Soda. To drink or not to drink, that is the question



  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    Me and my husband used to be BIG Dr.Pepper drinkers! In fact we never drank anything but Dr.Pepper for years! I know, it is SO SO bad for you!! We finally decided to change our habits and soda and smoking were the first two things to go, we quit smoking on 4/19/10, and then we quit drinking soda on 4/19/10! These were big accomplishments for us. So this coming April will be 2 years for no smoking and 1 year for no soda!
  • lr8812
    lr8812 Posts: 111
    Switched to diet in November! Been 2 long months without any regular soda. But it had to go. I'd consume 1,000 calories alone in soda per day.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I've stopped drinking it. Started with a challenge on here for a month, it was hard first few weeks, but by the end of the month I didn't miss it. Now I drink it every 3-4 months on a girls night with alcohol and that's it. It sped my weight loss up too x
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 175 Member
    I drink a can of pepsi or coke (diet version) most days - occasionally I'll have 2 cans, but never more than that. To be honest, I can't see the big problem! I'm quite surprised that some people become so addicted that they end up drinking gallons of it - maybe I'm lucky that it's never affected me that way. It's the same with coffee - one or two cups a day, max - never crave any more than that. I wish I could say the same about chocolate, crisps & other snacks!! :tongue: Well, I'm managing to cut back on them, but finding it tough at times.

    I feel that if having the odd calorie-free drink stops me from eating as much calorie-laden junk (by taking the edge off my appetite) then it's helpful. There are much worse things in the world, such as smoking, alcohol, serious drug abuse etc. Just my opinion!! :ohwell:
  • hsmithway
    hsmithway Posts: 191
    Same here. I heard all of the stories about how it could cause weight gain so at one point I did give it up for several months. I saw no change in my weight or how I felt so I eventually started drinking it again.

    This was my experience as well. These days I drink and thoroughly enjoy my diet coke, though I still make an effort to drink a lot more water and this time of year nothing beats a hot cup of unsweetend tea.

    Since a fair number of people do seem to see a substantial benefit from giving it up, I think it's worth going without for a few months to see if it's helpful for you. But if you don't see any difference, I wouldn't fret about having an occasional soda.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566
    Tomorrow is suppose to be my quit day. I drink Diet Mt Dew. I have cut down a lot but want to get rid of it entirely. It is going to be really, really hard for me and i dread it. I quit smoking a few yrs ago but i think quitting soda will be harder.

    Any tips?
  • BigDaddy822
    I have never been a big fan of soda. I really like to drink the 0 calorie powerades they have available. I have drank them for years
  • JediMaster_intraining
    I used to love Coke, Pepsi, and Dr. Pepper. Now that I've given it up almost completely I feel like I don't want it. And when I do drink it I feel dumb for wasting my calories. I do not see anything wrong with an occasional soda. I sometimes have a Dr. Pepper once every three months or so. It takes away the craving to want something with more calories. :ohwell: But overall, I think giving soda up completely would be great except for the occasional can or bottle. :flowerforyou: drink water!
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    I go back and forth on this one. Though lately I've found that if I drink 1 or 2 cans of Diet Dr Pepper in the morning it helps with my regularity. The rest of the day is usually just water & tea...occasionally I'll add a drink packet. :happy:
  • Twinsmomma27
    I gave up drinking Pepsi and Sprite when I realized how many calories I was drinking.
    We bought a Soda Stream and LOVE IT! I treat myself to 8oz of root beer with MUCH less sugar and only 35 calories. It's a more natural Soda. You can also make diet sodas and Flavored seltzer waters with it.
  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    Its terrible for your teeth. I have a diet or Coke zero very rarely, but otherwise I'm drinking tea, coffee, or water. Or vodka. ;)
  • MariaAlbinaxoxo
    MariaAlbinaxoxo Posts: 290 Member
    I haven't given it up entirely but I never drank it a lot unless I go out to dinner but now I just bring my 10 calorie lemonade packets and ask for water to put it in and that saves me the calories (as well as $$!) Now that they have the Ten calorie sodas I've been having some of the Sunkist. It's pretty good !
  • GlenWalterGal
    GlenWalterGal Posts: 85 Member
    I used to drink Diet Pepsi all the time. If I did not have a bottle right beside me at all time, I could not stop thinking about it. I guess that's a form of addiction so, I decided: enough is enough and in March 2011, I started replacing my cravings for soda with water. I don't drink as much water as I drank soda but that's OK, I still get enough.
    I have to admit that now, I don't even want soda any more. If I'm at a restaurant or at someone's house, I PREFER water now, isn't that strange...(and wonderful).
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    I used drink diet sodas ALL the time a long while back. Found out the aspartame in it was the cause of my eczema. Now no more any kind of sodas and my eczema has cleared completely up. :love:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Um, I wouldn't say entirely. I mostly don't drink it 'cause it's a waste of 100+ calories. It's empty calories, and really the only time I drink it is if I have pizza (which is rare, but not as rare as you probably think). I just cannot eat pizza without it. I don't really like having caffeine in my body, so I try to drink a soda that's not caffeinated, but usually that's hard to come by, and it's DP - my favorite. After not drinking it for awhile, it burns my throat ... so it's not so easy for me to get back on the bandwagon.
  • Bysshe
    Bysshe Posts: 428 Member
    SInce getting serious about losing weight I have not had one PLAIN soda. I have had some diet sodas, but not everyday.
    I mainly drink water, and occasionally a diet dr. pepper or some tea with truvia.
    It seems to be working for me!
  • m_wilh
    m_wilh Posts: 362 Member
    I used to drink a lot of soft drinks, then I switched from dark colas to only drinking Sprite. Last year I gave up the Sprite and haven't had a soft drink in almost a year. They don't even tempt me as I have absolutely NO DESIRE to drink them anymore. In fact, just the thoughts of a dark cola such as Pepsi or Dr. Pepper is sickening to me. All I drink now is water, water, and more water along with about two glasses of almond milk a day.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    I tried to give up completely this month, but I failed miserably... I used to have one diet pop a day, now I have a couple a week... Although I don't have alot, I am not quite there to give it up just yet!
  • sunshine421969
    sunshine421969 Posts: 273 Member
    I drink maybe one diet drink ,once or twice a week.Other than that, its water or maybe a cup of coffee twice a week...
  • HBinOC
    HBinOC Posts: 78 Member
    I too gave up my 6 diet coke a day habit a few years ago- the transition to water helped with green tea and flavored water, carbonated waters, but then eventually quit those too- Coffee- Water - Tea & Wine :) ( Trying to stay away from the wine these days- so far so good) I drink about 4 20oz bottles of deer park a day I keep three in my desk drawer at all times.