Up for a Summer Challange??? 20 lbs by August 31st



  • Swoopette
    Swoopette Posts: 118 Member
    Holy did you get the response to the challenge. I am also up for it. I started only yesterday. Not sure if I can make the 20pound mark but I am up for the challenge. Never knew how little 1200 calories is. It is only 7:30pm and I am done for the day and I haven't eaten candies have a problem of needed a pop a day hard to give up that, but that is what takes my calories away. Thank goodness for excercises gives me more food to eat (good food of course)

    Age: 38
    Starting weight: 173.5 (from the Wii Fit scale)
    Currant weight: 173.5 (same)
    Goal weight. 148.0 ( will have to accept 153. for the challenge)
    Day/s minutes of exexecies: 5 days/ try to 1 hour walking 1/2 hour bike ride

    GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE. WE CAN DO IT ALL OF US!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    P.S Just read a post down below if we all make our goal weight we get to go to Beppy8's wedding.:happy:
  • Hey gang-
    hope you guys are gearing up for the second weigh in this Friday, already!!!
    This week has not been the greatest for me in terms of weight loss, however, on the plus side, I am way more consistent with my workouts and am witnessing my stamina and endurance increase each day.
    There is something I want to ask??? What are you guys doing for rewards each time you overcome an obstacle/ reach a weightloss goal etc!
    I've broken mine down.
    Goal 1- Reach 180 (-5 lbs) New trainers for the gym.
    Goal 2- Reach 175 (-10lbs) New Highlights- gearing up for Summer.
    Goal 3- Reach 170 (-15lbs) Donate all baggier loose fitting clothes. I should be down at least one size.
    Goal 4- Reach 165 (-20lbs) Botox! Yeap- I'm gonna go for it.:tongue:
    Goal 5- Reach 160 (-25 lbs) Shoppinf spree at Victoria's Secret. Purge all old granny knickers for bright, beautiful SMALLER ones.
    ....and on and on

    Ultimate goal for me is to hit 140 lbs. On that day I am marching into the Jeweler's store and picking up a diamond eternity band I have had my eye on for months.
    This is about me and my journey. I need incentives and rewards to keep me on track.
    Anyone else out there doing something similar?
    Again, welcome to all the new faces. Swoopoette, you are so right, this thread is on fire.
    MRSWESSON Posts: 107
    Count me in.
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'5"
    Starting weight: 235
    Starting Pant Size: 20
    Current weight 205
    Current Pant Size: 14
    Goal weight 150 - 130
    Days/minutes of exercise:
    5-7 Days a Week
    45 Minutes Cardio
    30 Minutes Circuit Training

  • i'm def in for this challenge.

    age: 20
    starting weight: 163
    current weight: 162
    goal weight: 113
    days/min: 60 min/5 days
    ABRASEL Posts: 5
    I am definately up for this challenge!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • angiemcnett
    angiemcnett Posts: 429
    Hey gang-
    hope you guys are gearing up for the second weigh in this Friday, already!!!
    This week has not been the greatest for me in terms of weight loss, however, on the plus side, I am way more consistent with my workouts and am witnessing my stamina and endurance increase each day.
    There is something I want to ask??? What are you guys doing for rewards each time you overcome an obstacle/ reach a weightloss goal etc!
    I've broken mine down.
    Goal 1- Reach 180 (-5 lbs) New trainers for the gym.
    Goal 2- Reach 175 (-10lbs) New Highlights- gearing up for Summer.
    Goal 3- Reach 170 (-15lbs) Donate all baggier loose fitting clothes. I should be down at least one size.
    Goal 4- Reach 165 (-20lbs) Botox! Yeap- I'm gonna go for it.:tongue:
    Goal 5- Reach 160 (-25 lbs) Shoppinf spree at Victoria's Secret. Purge all old granny knickers for bright, beautiful SMALLER ones.
    ....and on and on

    Ultimate goal for me is to hit 140 lbs. On that day I am marching into the Jeweler's store and picking up a diamond eternity band I have had my eye on for months.
    This is about me and my journey. I need incentives and rewards to keep me on track.
    Anyone else out there doing something similar?
    Again, welcome to all the new faces. Swoopoette, you are so right, this thread is on fire.

    I am rewarding myself after every 25 pounds lost with a manicure or a pedicure. When I reach my goal weight I am treating my self to a massage.:smile:
  • money is tight right now, so my exciting rewards right now are fitting back into clothes that have been to small... Everytime I lose 5 lbs I try on my skinny jeans...a shirt i haven't worn for awhile...t.hat dress that is going to look killer when I get to my 20 lb goal...
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Wowy! A lot of ppl have joined! That's awesome! Good luck everyone! :flowerforyou: Keep up the good work :wink:
  • OMG, I'm so in... I need a good motivator.

    Starting weight-253

    current weight-241

    goal weight-190 (for now)

    excercise-30-60 min day/3-5 times week

    We can do it, lets get FIt:wink:
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,304 Member
    I definitely need some accountability so count me in! I already have a mini goal of 18lbs by my birthday (early August) so adding a few more by the end of the month should work out great. :happy:

    Highest weight: 234
    Starting weight on MFP: 193
    Current weight: 187
    Goal weight: 135-140
    Exercise: Cardio 60min 3 days/wk & Strength 60min 3 days/week.
  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    :drinker: Count me in.
    Age: 53
    cw: 202
    sw: 220
    gw: 150

    This site has definately helped.:drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • lisat4u
    lisat4u Posts: 1
    Hi there.. I am a single mom of 2 that saw the scale hit 225lbs when i went to give birth to my 1st son just 3 years ago.
    I currently weigh 195...
    I am only 23yrs old and definitely not happy with my weight.
    I am joinging the challenge!!
    Im so excited!!
    Age 23
    SW: 195
    Exercise: Cardio 20-30 mintues 3 days/week
    Strengthening 30minutes 3days/week

    A tip for everyone.. look into getting the fitness ball.. Walmart has it for under $10!!! you can do cardio and strengthening exercises all in one. Ive been doing ab workouts and boy!!! Am I feeling muscles I've never felt before. And if you get the .. i think they are pilates belts.. they are stretching belts, you can add workouts to your fitness ball.

    Good luck everyone.. and Im looking forward to this challenge!!
  • Hello everyone,
    I need to lose some of these extra weight I am carrying.
    this is a pretty kool site
    Age 43
    SW: ?????
    Exercise: Cardio 20-30 mintues 3 days/week
    Strengthening 30minutes 3days/week
  • Wow Nelly!!!
    I cannot believe how many of you are up for the challenge- what a great show of force.
    Now the real work begins.
    For you Newbies, tomorrow will be your official first weigh in. All's you need to do is post your
    SW, CW and your workouts for the week. Remember- we are only interested in your actual time/days/calories burned versus what you INTEND to do for the week. This site is about accountability and pushing yourselves out of the comfort zone. :explode:

    For the rest, this is week 2.
    In addition to posting all of the above, please also add your weight for the first weigh in and how many pounds you have lost (or gained. It's ok peeps, let's keep it real here).

    Make this day count and feel light as a feather on those scales tomorrow.
  • renee22
    renee22 Posts: 33
    Wk 2- I know I'm early but I only weigh myself at the gym on Thursdays....

    SW: 169
    Wk 1: 165
    CW: 166 = +1 :(
    Exercise: 325 min/5days.....
  • lbs2go
    lbs2go Posts: 1
    That's about the amount I'd set my sights on to lose by Aug 29th (a birthday), so I'm in! Sounds like great motivation -- SW posted tomorrow morning! :bigsmile:
  • Ahmee2034
    Ahmee2034 Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hi everyone! This is my first day and I cannot believe I am only now discovering this amazing site.
    Straight to the point...I'm a 42 and 40lbs overweight. In a word, FAT.
    The weird thing is that I haven't seen myself as such until recently. Ever have those times when you get all dolled up for a night out and you really think you're smokin. Then out comes a camera and there you are...only you don't look as hot as you feel. Happens to me all the time. My eyes look squinty, the chins are creating a collar on my neck , and all the emotions of guilt, shame and anger at myself come tumbleing into play. Some people have coined the phrase "Skinny-Fat"- that's me ok.
    How did I let myself get to this point.
    Well this is it for me. I'm married to a man who works out 6 days a week and looks better 15 years later than the day I first met him. He can't say that about me. I want to make him proud and be that hot girlfriend again. So here's the deal.

    I'm throwing a challange out there for anyone who wants to lose 20lbs between now and August 31st.
    We would weigh in each Friday and log the following.

    Starting weight
    Currant weight
    Goal weight
    Days/minutes of exercise

    What do you say????
    Who's ready to put your butts into high gear and be shredded for Summer?
    Let's do this


    :drinker: I'm in! I wish I had seen this post sooner! I have about 20 pounds before reaching my goal weight of 120. Here are my stats:

    Age 41
    Starting weight 137 (as of today for this challenge...original start weight was 180 :blushing: last summer)
    Currant weight 137
    Goal weight 120
    Days/minutes of exercise: 6/4/09 - 30 minutes - Slim in 6 Start It Up!

    Let's get this going!! I know, I know, I'm late...:grumble:
  • mommybug77
    mommybug77 Posts: 19
    Age 31
    Starting weight 176
    Current weight 172
    Goal weight 150

    I will not be around tomorrow morning to weigh in
  • jolee7689
    jolee7689 Posts: 2
    Hope I can still join! Im in :0)
    age 27
    weight 217
    goal weight 155
    exercise 30 min twice a week but increasing this week lol

    im new to this sight so bare with me :0)
  • WOO HOO!!! Weigh in is soon!!! All though I feel like I've gained a few pounds this week. LOL!!

    Can't wait to see everyone's progress!!!
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