Loose skin?



  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    From what I've heard, you can tighten your skin, because what makes loose is losing the fat that's underneath it. Drink a lot of water, do toning and don't try to lose a lot of weight in a short amount of time.

    This! My doc recommends slow weight loss. Like 1 pound a week at most. Try to keep it as close to 5 lbs a month as possible. Your skin can bounce back unless but not with rapid weight loss. He says it will keep my reconstructive surgery costs down and most importantly, "Karen, if you lose it slow and steady, you won't gain it back. People that have the rapid weight loss always gain it back. Or that is what my patients seem to do. Watch your calories and take your time. It is NOT a race."
  • mommyblessed7
    mommyblessed7 Posts: 72 Member
    Body brushing helps some when I actually remember to do it :) I do great for a while and then I miss a day and its all down hill!!! See T TAPP' s site she sells the body brush and some alfalfa supplement . It helps with cellulite too but I dont have too much of that. I agree toning with weights does help the appearance.
  • Wibikerlady
    Wibikerlady Posts: 73 Member
    Please don't take the comments saying you can "shrink skin", "tone skin", etc. seriously. This is so not the case. Just don't want you to set yourself up for disappointment.

    And if it is possible, it means I have had three medical doctors and two cosmetic surgeons lie to me. Which I think not. :/

    Same here... I have 20% Body fat on me, and yeah, I look like a Shar Pei in my stomach & around my knees. It's not going to go away...it's not even really getting any better... I am 42yrs old, a fitness instructor and am in the best physical condition of my life. My upper body (arms, shoulders, chest) are firm and sold...From my belly down, SOLID as a rock, with a LOT of excess skin. Spoke with surgeons.. not cheap. Creams & exercise wont make it go away. When I was 29yrs old, I was also very heavy (265) and dropped weight, was out dancing & having a great time..Still had some excess skin, but it went back MUCH better then than it is now, not all of it,but some.. So age does make a difference.
    Just know it is what it is and learn to dress in a way you can tolerate it. I'm to the point now, where I make fun of it with my hubby...That's how I cope with it.
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    What is Bio-Oil?
  • I have not heard of any "miracle" for this. I have been heavy, to varying degrees, for 25+ years. Since May of 2010, I have lost 185 lbs and have 15 to go. I have ALOT of excess skin on my torso, inner thighs, upper arms, among other places. I think it's either live with it or surgery. I have been looking into surgery and need to make a decision soon, to have it done or not.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    Once your skin stretches so far, it doesn't bounce back.
  • abfit4life
    abfit4life Posts: 220 Member
    After a lifetime of being overweight I lost over 150 and trust me when I say that no amount of water, creams or toning exercise (I did it all) prevented some loose skin but I'm sure it helped to minimize it. I'd say try it all and see how your body responds. And if going under the knife is an option for you, do what you need to feel good. However, I was so focused on enjoying not being over 300 pounds and being out and active that it didn't matter so much. I learned how to work with the body I got after the weightloss and I love what I'm working with. So I won't be a Sports Illustrated model, :laugh: but choosing the right things to complement my body goes a long way. Its amazing what a good push-up bra and the right spanks will do. I'm as vain as the next girl and I want to make sure that all the hard work gets noticed. Now if I can only get rid of the pounds that have made a return visit....
  • Please don't take the comments saying you can "shrink skin", "tone skin", etc. seriously. This is so not the case. Just don't want you to set yourself up for disappointment.

    And if it is possible, it means I have had three medical doctors and two cosmetic surgeons lie to me. Which I think not. :/

    She is correct.

    It is what it is. Strength train, pump, hydrate. Love whatever skin you are in because it is not going anywhere in most cases.
  • Pynkklady
    Pynkklady Posts: 51 Member
    Please don't take the comments saying you can "shrink skin", "tone skin", etc. seriously. This is so not the case. Just don't want you to set yourself up for disappointment.

    And if it is possible, it means I have had three medical doctors and two cosmetic surgeons lie to me. Which I think not. :/

    Same here... I have 20% Body fat on me, and yeah, I look like a Shar Pei in my stomach & around my knees. It's not going to go away...it's not even really getting any better... I am 42yrs old, a fitness instructor and am in the best physical condition of my life. My upper body (arms, shoulders, chest) are firm and sold...From my belly down, SOLID as a rock, with a LOT of excess skin. Spoke with surgeons.. not cheap. Creams & exercise wont make it go away. When I was 29yrs old, I was also very heavy (265) and dropped weight, was out dancing & having a great time..Still had some excess skin, but it went back MUCH better then than it is now, not all of it,but some.. So age does make a difference.
    Just know it is what it is and learn to dress in a way you can tolerate it. I'm to the point now, where I make fun of it with my hubby...That's how I cope with it.

    Thanks, everyone! I'm 47 and had been overweight for about 15 years, so I'm guessing I'm stuck with it. UGH! It's great that you and your husband are able to joke about it, I would LOVE that! Unfortunately, I'm recently single and now VERY self conscientious about it. Who wants to date a batwinged, floppy thighed, apron ab? LOL

    Anyway, I guess I'll just have to learn to live with it. I'm only half way thru my weight loss goal (doing it slowly!), so does that mean I'll have TWICE as much loose skin when I reach my goal? Good lord, I hope not! I think I would never be able to wear a pair of shorts, for fear of my thigh skin hanging out the bottom of them! =)

    Someone once told me that burn centers will remove skin for free in exchange for you donating it, so I guess if I have so much it's unbearable, I could look into that...

    Again, thanks everyone for your great suggestions/ideas!!
  • I found that taking silicea gel gave me amazing skin, nails, and hair.....thats an option in rebuilding strength around your body. Do some research......I live by it.
  • ltowns11
    ltowns11 Posts: 134 Member
    I agree with everything in this post, the only addition is to stay well hydrated and weight train! Did anyone read People's magazine it has an article about a Miss America contestant that lost over 100lbs and the fact that she was able to rid her loose abdominal skin, it also shows a great pic of her abdomen and she looked great!!!!!
  • reginabr30
    reginabr30 Posts: 4 Member
    I just wear a Girdle :)
  • I have been slathering myself in Palmers. I hope it helps!!!!!!!!!

    Nope. That's for stretch marks. Not excess skin. :(

    :sad: :sad: