 60 calories per tablespoon. Then again, what people think a tablespoon is versus what they are really using varies. This is another great example of , I don't need to log this there can't be much in it. Then you scan the bar code and go OMG! Really!

    She wonders why I stopped drinking coffee.
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    For those who want to drop the creamer habit-
    Make your own vanilla syrup
    Get 1 vanilla bean(they are a bit pricey, but I buy in bulk)
    about 2 cups of water and 1 cup of sugar(I haven't tried stevia or other sweeteners)

    Cut the vanilla bean open so all the lovely "beans" are exposed. Simmer the water, sugar and vanilla bean on medium heat until reduced--it should be more of a thicker liquid than just water. Stick it in the fridge. Use a splash of this simple syrup and a splash of milk, 1/2 and 1/2 or cream. All natural.
    For an added vanilla boost, make vanilla sugar. Stick about 5 beans in a jar(I use a VERY clean leftover jar from pasta sauce) Toss the beans in and cover them in sugar. Let sit about 5 days and your sugar will have a vanilla essence to it.