FB Friends don't get it.



  • denice0414
    denice0414 Posts: 40 Member
    The girl in the pic has amazing abs and arms!!! Her body rocks!! Don't worry about them on facebook...We are here to support you !!
    We understand your goals and what your striving for!! Good luck to you on your continued success!!!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I think it's a healthy goal and that you should continue to be proud in working towards it :flowerforyou: , FB friends may not be thinking fitness, health etc with every post they make the way MFP friends do.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I posted this picture on my Facebook today

    with the caption "This is what I'm striving for. It may take me years, and I may never get there fully, but I'm going to kick butt at the gym, run, lift weights, and feed my body all the healthy food and water it needs in hopes that I'll be this strong and confident one day."


    I was told that if I didn't love myself the way I am now I won't when I look like that,b appearance has nothing to do with confidence, that I should be happy the way I am, there was even a comment "where are her organs" (i'm sorry but in my mind the girl in the picture looks "fit" to me, not so thin that she looks unhealthy, but maybe i'm wrong)

    I'm sorry but when did wanting to be in shape and strong become "unhealthy"?

    I am doing this by trying to eat healthy, drinking lots of water, seeing a personal trainer, and doing it OVER TIME. And it's not like I expect to look exactly like that. I just want to be lean with muscle definition.

    I was really offended by the comment that I don't love myself. I am awesome, I like kick *kitten* music, I am smart, I am independent, I am a great wife, great sister, great daughter. I have awesome physical features that I love about myself, but I don't feel like me.

    Don't tell me that I won't feel better about myself when i lose weight, that's BS. I weighed 30lbs less than I do now and I loved the way I looked. I could express myself through clothes how I wanted, I could do physical activity and not be out of breath in 2 minutes, and I would walk around buck naked in front of my husband with a smile on my face. I don't feel that way now, I don't feel like me anymore.

    It's not like I'm starving myself or taking diet pills, or putting myself down, or HELL it's not even like i'm jumping on a fad diet.

    I'm changing my lifestyle to get back the body I had (granted the picture above is not what I had) and improve on it.


    End of rant :)

    I think that it's a great goal...it's not my ideal because my body is shaped different, but you should go for it! She has a beautiful, well-defined body.

    I ended up starting a special group on FB from my friends who ARE supportive and have the same goals as me. We all post in the group so we don't have to deal with the "haters". It has been so encouraging that I rarely post in my main forum...just in the group and in here.
  • I guess they thought that since the woman in the picture is so thin, they felt that you were trying to get "anorexic" or something of the sort. But she looks healthy to me. I see muscle and not ribs lol.
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Perhaps a lot of your F.b. pals are jealous of your drive, determination and goals.
    They may be afraid you might just get what you want. That makes them look slack ,lazy and without persistence. It's a " tall poppy thing, people can't wait to cut you down.....
    Go for it and Show 'em all!!
  • yag1630
    yag1630 Posts: 92
    Don't listen to them, listen to yourself.

    Part of being healthy is having a beautiful body and shape.

    I believe everyone has the capability to make it happen.

    It's just a matter of discipline. :happy:
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I guess they thought that since the woman in the picture is so thin, they felt that you were trying to get "anorexic" or something of the sort. But she looks healthy to me. I see muscle and not ribs lol.

    Yeah! That's what I don't get. I mean I've never wanted to be "thin" and I've always had a pretty healthy view of myself as a person so I thought it was weird that they would jump all over me. I think people mistake "toned" on girls for "skinny"
  • swordsmith
    swordsmith Posts: 599 Member
    I underwent a weird experience with friends both on FB and in person. At the beginning of my weight loss journey everyone was uber supportive even when I said a far away goal was to look like this person or do something that X has done.

    Then I lost 70 pounds and really hit the gym. I have started to define and tone and have actual biceps when at rest- under whats left of my belly fat I can feel some pretty hard abs! Well this is when people really turned nasty- "you shouldnt lose more weight" "WHy do you hate yourself so much- love who you are" etc right down to people trying to tear me down via communication and actions (i.e. it was amazing all of a sudden how many people wanted to offer me candy, cookies, etc).

    RIght now I can say I lost about 6 "friends"- all who are heavy. 5 dropped me and one I dropped as I could no longer take the moaning emotional vampire he engendered whenever we met - constant put downs and attempts to sabotage me. Now I have a pretty good core of friends who celebrate my goal attainment and dont give me **** over my battle against my weight.

    I would be ruthless and chop out the haters- especially if they are ONLY FB friends who I have found to be some of the most shallow people out there. If you only know them from FB and all they do is go negative then merrily defriend them and call it good.
  • knight76306
    knight76306 Posts: 233 Member
    I understand all too completely. Mine isn't facebook though, it people around me. Only a few understand "the body building thing" and very few understand the weight loss thing at all. Most people just don't get it, don't want to get or really don't understand. I used to weigh over 250 pounds. They all think once I got to my goal weight it was over. NOT! I still have goals I aspire to, have pictures on my wall at work - they just don't see the "need". For me it isn't only the way I look, but the way I feel and the things I can do.
  • mauigyrl
    mauigyrl Posts: 86 Member
    That is a great motivational picture. Don't we all wish to have tight abs like that. I keep most of my weighloss etc here on mfp. Only info that dribbles in fb is when I workout and it tells you what you did and how much calories you burned. If working out 7 days a week is what you do then it's all good. It's a great stress reliever too. Do what you do bc it's all about self improvement.
  • that's what you've got us for! we understand what you're going through!! :smile:
  • Be happy and be you!!!!
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    I don't have any friends on FB that I'm not friends with in real life, but obviously some are people I don't see often. I think I'll keep my fitness related goals here (which I seem to be on more than FB anyways). It's just sad that I have the motivation and am developing healthy habits and i get *kitten* on for them.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    thats why i have quit sharing my weight loss goals with most people. they just dont get it. they say i am thin enough. i am still in the overweight category! six more lbs to go. i recently injured my knee and even my trainer at first was like, why are you still here in the gym and i said cuz i know myself, any excuse to slack. so i did upper body, let the knee have the week off, and did abs like a mad woman all week. today i was able to walk on the treadmill for half an hr and we did lower body also. but i wouldnt worry about others and just post stuff on here instead. there are so many people that still would rather be 60 lbs or more overweight on my face book page that i would never think of posting there because my goals are similar to yours. i will never look even close to that girl in the pic because my hips are huge compared to hers but i do want to get the muscle she has!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    I don't have any friends on FB that I'm not friends with in real life, but obviously some are people I don't see often. I think I'll keep my fitness related goals here (which I seem to be on more than FB anyways). It's just sad that I have the motivation and am developing healthy habits and i get *kitten* on for them.
    most people are probably jealous that you have that motivation and are willing to do the work it takes to get there. i get **** all the time for being in the gym 2 hrs a day. if that is what it takes to reach my goals then so be it and everyone else can suck it.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Be happy and be you!!!!

    Exactly, if I learnt anything in my first couple years of marriage, it's this. Because if you aren't happy with you, it affects the relationship.
  • FitChic13
    FitChic13 Posts: 51 Member
    I think it's a FAB photo and I think it's a FAB goal. By posting that on FB you may have tapped into other people's issues about - THEMSELVES. If you get fit and FAB then it may make them uncomfortable as it will remind and show them that with hard work and dedication they could be fit too.
    Rock on, girlfriend - like the post said above - lose the haters, they aren't really friends!
  • ccnjc4e
    ccnjc4e Posts: 142 Member
    I told all my FB friends that any negative comments you want to say, dont bother saying them and delete me as a friend.
  • sharishopalot
    sharishopalot Posts: 82 Member
    I too have gotten crap from friends on FB. They tell me i have lost to much weight. The funny thing and i don't mean this in any disrespect but the ones that give me crap are the ones that have tried dieting and given up.. But then I also have the ones that are happy and encourage me to continue what I am doing..
    The picture you posted is not a bad picture.. I wouldn't mind looking like that either.. Keep up the good work you'll be there in no time... :smile:
  • munchkinhugs
    munchkinhugs Posts: 278 Member
    Where are her organs?


    Sorry, I couldn't resist.. Facebook people are a bit ehh in my mind. Most of the folk that said lame stuff were probably just jealous because they can't find a way to motivate themselves enough to get fit. Or, if the people that said that ARE fit, they're probably just worried that you're going to steal their thunder. Either way, tell them to get ef'd and go for it!