Deleting friends?



  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    Whats up with the three days crap? So, if I choose to take a vacation and not bring my smart phone I will come back to no friends?

    I agree. There are all sorts of reasons that someone may not be able to log for even a week or so. I would rather delete someone that hasn't logged in for a couple of months.
    I agree also... I usually wait until it shows they haven't logged in for 2 months. Besides, I don't want to go into my friends list everyday and see who hasn't logging in for 3-4 days and delete them. I usually go in and check once a month or once every 2 months.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I pretty much only delete inactive friends.

    Though friends who consistently eat 800 calories a day and burn 1000 drive me insane.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Whats up with the three days crap? So, if I choose to take a vacation and not bring my smart phone I will come back to no friends?

    I agree. There are all sorts of reasons that someone may not be able to log for even a week or so. I would rather delete someone that hasn't logged in for a couple of months.
    I agree also... I usually wait until it shows they haven't logged in for 2 months. Besides, I don't want to go into my friends list everyday and see who hasn't logging in for 3-4 days and delete them. I usually go in and check once a month or once every 2 months.

    Before you diagnose yourself with depression, first of all check you are not, in fact, surrounded by *kitten*.

    ^ Now that is a mantra I hold dear, and although isn't totally applicable to this - people that haven't been on for 3 days aren't necessarily bad people - I believe in removing negativity from my life when and where possible. It seems cut-throat to some, but it all adds up. This is just another way of optimizing.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    If they don't log in for more than 3 days, post trivial FB stuff or act poorly with a toxic, argumentative attitude, Bye Bye!
    Further, anybody on one of those starvation diets is somebody I want no part of; they'll be fat all their life.

    It's self-defeating.

    I want serious, fitness oriented guys and some ladies who not only seek to be thin but in PEAK condition.
    Normal is NOT where it's at for us - we want MORE!

    If this is you, friend me!

    Agree with this! Also those that are really sporadic and don't give any one plan a chance...even if it was ridiculous! And that post stupid stuff in the forums and are constantly self deprecating about themselves because we all have our own neuroses and we're not here to constantly tackle that for them.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    If they don't log in for more than 3 days, post trivial FB stuff or act poorly with a toxic, argumentative attitude, Bye Bye!
    Further, anybody on one of those starvation diets is somebody I want no part of; they'll be fat all their life.

    It's self-defeating.

    I want serious, fitness oriented guys and some ladies who not only seek to be thin but in PEAK condition.
    Normal is NOT where it's at for us - we want MORE!

    If this is you, friend me!

    BobbyClerici has deactivated their account. LOL
  • MrsLawsonNavyBrat2B
    before i think about deleting someone I go through their profile to see how often they have acutally logged things. Sometimes when it says a person has not been on for three days they really havent done anything for weeks. I go to the profile, see when the last time they logged was and base my decision off that. If they leave a status explaining whats going on I am more likely to keep them bc I know whats going on.

    6 months ago I had an iphone and I was on MFP everyday. When i no longer had the iphone was not on as much and was hardly able to log. Tried to check in as much as I could. I went from 80 friends to around 60 and i didnt blame the ppl who deleted me bc I know that they would rather have a person there everyday being supportive than a person who just popped in every blue moon.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    The only 1 person I've ever deleted was on one of those "500 cal diets" yet was eating burger king and crap like that... She claimed it was medically supervised but if that's the case wouldn't her doc tell her to eat healthier foods??? I just couldn't watch that, it really upset me to see her posts because I really did not believe in/accept her method of dieting (ie starvation).

    Otherwise, I've met a great group of people here, and try to be supportive of everyone... I know I have my bad days/weeks, even months since I've begun but I'm trying none the less, and the friend I have support me in that... I'll give back as much as I can too :)
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I delete friends constantly.. .because I'm not super picky with who's friend requests I accept all the time. I figure *most* people deserve a chance. I see no reason to keep people around though if they are not active on the site (even if they log in, it's pointless if they aren't logging any food or exercise or commenting on anyone's statuses). I also delete people who haven't logged in for a long time, people I don't even know who they are because they have never commented on any of my statuses, people who are immature, people with ed's (the ones who AREN'T trying to get better), ummmm, there's plenty of other reasons but yes I'm picky with who I choose to keep as friends. I'm like that in real life, so the internet isn't any different. I am not here to be a number...
  • MrsLawsonNavyBrat2B
    Whats up with the three days crap? So, if I choose to take a vacation and not bring my smart phone I will come back to no friends?

    this is when you make your last status "I AM GOING TO GO PARTY IN THE BAHAMAS!! I WILL SEE YOU IN A WEEK"
  • perpetuallyfit
    perpetuallyfit Posts: 153 Member
    I want to delete people who block their food diaries from friends because even if you want to cheer them or support them you never know how they have been doing. My diary was by default set to "private" by MFP and thankfully I noticed it and quickly made it viewable to my friends. I also don't like people who never have a word of encouragement for others.Not even a Yay!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    If they don't log in for more than 3 days, post trivial FB stuff or act poorly with a toxic, argumentative attitude, Bye Bye!
    Further, anybody on one of those starvation diets is somebody I want no part of; they'll be fat all their life.

    It's self-defeating.

    I want serious, fitness oriented guys and some ladies who not only seek to be thin but in PEAK condition.
    Normal is NOT where it's at for us - we want MORE!

    If this is you, friend me!

    Agree with this! Also those that are really sporadic and don't give any one plan a chance...even if it was ridiculous! And that post stupid stuff in the forums and are constantly self deprecating about themselves because we all have our own neuroses and we're not here to constantly tackle that for them.
  • nosugarcoating
    nosugarcoating Posts: 194 Member
    I delete for various reasons. I do try to comment on all my friends regularly (that's also why I try to keep my friends' list small, I can't handle keeping up with that many people) but when I never get any support in return, I will delete them after a while.
    If they stop using MFP I will usually also delete after a while, but I do understand that someone may be going through a rough patch or be very busy. And if it's friends I've had for a while or interact with a lot, I'm not that likely to delete them. I've made a few good friends on MFP and have some friends on MFP that I know from elsewhere and I won't delete them regardless of how much they use or don't use MFP.
    I have also deleted someone for having really unhealthy eating habits (an eating disorder) before, simply because I want my support network on here to be composed of people with a healthy mindset. I am sure these people need help/support, but not mine (but that of a professional and friend).
  • ButtercupSprad
    I never deleted a friend on MFP..
    & I have many who have many bad days during the week and always complain and eat a lot.. but that doesn't mean i should delete them, i just try to support them! I'm struggling a bit.. and i've been having many bad days (calorie-wise) so i think i should be understanding and appreciate those who always support me.

    Also, some of my friends have opposite goals and ED's.. but they're really determined and strong. So i love them for that! :) It inspires me.

  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Whats up with the three days crap? So, if I choose to take a vacation and not bring my smart phone I will come back to no friends?

    this is when you make your last status "I AM GOING TO GO PARTY IN THE BAHAMAS!! I WILL SEE YOU IN A WEEK"
    Mine is 6 days - bye bye!
  • ButtercupSprad
    Totally AGREE!!
    I want to delete people who block their food diaries from friends because even if you want to cheer them or support them you never know how they have been doing. My diary was by default set to "private" by MFP and thankfully I noticed it and quickly made it viewable to my friends. I also don't like people who never have a word of encouragement for others.Not even a Yay!
  • ButtercupSprad
    Aweeee. Don't delete them..........some ppl just have bad weeks, (Lord knows I do) would hurt my feeling, (a little) if they deleted me because I have logged in for a while....THEN AGAIN, we are not that personal with the MFP friends as we are on Facebook, so I suppose I am acting a emotional about this.....(must be the supplements)
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    3 months for me; chances are an absence that long means they aren't coming back, and if they do It will probably be under a different account.
  • ButtercupSprad
    Girl, you dont owe no one an explanation......if they delete you, then forget them! Your not bonded to know one on MFP.
    Whats up with the three days crap? So, if I choose to take a vacation and not bring my smart phone I will come back to no friends?

    this is when you make your last status "I AM GOING TO GO PARTY IN THE BAHAMAS!! I WILL SEE YOU IN A WEEK"
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    I don't think I will ever delete a friend because they have been absent/inactive. If they ever choose to come back, I want them to know that I always had faith they would return. I guess I hope someone would do that for me if I fell of the wagon.

    But my friend list is starting to become unmanageable...guess I'm going to have to come up with some delete criteria :(
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    If you respond to like 50 million MB topics and don't have it set to not show up on my wall. You will be deleted because you take up half my freaking wall