Does water really make a difference?



  • alexbelly
    alexbelly Posts: 277 Member
    I think about food less when I'm hydrated. I used to confuse thirst with hunger all the time.
    I admit, though, I have a hard time getting up to 64oz a day.
  • Kelleinna
    Kelleinna Posts: 160
    Maybe I'm on an extreme end of the scale, but I take TWO 1.5L bottles of water with me to work every day, and usually drink them both (and sometimes refill one and drink it again). I generally drink one or two more during the hours I'm at home, leading to a daily water consumption of something like 6 to 7.5L. On the days I hit 7.5L, that's something like 32 eight-ounce cups of water.

    And you know what? I like it. I drink it right out of the tap. I don't put fruit in it. I had to get used to it, but it makes me feel better if I drink my water.
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    Water will also help with your skin - so, as you lose weight and exercise your skin will become like an elastic - and will bounce back a little easier -
    use lemon or cuc's or other fruits, just becareful of the acid in lemon/limes - too much will start to break down the enamel in your teeth -
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    In order to feel my best I need to drink around 10-12 glasses of water a day.
  • I believe that water is important for all the reasons everyone mentioned. Until last week i hardly ever drank water. I started focusing on increasing my water intake and I've managed 6 cups three days in a row. I'm pretty happy with that but I'm going to try gradually increasing it more and see how things go.
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    The more active you are the more you need..
  • I can tell you after one week of drinking a min of 64 oz a day ... my skin is glowing! My husband even noticed how clear and bright it is starting to get! Water also helps with the metabolism so YES water can and does make a difference!!!
    I usually add lemon slices to mine... for some reason that REALLY HELPS me get my goal of at least 64 oz per day!
  • I really agree with this post. Water is so important. I am diabetic and it is what keeps my blood sugar in check. I am finding many people who tell me they are thirsty all the time and wonder if they are diabetic. Like it was stated before, if you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. This does not necessarily make you diabetic but it should be checked if other symptoms occur.
  • Gettinfit2
    Gettinfit2 Posts: 254 Member
    I want and eat less when I drink more water.
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    My daily goal is 64 to 80 oz of water above and beyond juice, tea, soup etc. although they can help hydrate too.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    Yes it does. You need water in every body system. It aides A LOT in digestion. It will do amazing things for your skin, hair, EVERYTHING. Basically if you don't drink enough water for your body to function the way it needs to, it takes water from other sources. Then that source it took it from, doesn't have the right amount of water. It even helps with energy. If you're ever feeling sluggish, drink a glass of ice water. Also, your body absorbs hot water faster than it does cold water. I drink hot water with lemon instead of coffee every morning. If you don't like drinking water, eat vegetables like lettuce and celery. Celery has negative calories, you can basically eat as much of it as you want, and it's basically all water.
  • I drink at least 100 oz. a day (I am very active). It has made a HUGE difference in my weight loss and helps with my hunger.
  • lois4468
    lois4468 Posts: 166 Member
    Everythig you read says you need to drink it a multitude of reasons. Web MD site has a list or do a search on drinking water. One is it increases your metabolism. I know I have a major problem drinking water, used to do Dr. Pepper instead. I am feeling better now that I have stopped the soda and have started the water. Read the list though, you will be surprised why you need so much.
  • KAFunk
    KAFunk Posts: 2 Member
    Oh boy, my opinion is a bit different. Water can fix so many ailments and take care of so many problems. Proper hydration takes care of dry cracked skin as well as what it does for the internal organs. I also feel so much better physically after I drink water. My rule of thumb for water consumption, (I have seen this on several sites, and talked to a couple dieticians who agreed)
    take your body weight in pounds, divide by 2 = this is how many ounces of water that should be consumed daily. Mine is nearly a gallon! I do most of that every day, and I feel so much better when I do. If I don't, I feel sluggish, and...well.... dry.

    Water intake relieves my headaches (as many are caused by dehydration), heartburn, hunger (especially if I know I should not be eating anymore, but still feel hungry, it's probably thirst disguised as hunger), and basically anything Pepto fixes, I drink water before I reach for the Pepto. My exczyma is better controlled with proper hydration and the dry cracked skin and lips rarely show their ugly faces. There is water in some foods, however, there is also salt and sugar, which are the anti-water, so I don't give that water much credit.

    Just my 2 cents...... hope this helps.
  • most day i easily drink 8 glasses of water a day.. i find if i am not drinking at least that i feel gross and sluggish.. <3 water

    i also find that if i haven't been drinking enough water my face starts to show those fine lines :( lol
  • What are your opinions? I love water personally, but I rarely get up to the eight glasses a day the world seems to recommend. I know it's proven that if you have a lot of liquids with especially if you eat certain types of fibers it makes a world of difference, but is this the only reason so much water is recommended? And really...8 glasses?

    Lol. I say the same thing. I don't like water all that much myself, but I see how it helps with flushing the system out and replinishing what the body has lost. I'm going to try adding lemon and a bit of honey to my water for flavor to see how that works.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Hydration is a huge key to recovery for me.

    I drink a gallon a day minimum. Many days much more.
  • If you are diabetic, I am, and what sugar the liver does not use for energy or stored as fat builds up in your bloodstream . So drinking water is the way your body gets rid of excess sugar in your system. Part of why you can get such a hangover from drinking liqer. It makes you dehydrated. So water may weigh quite a bit it does help to flush out sugars and some minerals. The sugars not used as energy right away turns to fat . The water only stays in your system a short time. I'ld stick with water.
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    Water has made a difference for me! It has caused my ticker to move for the 1st time since September. I just began to drank a lot of it, I never use to like water, but hearing that water help with sodium because Sodium=scale weight, so if one drinks a lot of water to it flush it out, it makes a difference on the scale. I have found that to be true for me this week. Next week I have no idea if its still goin prove true for me. I certainly hope!:smile:
  • xcrushx28
    xcrushx28 Posts: 182 Member
    Well considering your mostly made up of water, I'd say its a great idea... Without water none of the processes that take place within the body can go on... I will typically drink between 1 gallon and 1.5 during the day.

    I find the earlier I start drinking the water the more I can comfortably take in during the day as well. Try drinking 4 cups of water during or right after your first meal.