What about the humanization of animals?



  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member

    *passes you the brain bleach*

    better. i needed that!
  • How do you feel about people who give their pets human names like Max or Pete?
    What about people who dress up their pets in clothes or Halloween costumes?
    Or let them eat table food and sleep in their beds?
    What about the people who treat their pets like children?

    What's your opinion?
    My dog sleeps in the bed with me.... that way if anyone breaks in during the night, they'll be face to face with a big black barking object in the dark. His name is also Gabe, a people name... although he doesn't normally eat table food or wear a Halloween costume. As long as it's not abuse, who cares?

    I hope you read this question with sarcasm.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    How do you feel about people who give their pets human names like Max or Pete?
    What about people who dress up their pets in clothes or Halloween costumes?
    Or let them eat table food and sleep in their beds?
    What about the people who treat their pets like children?

    What's your opinion?
    My dog sleeps in the bed with me.... that way if anyone breaks in during the night, they'll be face to face with a big black barking object in the dark. His name is also Gabe, a people name... although he doesn't normally eat table food or wear a Halloween costume. As long as it's not abuse, who cares?

    I hope you read this question with sarcasm.

  • How do you feel about people who give their pets human names like Max or Pete?
    What about people who dress up their pets in clothes or Halloween costumes?
    Or let them eat table food and sleep in their beds?
    What about the people who treat their pets like children?

    What's your opinion?
    My dog sleeps in the bed with me.... that way if anyone breaks in during the night, they'll be face to face with a big black barking object in the dark. His name is also Gabe, a people name... although he doesn't normally eat table food or wear a Halloween costume. As long as it's not abuse, who cares?

    I hope you read this question with sarcasm.


    Gabe is awesome.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member

    I hope you read this question with sarcasm.

    what's sarcasm?

    i've lived my whole life and never heard that word. i'm not going to bother to look it up though. that sounds like work.
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    How do you feel about people who give their pets human names like Max or Pete?
    What about people who dress up their pets in clothes or Halloween costumes?
    Or let them eat table food and sleep in their beds?
    What about the people who treat their pets like children?

    What's your opinion?
    My dog sleeps in the bed with me.... that way if anyone breaks in during the night, they'll be face to face with a big black barking object in the dark. His name is also Gabe, a people name... although he doesn't normally eat table food or wear a Halloween costume. As long as it's not abuse, who cares?

    I hope you read this question with sarcasm.


    Gabe is awesome.

    Thanks! This is true.
  • TromaRon
    TromaRon Posts: 228 Member
    I'm confused about one thing. Goofy vs. Pluto. Explain that. How is one an anthropomorphic dog and the other is decidedly canine?

    No matter what, it's just not fair that Goofy had to wear pants, while Pluto ran around naked!
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    How do you feel about people who give their pets human names like Max or Pete?
    What about people who dress up their pets in clothes or Halloween costumes?
    Or let them eat table food and sleep in their beds?
    What about the people who treat their pets like children?

    What's your opinion?

    My dog sleeps in the bed with me.... that way if anyone breaks in during the night, they'll be face to face with a big black barking object in the dark. His name is also Gabe, a people name... although he doesn't normally eat table food or wear a Halloween costume. As long as it's not abuse, who cares?

    Wait..... he did wear antlers for Christmas.
  • 1Timothy4v8
    1Timothy4v8 Posts: 503 Member
    I think all of that is fine, I dont have any children of my own and maybe I will never be able to, so my hubby and I have animals, I call my rats babys and I spoil the heck out of them

    that being said I thought this post was going to be about how PETA wants to treat an animals right the same or better the a humans, I think we should treat animals humanly but humans are more important then animals when it comes down to it

  • I hope you read this question with sarcasm.

    what's sarcasm?

    i've lived my whole life and never heard that word. i'm not going to bother to look it up though. that sounds like work.

    *forever alone*
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member

    I hope you read this question with sarcasm.

    what's sarcasm?

    i've lived my whole life and never heard that word. i'm not going to bother to look it up though. that sounds like work.

    want me to look it up for you?

  • I hope you read this question with sarcasm.

    what's sarcasm?

    i've lived my whole life and never heard that word. i'm not going to bother to look it up though. that sounds like work.

    If only they had a font! It'd make it so much easy to understand and detect!
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member

    I hope you read this question with sarcasm.

    what's sarcasm?

    i've lived my whole life and never heard that word. i'm not going to bother to look it up though. that sounds like work.

    If only they had a font! It'd make it so much easy to understand and detect!

    Good news: they DO!

    Bad news: it's wingdings.
  • How do you feel about people who give their pets human names like Max or Pete?
    What about people who dress up their pets in clothes or Halloween costumes?
    Or let them eat table food and sleep in their beds?
    What about the people who treat their pets like children?

    What's your opinion?

    One of my dogs names is Toby, definitly a human name. the other is Mesa, which isn't. Toby loves his clothes, he has a Poison t-shirt a Rush t-shirt and a black Devildriver hoodie, he loves them all. Whereas Mesa doesn't like to wear shirts, she seems confused when I try to put them on her. So I don't. They both get the occasional bits of table food, they both love carrots! I think its a nice treat. but they the little treats in their own bowls not off my plate. Toby sleeps in the bed with us when he wants to, or on the floor if he wants, Mesa sleeps in her crate in the bedroom. My point is it completely depends on the dog, my dogs each have their own personalities and limits. Also yes, I consider them both my kids, because I am a 21 year old college student, and love having something to take care of, yet am definitly not ready for kids. so I think pets are a great middle step. I do not see anything wrong with the way I treat/take care of either of my dogs, they are both happy and healthy.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Everybody is different. Some people are more drawn to animals that have human qualities, others like their animals to be purely animal. If I like my dog to bark and eat out of a dish on the ground, that's MY preference. If you like your dog to sit at the table and use cutlery and a napkin, that's YOUR preference. To each his own.
  • How do you feel about people who give their pets human names like Max or Pete?
    What about people who dress up their pets in clothes or Halloween costumes?
    Or let them eat table food and sleep in their beds?
    What about the people who treat their pets like children?

    What's your opinion?

    Haha I love human names on pets, I dislike giving animals names that you wouldn't give a child just because they're an animal, what feels more stupid calling for "Mike" or calling for "Cuddles"? (Not judging people who prefer those sort of names, it's all personal preference).
    I don't think it's right to dress up animals, but that's maybe because of a few things I've seen, namely a cat with a collar (what's wrong with collaring a cat, absolutely nothing). We has a cat, collared him (with a bell collar) since he kept catching birds at night and we were hoping the bell would wake up the bird before the cat got up the tree, well watched him scratching himself one day, hind leg got stuck in his collar and he broke it. Now in my head if a collar can do that, imagen what a jacket/coat thing could potentially do. Once again not my cup of tea.
    As for eating at the table, big no no for me, animals shouldn't be fed at the table or given scraps off the table whilst people are still eating, that's because I think it encourages them to beg whilst you eat since they get accustomed to being given nibbles off the table when you are eating so don't understand why when you have guests over they're not getting any.
    Sleeping in beds I don't care about, it's a bed, if you don't want the animal in there keep the door shut, otherwise expect the animal to find your bed and make it theirs.
    And I won't bother commenting on people who treat their pets like children since I'll probably say something that will upset someone else on that subject, each to their own.

    Finally can't help but laugh that OP thought up this after the male and female threads haha clever one :D
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    canines should be free to choose thier lifestyle and not be fit into a traditional breed role
    That's so offensive!
    Shame on you - BULLY!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I think all of that is fine, I dont have any children of my own and maybe I will never be able to, so my hubby and I have animals, I call my rats babys and I spoil the heck out of them

    that being said I thought this post was going to be about how PETA wants to treat an animals right the same or better the a humans, I think we should treat animals humanly but humans are more important then animals when it comes down to it

    I'm sorry, did you say "rats"?
  • JeanniebeanL79
    JeanniebeanL79 Posts: 96 Member
    My pups are named Precious and Cuddles but they are in every way part of the family. They sleep on the couch, on the bed, on the floor, where ever they want. I think pets should be treated like a family member, not shunned to one room of the house or put in a crate because they have company...that is mean and people like that shouldnt have pets. Dogs and other pets give unconditional love, listen to you and don't judge you and are there to cheer you up when you are sad....they are awesome! They bring smile and joy into my life everyday. I love them so much that I dogsit as a lil business because pets should be able to stay home when they cant go on vacation with you, they shouldnt be brought to a boarding place.
  • twanthe1
    twanthe1 Posts: 407
    I love my pets but I think it is ridiculous when people value animals of humans.