My Blog On Taking Phentermine



  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I dont think its a matter of HATE----It's the approach to the topic at hand that is disturbing. AGAIN this is a support site---I havent heard from any Health Professsionals yet in tthis conversation...
    I am a Registered Nurse---I know the side effects of many drugs..however...when it comes to prescribing ANY drug---.the PHYSICIAN weighs the benefits vs. the risk...this medication can only be given by Prescription from a Doctor---therefore I can only assume this process was done...
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    Anyone telling you taking a pill is a quick solution is wrong. You have to work just as hard to lose you weight! The medication is just another tool to assist you in weight loss.

    If you have to work just as hard, why in the hell would you add so much risk into the equation?

    Take a deep breath, relax, chill
    This!! we need some meditation in this chat! lol
  • Dickersondiva
    Dickersondiva Posts: 97 Member
    I dont think its a matter of HATE----It's the approach to the topic at hand that is disturbing. AGAIN this is a support site---I havent heard from any Health Professsionals yet in tthis conversation...
    I am a Registered Nurse---I know the side effects of many drugs..however...when it comes to prescribing ANY drug---.the PHYSICIAN weighs the benefits vs. the risk...this medication can only be given by Prescription from a Doctor---therefore I can only assume this process was done...

    I mentioned something about patients in my post. I've worked ER/Critical Care as a nurse for 12 years. And I don't trust ALL physicians. Some are very commercial minded. I have had a situation with my own husband where if I didn't advocate for his APPROPRIATE treatment, he could have died around Christmas. The only difference in his outcome was 1) who was advocating for him and 2) a CARING physician who was willing to listen. You being a nurse, I know that YOU know that there are docs you wouldn't trust to feed your dog, much less take care of it. You know the kind. "Take this pill" instead of..."let's find out why this is happening to you FIRST".
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    Yesterday I took my last phentermine pill...been on it for 3 months and lost 25 lbs. There is a GIGANTIC misconception here and some down right false information. I have been a mental health counselor with a focus on drug and alcohol. I've played the movie Requiem for a Dream in my group therapy sessions...Taking phentermine is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE THIS MOVIE!! An insane comparison!!! Phentermine is NOT heroine for crying out loud.

    Phentermine is for people who are on a structured diet and exercise plan and for whatever reason are having a difficult time losing weight. I am one of those people...I've been dieting and exercising for 3 years...nothing happened for me despite my absolute best efforts. 3 doctors ignored my concerns about this issue. I never asked any of them for medication, just help to figure out what in the world I was 'doing wrong'. Finally I found someone that listened to me. He agreed that clearly there is a problem and was eager to help me try and figure it out. He did NOT prescribe meds immediately!! And I luv him for that. My doctor and I AFTER trying several different approaches to weight loss..agreed that there is something that's not "working right. My metabolism had come to a screeching halt..I had not been overeating at all. Only after several months did he prescribe these meds. This medication is for SHORT TERM USE with A STRUCTURED DIET AND EXERCISE PLAN. The maximum time to use is 3 months!!!! It is not meant to use for years by any means. As a matter of fact, it has very little use/effect without a weight loss plan intact. This drug can be "potentially" habit forming...because there are people out there that don't use it like it's supposed to be used.
    I only experienced dry mouth, which was kinda okay because I finally started drinking lots of water..which I typically hadn't been doing. I exercise...I run 10-15 miles per week I keep to my calorie intake within reason...It's worked for me because I've DONE the work. I feel wonderful to say the least. And am so very glad that someone listened to me and did not say "Oh're forty soo....."
    Here's what I have to say to those nay-sayers....Please be considerate to others and not judge someone before you KNOW their struggle. For some...efforts pay off consistently and I'm happy for you. HOWEVER, just like people have diabetes or high blood pressure, or jock itch!! Some have trouble with those stupid hormones that regulate metabolism and such, there are people out there that need a 'jump' start to get their metabolism moving again.

    Phentermine people...friend me and I will support you provided that you are doing what you are supposed to do.


    Well put DAWN!
    I havent taken the pill before--but I heard both good and bad things...i have no negative opinion on it at all...i just hate to see such judgemental conversations on a forum that is suppose to be supportive!! I'm glad you spoke up for some of our members!

    Thank you....some of the statements are just beyond inaccurate and ridiculous. GOOGLE it if ya want information otherwise move on to the next thread or BLOG whatever ya want to call it. I support anyone who is truly trying their best. It's a good support tool for those who are following exactly what they are supposed to and bad if they do not put in honest effort or if the side effects are too much. I have no idea how this is any different than all the 'diet solutions/pills etc" that you can buy at walmart!!! THOSE are the ones I'm afraid to put in my mouth...and most of the time they are severely over priced and ineffective.


    If you are going to google it to get correct info
  • nikkilou1978
    nikkilou1978 Posts: 146 Member
    Anyone considering taking Phentermine please be aware that it can have serious side effects. I was started on Phentermine one year ago. A few weeks in my blood pressure spiked to 191/115 and I had a dibilitating migraine. I wound up in the hospital, they kept me over night and started me on blood pressure meds. Which i am still taking and I am 33 yrs old. They said it was directly related to the Phentermine and had I not come in when I did that I could have had a stroke. So please, if you are taking, or considering taking Phentermine, please monitor your blood pressure and pay special attention to any physical issues that may be related to the drug.

    That is why I am making a life style change. I know that I can't depend on weightloss drugs to fix my problem. My doctor is not sure if I will ever be off the blood pressure meds. But I am hoping that I will get to a point where I am healthy and med free!

    I am not trying to scare anyone, just want everyone to know the risks of taking Phentermine.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I dont think its a matter of HATE----It's the approach to the topic at hand that is disturbing. AGAIN this is a support site---I havent heard from any Health Professsionals yet in tthis conversation...
    I am a Registered Nurse---I know the side effects of many drugs..however...when it comes to prescribing ANY drug---.the PHYSICIAN weighs the benefits vs. the risk...this medication can only be given by Prescription from a Doctor---therefore I can only assume this process was done...

    If only that were true. There are weight loss clinics or "diet doctors" set up all over prescribing phentermine that are CASH ONLY. if that doesn't scream sketchy, I don't know what does. Plus, when I was an addict the "well reputable" physician I saw got so many kick backs from pharmaceutical companies, he handed out controlled substances like candy.
  • monkeymouse74
    Yesterday I took my last phentermine pill...been on it for 3 months and lost 25 lbs. There is a GIGANTIC misconception here and some down right false information. I have been a mental health counselor with a focus on drug and alcohol. I've played the movie Requiem for a Dream in my group therapy sessions...Taking phentermine is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING LIKE THIS MOVIE!! An insane comparison!!! Phentermine is NOT heroine for crying out loud.

    Phentermine is for people who are on a structured diet and exercise plan and for whatever reason are having a difficult time losing weight. I am one of those people...I've been dieting and exercising for 3 years...nothing happened for me despite my absolute best efforts. 3 doctors ignored my concerns about this issue. I never asked any of them for medication, just help to figure out what in the world I was 'doing wrong'. Finally I found someone that listened to me. He agreed that clearly there is a problem and was eager to help me try and figure it out. He did NOT prescribe meds immediately!! And I luv him for that. My doctor and I AFTER trying several different approaches to weight loss..agreed that there is something that's not "working right. My metabolism had come to a screeching halt..I had not been overeating at all. Only after several months did he prescribe these meds. This medication is for SHORT TERM USE with A STRUCTURED DIET AND EXERCISE PLAN. The maximum time to use is 3 months!!!! It is not meant to use for years by any means. As a matter of fact, it has very little use/effect without a weight loss plan intact. This drug can be "potentially" habit forming...because there are people out there that don't use it like it's supposed to be used.
    I only experienced dry mouth, which was kinda okay because I finally started drinking lots of water..which I typically hadn't been doing. I exercise...I run 10-15 miles per week I keep to my calorie intake within reason...It's worked for me because I've DONE the work. I feel wonderful to say the least. And am so very glad that someone listened to me and did not say "Oh're forty soo....."
    Here's what I have to say to those nay-sayers....Please be considerate to others and not judge someone before you KNOW their struggle. For some...efforts pay off consistently and I'm happy for you. HOWEVER, just like people have diabetes or high blood pressure, or jock itch!! Some have trouble with those stupid hormones that regulate metabolism and such, there are people out there that need a 'jump' start to get their metabolism moving again.

    Phentermine people...friend me and I will support you provided that you are doing what you are supposed to do.


    Well put DAWN!
    I havent taken the pill before--but I heard both good and bad things...i have no negative opinion on it at all...i just hate to see such judgemental conversations on a forum that is suppose to be supportive!! I'm glad you spoke up for some of our members!

    I feel the same, I dont take it, but why judge something you dont really understand.Just because you've studied up on some aspects of it doesn't mean you know the whole truth. If this is what a doctor say's is needed for someone to get their lives back, I will support them!
  • traceracer
    traceracer Posts: 303 Member
    I dont think its a matter of HATE----It's the approach to the topic at hand that is disturbing. AGAIN this is a support site---I havent heard from any Health Professsionals yet in tthis conversation...
    I am a Registered Nurse---I know the side effects of many drugs..however...when it comes to prescribing ANY drug---.the PHYSICIAN weighs the benefits vs. the risk...this medication can only be given by Prescription from a Doctor---therefore I can only assume this process was done...

    I mentioned something about patients in my post. I've worked ER/Critical Care as a nurse for 12 years. And I don't trust ALL physicians. Some are very commercial minded. I have had a situation with my own husband where if I didn't advocate for his APPROPRIATE treatment, he could have died around Christmas. The only difference in his outcome was 1) who was advocating for him and 2) a CARING physician who was willing to listen. You being a nurse, I know that YOU know that there are docs you wouldn't trust to feed your dog, much less take care of it. You know the kind. "Take this pill" instead of..."let's find out why this is happening to you FIRST".
    ^^^THIS!! I talked to my primary doctor one time about diet pills. He told me to get off my *kitten* and exercise! He wont prescribe any meds to anyone unless it is to get rid of a worse habit such as smoking, ect. I think there is way to many people in the medical field pushing pills, after all it is a HUGE money maker.
  • Pinwarp
    Pinwarp Posts: 9 Member
    Just want to clarify, that I wasn't trying to judge anyone, or discourage anyone.

    Just want to make sure that you know the risks involved, and have done the research.

    I apologize if I offended anyone, was not my intent.
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    Seriously? Why does everyone care what others do to lose weight? If you took 10 people all the same weight and lined them up, would you be able to pick out the one who took phentermine? Well, I guess you could since its basically meth so they would have meth mouth and meth scars....silly me. I think we all should be supportive of each other and those of you who have nothing supportive to say need to quit sipping the Haterrade.....that stuff has TONS of sugar ;).

    To compare this medication to meth is absolutely LUDICROUS, INSANE and completely and totally INACCURATE!!!!! Look it up!!! It's not even close and to say this to people is terrible.
  • BanjoKd
    BanjoKd Posts: 150
    I used to take it. It does work...that's for sure. Now my life/mindset has changed and i want to lose the weight by working out and eating right this time. (read as...i can't afford phentermine anymore or i would probably use it to give me a kickstart) I ate nothing when i took phentermine...i had to force myself to eat. But no doubt it works.

    My friends and i used to say that they should market it for depression because it makes you feel better and feel like getting up and doing something.
  • bnelly55
    bnelly55 Posts: 88 Member
    Seriously? Why does everyone care what others do to lose weight? If you took 10 people all the same weight and lined them up, would you be able to pick out the one who took phentermine? Well, I guess you could since its basically meth so they would have meth mouth and meth scars....silly me. I think we all should be supportive of each other and those of you who have nothing supportive to say need to quit sipping the Haterrade.....that stuff has TONS of sugar ;).

    To compare this medication to meth is absolutely LUDICROUS, INSANE and completely and totally INACCURATE!!!!! Look it up!!! It's not even close and to say this to people is terrible.

    I just wanted to make sure you realize I was being sarcastic about a previous meth comment. I take it, and have never experienced meth, but I'm pretty sure its no where close. Lol. People are crazy
  • Marig0ld
    Marig0ld Posts: 671 Member
    I am 5'6" as well. 168 pounds is not an ideal weight but is certainly not obese. Can't wait to tell my doctor about this so we can have a good laugh...
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    Ive never taken phentermine,but I spent along time on meth sounds just like it

    This.... Probably just like coke, and meth.
  • lbetancourt
    lbetancourt Posts: 522 Member
    Watch a movie, it's called Requiem for a Dream. Feel free to fast forward past everything except the scenes with Sara Goldfarb (played by Ellen Burstyn).

    Then weigh your options of weight loss with and without pills. It's harder without I'm sure, but it's better for you in the long run.

    omg.. that's the first thing that popped in my head. scary.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    My Mother in law took that stuff several years ago for several months. She did lose lots of weight, but it's all back and more since she stopped. She loved the speed like "energy" effects of it. She started really craving it over time and it ended up permanently damaging her heart valve. Her doctor won't let her have it anymore, but she still talks about how she would love to get that high again. Kinda creepy. Definately don't take it if you have an addictive personality. All the smokers out there taking it beware! I'd say if you don't have the discipline to lose and keep off weight without the drug, you probably won't maintain if you take it and then get off of it. So why start in the first place?
  • valerietoxii
    valerietoxii Posts: 93 Member
    Watch a movie, it's called Requiem for a Dream. Feel free to fast forward past everything except the scenes with Sara Goldfarb (played by Ellen Burstyn).

    Then weigh your options of weight loss with and without pills. It's harder without I'm sure, but it's better for you in the long run.
    LOL thats exactly what I was thinking. Be excited! B E excited!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Seriously? Why does everyone care what others do to lose weight? If you took 10 people all the same weight and lined them up, would you be able to pick out the one who took phentermine? Well, I guess you could since its basically meth so they would have meth mouth and meth scars....silly me. I think we all should be supportive of each other and those of you who have nothing supportive to say need to quit sipping the Haterrade.....that stuff has TONS of sugar ;).

    To compare this medication to meth is absolutely LUDICROUS, INSANE and completely and totally INACCURATE!!!!! Look it up!!! It's not even close and to say this to people is terrible.

    Look it up, they are chemically similar. They are both amphetamines. They cause similar side effects and health risks. They are both highly addictive. The biggest difference is that one is legal.
  • mrswiley07
    mrswiley07 Posts: 65 Member
    When I first started my weight loss journey, my doctor prescribed me phentermine. I knew that it was only a short term thing to allow me time to adjust to eating less and healthier. I lost I think 25lbs while on the pills for about 2 months. The constipation was killer, but that was my fault becuase I #1 was not drinking enough water (still don't) and #2 was not eating enough fiber (still don't). But I did do what I was suppose to do and that was set myself up on a healthier lifestyle path, so when I got off the pills, I could continue with my weightloss. So far, I have lost 77 additional pounds since getting off the pills.

    Everyone's journey is difference, just because it worked for me doesn't mean it will work for the next. And just because something worked for someone else, doesn't mean it will work me. We all have to do what is best for our own personal journeys.
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    Seriously? Why does everyone care what others do to lose weight? If you took 10 people all the same weight and lined them up, would you be able to pick out the one who took phentermine? Well, I guess you could since its basically meth so they would have meth mouth and meth scars....silly me. I think we all should be supportive of each other and those of you who have nothing supportive to say need to quit sipping the Haterrade.....that stuff has TONS of sugar ;).

    To compare this medication to meth is absolutely LUDICROUS, INSANE and completely and totally INACCURATE!!!!! Look it up!!! It's not even close and to say this to people is terrible.

    Look it up, they are chemically similar. They are both amphetamines. They cause similar side effects and health risks. They are both highly addictive. The biggest difference is that one is legal.

    I give up..