Soda. To drink or not to drink, that is the question



  • Emilia6909
    Emilia6909 Posts: 309 Member
    Just the thought of what is IN it, makes me run a mile! Horrendous stuff....
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Nope, and never intend to. No point. I have no reaction to sweeteners, and next to no cals in diet why the problem?

    Same here. I heard all of the stories about how it could cause weight gain so at one point I did give it up for several months. I saw no change in my weight or how I felt so I eventually started drinking it again.
  • kaydensmom12
    I gave up my pepsi in May 2011. I drank it daily as my main source of hydration, lol. It was very difficult for the first 2 months when I quit.

    I do not miss it now, and it has no appeal to me at all anymore besides on occasion when eating pizza. If that occurs I will take a sip of it, think that it is nasty and be good for a few more months. It just tastes like syrup to me, and not in a good way so I do not enjoy the taste anymore fortunately.

    The same thing occurred with salt, I used to put salt on everything and now foods taste salty enough for me so I couldn't imagine adding any.
  • ashleighk90
    ashleighk90 Posts: 112 Member
    Used to drink a TON of soda. Now I drink it when I go out, if I feel like it. Sometimes I have alcohol, sometimes I have water, sometimes I have soda. However I don't buy it to drink at home anymore, and haven't for over a year. I don't miss it and I don't miss spending the cash on it haha.

    Never got into diet. I drink regular Coke. It's just one of those things that I enjoy, in moderation.
  • RAStong
    RAStong Posts: 4 Member
    Lent must have been a good influence on a lot of people.

    I used to drink one diet soda after another, starting when I hit the office at 7:00 and stopping about 9:00.

    I gave up soda in two stages. First, for Lent 2008, I gave up caffeinated drinks and shifted to caffeine free diet soda. Then, last May, 2011, after I got serious about my weight, I gave up all diet sodas.

    Now, pretty much all I drink is water. I don't miss the soda at all and I wonder why I went so many years drinking it.
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    I gave up pepsi about a month ago, yay! I used to drink 2+ a day, didn't matter what time. Needless to say, I sleep much better at night now.
  • KristysLosing
    I drank a lot of Mt Dew up until August when I started this. I started drinking Crystal Light lemonade instead. I find if I don't have that, I resort back to soda. But when I drink it now, it's usually too sweet and undesirable. But I'm OK with that. :-)
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I drink it.. About half a can a day. I drink regular since I don't do aspartame. I fit it into my calories (75 or so) and it hasn't stopped my weightloss. But as I said in other threads, do what works for you.
  • nygiantschick
    nygiantschick Posts: 289 Member
    So happy to see this post. I have not had a soda since November. But I do still do sparkling water and I'll add lemon. cranberry or pomegranate juice to it when I get a little taste for fizzle. Does that count?
  • Elle_Jamaicangirl81
    Elle_Jamaicangirl81 Posts: 418 Member
    gave up soda some time ago... more or less. i'll drink a diet sprite every once in a while (last one i drank was maybe last September) but i stick to water these days :smile:
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    NEVER drink it. It is horrible for you, especially the bones. Believe or not either of my daughters (18 and 20) have NEVER had it in their lives. Their friends think they are from another planet. Probably best thing I have ever done as a mother -LOL.
  • Silvercivic
    Silvercivic Posts: 156 Member
    I used to drink just one can of diet coke per day. Then it started to turn into the occasional 2 diet cokes per day. Sometimes I even drank 3. I was pretty embarrassed about my bad habit. Towards the end of 2011 the diet cokes weren't even tasting good- I was just drinking them because I was used to doing it. I used the new year as a fresh start and I decided that starting in 2012 I will no longer be a soda drinker. It has been 22 days so far and I am so happy with my new life as a non-pop drinker. I really do feel better. Yes, I get cravings every now and then, but I've been able to resist so far, and I plan to be soda-free for the rest of my life.
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    I think people who are "cutting down on caffeine," and who give up sodas under that context, are hilarious, because then they drink tea and such. Sodas have A LOT LESS caffeine than tea or coffee, even the ubiquitous Mountain Dew...

    I drink Diet Mountain Dew and occasionally other diet sodas in reasonable moderation (I try to limit to 1-2 per day now). The worst thing about them is the acidic nature, which has no effect whatsoever on weight loss, but is not good for your teeth.

    I'm taking the advice of a very successful WeightWatchers leader I had years ago (a man, named Mike): When I have a craving for something sweet, I'd much rather have a ZERO calorie diet soda than a anything-calorie sweet thing or candy. Sure, there are other zero-cal options (sugar free jello and such), but diet sodas are available virtually everywhere, and are a great option to grab instead of a sugary snack to satisfy a craving.

    If you go without, that's cool, but I don't dig the proselytizing as if diet sodas are the devil somehow. There's nothing I can find that legitimately indicates that.
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    I gave up soda, but I've had a pre-migrainal headache that I couldn't kick for 2 days so just bought a 20oz Mt. Dew. I am NOT enjoying it, I feel a little queasy, and it would take a MAJOR headache to make me do it again.

    I don't drink coffee and the tea wasn't working. :(

    I prefer living a soda-free life. Way more calories available to dedicate to food. Once it was gone, I didn't miss it. 6 months later, I still don't. Today's soda really confirmed it.
  • sofitheteacup
    sofitheteacup Posts: 397 Member
    I've also completely "given up" soda, for the most part. I'm not sure if I count, since I rarely drank it to begin with. We used to have it around when I was younger but it was limited, so I don't think I really developed a taste for it, and as I've moved through school and live on my own, it's not something that has ever made it on to my grocery list and my meals out are always accompanied by water (and the occasional wine). I had some drug abuse problems in my past, and the carbonation in sodas hurts my nose (though I've heard other people say this without knowing why it bothers them), so I avoid it.
    Every so often I'll get a craving for a fountain coke- not bottled, not canned, must be fountain. Usually I resist, but I think I had one or two last year. I try to think of what cravings could be messages that my body needs certain things, but aside from possibly sugar (as I rarely have that, either), I have no idea.
    I'm all for giving up soda, diet included. I guess I just don't see the point of guzzling something that isn't good for you.
    However, to make this post even more unnecessarily long, sometimes I hate that I'm not a soda person because it's usually one of those first things people tell you to cut out of your diet to lose weight, and that's not an option for me. Ha.
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    I gave up soda, but I've had a pre-migrainal headache that I couldn't kick for 2 days so just bought a 20oz Mt. Dew. I am NOT enjoying it, I feel a little queasy, and it would take a MAJOR headache to make me do it again.

    I don't drink coffee and the tea wasn't working. :(

    I prefer living a soda-free life. Way more calories available to dedicate to food. Once it was gone, I didn't miss it. 6 months later, I still don't. Today's soda really confirmed it.

    You know they make soda without calories, right? :)

    BTW, coffee and tea are really good for you! Coffee is actually associated with longer life and mental sharpness. I plan to increase my coffee intake as I age!
  • heykatieben
    heykatieben Posts: 398 Member
    I wish I could get to a point where it wasn't appealing. When I quit, it gets less appealing and I stop craving it, but just one soda and I'm back in the game. Does it just take a long time to completely lose the taste for it?
  • creeperlegume
    creeperlegume Posts: 171 Member
    I gave it up for Lent more than 12 years ago and never went back. Okay. I sort of lied. I'll ONLY have it in a mixed drink...but that's usually just club soda. So much happier without it in my life.
  • nahralynn
    nahralynn Posts: 125 Member
    If I want soda i'll have whatever I want (diet or non depending on what I feel like) but only very little. Like a couple sips. It gets rid of my 'craving' for it. However the reason I stopped drinking soda wasn't for 'diet' reasons. I used to drink sodas all the time and drink them throughout the day .. but after a visit to my dentist and how he explained what the sugar can do to your teeth, (similar to meth mouth if I remember correctly) I stopped. That's my reason behind it. I mean sure if I drink soda, wait for over 30 minutes, then brush my teeth you'd be good .. but meh .. I want to only brush my teeth after I eat .. not after I drink too!
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    I wish I could get to a point where it wasn't appealing. When I quit, it gets less appealing and I stop craving it, but just one soda and I'm back in the game. Does it just take a long time to completely lose the taste for it?
    its been a month for me and i still get cravings for my coke zero. as long as there isnt any cold i am fine but i think if i drank one i would be back in the game