Bit of a naughty one this

But how do you guys list sex as part of your exercise? It's not on the list, and I wouldn't even know what to put it as?! Obviuosly I am not using this sole work out to lose weight, but every little helps right?!


  • ChantelleFowler
    ChantelleFowler Posts: 208 Member
  • Connie_Pro
    Connie_Pro Posts: 8 Member
    haha:laugh: thats a good question! I guess it depends on what exactly you are doin... I never thought of listing sex! Maybe picking something similar, like if you are really working up a good sweat enter something like running, vigorous effort... or jogging - moderate effort.
    It's generally considered cardio, but come to think of it, other activities could be considered Pilates:blushing: ... Just use your imagination I guess!
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    My hubs asked me this the other night! He said they need to have it under "Naughty Cardio"! LOL I would not log it, just take it as a little added bonus! lol