Do you get told "You don't need to lose any weight"



  • KristinLeAnn252
    KristinLeAnn252 Posts: 136 Member
    I get this ALL the time! It's so annoying. I've heard everything from "All you need to do is tone up and you'll look great!" in which I think in my head "yeah right, i'll just tone up and that'll hide the 30 lbs of fat that's on top of this muscle I'm toning." I also get "You don't look big" which is also irritating because obviously I'm not going to dress so I purposely LOOK big! I want to LOOK as small as possible until I am small! lol. Anyways, yes, I get this all the time and I imagine when I'm happy, I'll get told all the time that I'm too thin (which I will respond to with "thank you" and may actually cry).
  • felicia8604
    felicia8604 Posts: 274 Member
    yes! i know i wont have the body i did in high school since having kids has alot to do with my weight gain but what they dont understand is how i feel when im naked. I may look ok with clothes on but once you see the nude self it puts a whole different thought in your head. I just try not to talk about it to anyone well except you ladies and gents. My thought is do what makes you feel great!
  • JakkiCarter
    I have that same exact problem! I don't have much more to lose, but i still have something to lose. And when I voice my intent on losing that weight, I get verbally attacked. I just want my body to be in the best shape possible, and i know that i can be in much better shape than I am now. Most people just don't seem to understand that.
  • tangiesharp
    tangiesharp Posts: 315 Member
    Yes, yes, yes. And it's really annoying. I have one friend at work who tries to feed me, "i have some yogurt, do you want some yogurt?" I have another "friend" who always tries to sabotage me, "wanna cupcake? how about this yummy fried food?" I had to actually get loud on her after I told her "no" like 20 times. She gets it now that I've bought clothes that fit my body. But, I know what weight/size feels comfortable to me. I will get there soon and that's all that matters.
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    nowadays, repeatedly by a friend who's tiny and is exercising "to loose 5 pounds". I sometimes wonder if I should offer her 50 of mine. Just yesterday she came over, and said "you don't need those" when she noticed my handweights. uh, what?

    I guess she's just being nice, but it is hard for me not to laugh at her :P
  • sexysize12
    sexysize12 Posts: 105 Member
    No, not when I so obviously look overweight. I notice a lot of people who still want to lose weight although according to the doctors height and weight chart they are at a healthy weight for themselves, their weight maybe at the top of the weight/height chart but never the less it's a healthy weight . For instance the weight watchers chart says my bottom weight can be as small as 128 lbs which is way to small for me personally I haven't been that small since I was in my young teens early 20's and the high end of the weight chart for me is160 lbs which is actually a comfortable weight for me I look strong and healthy and not fat at that weight and it's comfortable for me and no one thinks I'm underweight or overweight at that weight, but if I was to strive to go to the lower end of the scale I beleive my family and friends would start commenting because that's just rather small for my 5 ft 7 inch frame. Everyone must do what is comfortable for them though, and not worry so much what others say or think because people will always have opinions about multitude of things wheather we ask for it or not. Keep up the good work:drinker:
  • scicco
    scicco Posts: 58 Member
    I'm 5'1 and 115lbs having lost 4 lbs this month. Doesn't sound like a lot but we all know what a few pounds can do...... I'm 50 and people tell me all the time I don't have to lose weight and that at 50 why bother!!!!!!
    I'm sick of hearing it too. I think it mostly comes from those lazy or jealous people who just don't want to be bothered and it bugs them cause they know they could look and feel better if they only tried. When other people are working at it it makes them feel insecure.
  • krnlcsf
    krnlcsf Posts: 310
    I hear that same thing over and over... which is why a lot of times I just don't talk about losing weight. If someone asks if I've lost weight I just say "ya, maybe a bit" because I just don't want to get into it.
    I made the decision to do this for myself, because just like you, I was uncomfortable with the way I looked and felt. The way I see it - it comes down to how YOU feel about YOU. Weight loss is very personal, and should never be done for the benefit of anyone else but yourself. After all, you have to live with yourself for the rest of your life...

    Good luck!
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I'm 5'8 and currently 160lbs. Once upon a time I used to weigh 130lbs. 30lbs may not sound like a lot, but since I've gained the weight I always feel lazy, tired, and unattractive. Any time I mention wanting to lose weight, 75% of the time the reaction is "You don't need to lose weight!" But I'm just not happy with the way I am. I felt so much better when I was 130lbs. Does anyone else have this problem with people?

    I sometimes get told that too. The problem is, I was feeling bloated and had a ruddy great stomach sticking out that was not a good look! (Well it wasn't TOO massive, but even so, I was aware of it and that was enough lol).

    Don't tell people you want to lose weight, that way you are left alone to sort yourself out.

    The bit that REALLY annoys me though is when I have reached goal weight before, but am trying to maintain, people would say "you don't need to watch what you eat, you are slim" - BAH! If they had their way, they would have me eating all sorts of crap and I wouldn't stay slim for long.

    That's how I ended up overweight - again! Pigging out on sweets and cakes :laugh:
  • africandancerat41
    Yes I always get told "your a nice size" However, my knees hurt because of my "nice size" I just say Thanks and keep moving litereally.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I'm 5'1 and 115lbs having lost 4 lbs this month. Doesn't sound like a lot but we all know what a few pounds can do...... I'm 50 and people tell me all the time I don't have to lose weight and that at 50 why bother!!!!!!
    I'm sick of hearing it too. I think it mostly comes from those lazy or jealous people who just don't want to be bothered and it bugs them cause they know they could look and feel better if they only tried. When other people are working at it it makes them feel insecure.

    You look terrific in your profile piccie there!!

    I admire the way you have gone about keeping your weight in check actually, if I had pulled myself up when I had been 4lbs overweight a few months back, I would have been a lot better off, instead I let it escalate, I was daft.

    Regarding your age, I am 51 and I would take exception to somebody saying to me "why bother worrying about your weight at your age" how dare they!! You know why they rattle on like that don't you, it's because they feel inferior and by putting you down, they makes themselves feel better.

    WTG to you I say! :flowerforyou:
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    Yep, I've been told that. Right now I don't need to lose any more weight. I've been on maintenance for about a year and a half. But...while I was in "losing mode" I kept getting the comment..."You don't need to lose any more weight"
    I had set goals and I was determined to achieve those goals...and so I just ignored what everyone ellse was saying and did what I wanted...which according to my husband I do anyway. :bigsmile:

    Good luck to you!
  • cmbeuthien
    cmbeuthien Posts: 3 Member
    Yes, it is so annoying. My husband is actually the worst one for this. But finally he is seeing I need to change and make myself feel good. I am 5'4" and weigh 180. I am not asking to be 115 again but, 130 would be nice. I have a hard time staying motivated because none of my friends diet or exercise or if they do they dont live clos. I would love it for people to just support and not argue with me on if I need to lose weight or not.:smile:
  • KarsandraG
    All the time! I used to be 105 lbs (I'm 5'4). And I wasn't just skinny, I was lean and muscular and very tone. But most of the time when I would see one person in particular they'd say, have you lost more weight? You are getting too skinny. But I was never a size zero, I was a size 3. And although I don't really want to be that thin again, I would like to be about 120. I'm very light, like my best friend and I will both share clothes and wear the same size, but she'll be 20 lbs heavier than me. But we'll be the same size. So I feel like when I'm overweight. I was 170 after having my 4th baby. I felt like I looked about 200. Either way, Now that I'm back down to 135, and have 15 more lbs to get to my goal, its starting again. Sure, my size isn't that big, but its all flab!
    I don't know why people have a problem with thin, healthy and muscular!
  • crazycat80
    crazycat80 Posts: 121 Member
    Yes, I do all the time. I'm 5' 6" and 141 lbs. I've even had heavier people in the office call me a B*** because I'm "already so skinny" when I talk about eating healthy and exercising (no, I don't blab about it all the time). I typically respond with "How you think I got where I am?" or "Do you think you can magically STOP working at it once you get close to where you want to be?". Why do people have to be haters....
  • ymvestal
    I'm only 5'3". I decided 13 months ago it was time to lose I started my journey...I was 273.4 at my highest weight. Of course, everyone agreed at that time I was doing a good thing. In this 13 months I lost 100.2 lbs for a lowest weight of 173.2. I've put a little back on and I range in the 175ish area...but I have kept it around this weight, so I am proud of myself. In the meantime, I am recommitting to my weight loss goals and have decided it's time to lose the last 20 - 30 lbs. When I express this out loud, people all over the pplace are telling me that same thing...You don't need to lose any more look great...You'll be too skinny - take your pick.

    I'm tired of it. I am short, I need to weigh less to feel better about myself and feel better in general. Don't get me wrong, I feel better than I did a year ago and I am healthier, but I am not where I want/need to be yet.

    Thanks for letting me share.
  • KarsandraG
    As my husband loves to say, "Haters gonna hate!" lol
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Yes, and it doesn't really matter if the person saying it is thinner or fatter than me. I usually don't even tell anyone other than my husband when I'm trying to lose weight because of this.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    At just under 200 pounds and 5 foot 7, I carry my weight pretty well. It's obvious I could lose a few, but when I say my goal is to lose 50, people just kinda stare. I'll still be overweight at 150, but that is where I want to be. i don't need to hear about how " fat peoople have less wrinkles ".... how I cannot possibly be " obese " ( but I am ). .... or how it's OKAY to be overweight because I hurt my ankle and had to stay inactive. That's great. I'm glad they accept me the way I am. Now *I* need to be able to accept me...
  • KWake1
    KWake1 Posts: 154 Member
    I get told this all the time. My response is: I'm not really even trying to lose weight, I'm trying to be healthier and define my body better. People seem to have something against other people dieting and exercising, it's like we all don't want to fall behind and would rather other people be fat than themselves diet and exercise.

    So very very true!