I hate exercise. Help?

So no matter how hard I try or how many different fitness activities I try, I hate to work out. I just hate it. Everyone always says that you get that high after working out if you do it long enough. Or you get "addicted" to it after a while. Not me! I'm not sure what my issue is, but I just hate it so much.

Any tips on how to not hate it? I get that it's helping my heart and making me healthy, blah blah, and while I care in theory, that doesn't make me hate it less. I also get that it's an imperative part of my "journey" or whatever you want to call it and that I won't get far without it. It seems that that doesn't make me hate it less either. HELP! I will never get where I want to be if I just hate every second that I work out. There are literally like 493 things I'd rather be doing at any given time.

Advice would be helpful. Anybody been here and has since seen the proverbial light?

Maybe hypnosis would help... :)


  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
    I HATE most fitness activities. I get bored or annoyed or just plain don't like it. I will never understand runners. However, I did find that I like kickboxing (with pads and gloves, not just punching the air). It's fun for me and a great way to get out my frustrations. Sometimes I forget that I'm really working out.

    So my answer to you is find an activity that you actually enjoy. It could be a class at the gym, or kickboxing (like me). Or you can just have dance parties in your living room to work out. Anything you do that makes you move will help.

    Use sites like living social, groupon, etc. to find deals on different gyms and activities until you find something that sounds good and fits your lifestyle.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Are you listening to music while you exercise? I know I hate it too but, music helps. also getting it over with first thing in the am is key for me. The longer I put it off UGGGGGGGG.
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    what exercise experience have you had so far?
  • cupcake721
    cupcake721 Posts: 22 Member
    what exercise experience have you had so far?

    -I've tried to be a runner. I want to like it so much, but I don't.
    -I've tried yoga. I want to be a yogi! But it makes my back hurt? Clearly I'm doing something wrong.
    -I have an exercise bike in my living room. It's ok but boring and, to be honest, I'd rather just sit on my couch and watch tv. Haha.
    -I've tried dancey stuff. I have dvds, but I feel silly and sweaty and like I want to sit down.
    -I've tried pilates. If there was anything that I didn't HATE it would be this. But it still doesn't inspire me to get up and do it often.
    -I've done random machines at the gym. That stair thing, elliptical and the rower machine. Blah.

    I don't know. I've tried different stuff. I think I'm just lazy and unsure of how to overcome that. I wish I was one of those people who loved to go for a run or just couldn't wait for their yoga class that night. But, I'd rather watch The Bachelor on my couch. And this is where my problem begins. :)
  • melhayes1115
    melhayes1115 Posts: 187 Member
    Try doing a combination of things. Pick 4-5 different things and do each of them for about 10 minutes. Maybe you're just getting bored doing one thing.
  • cms6300
    cms6300 Posts: 163
    Are you listening to music while you exercise? I know I hate it too but, music helps. also getting it over with first thing in the am is key for me. The longer I put it off UGGGGGGGG.

    Yep - music. Put the earbuds in and go.
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    I hate it too.
    I hate every single type.
    I have never ever enjoyed it and don't comprehend how people can say they love it or get a 'high' from it.
    I genuinely wish I was one of them though, lol.
    If you find the secret please let me know!
  • I hate exercise too. Running hurts my knees, walking on a treadmill is boring, lifting weights is repetitive and not very fun. There are a couple of things I do like. My favorite is Zumba. I do not recommend getting a DVD and doing it by yourself in your living room. There is no motivation there. The fun and the motivation is doing it with other people in a class. It is loud, sweaty, active, no one cares what you look like, or that you are doing the right movements and steps. The music is infectious, and contemporary Pop, RnB, etc. I never sweat as much on a treadmill as I do at Zumba. Classes are everywhere and usually very reasonable.

    The other thing that I like to do is ballet. I am NOT a ballerina, or even a dancer. But I use a DVD for this one. Elements: Ballet. It is primarily stretching, and isometric (I think) exercises. All you need is a chair for support. For a really toned backside, legs, arms, and core; this is the workout that works best... for me. Maybe for you too.

    Beyond those things do little things, like park in the farthest spot from the grocery store and walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Go for a walk. Take up tennis, raquetball, etc. It may take some time to find something you do like, but keep at it. The benefits far outweigh the alternatives.

    Good luck!
  • JansterL
    JansterL Posts: 28 Member
    How much do you WANT to improve yourself??

    Exercising isn't for everyone but you can't just throw yourself into it and expect everything to be happy & perfect. You've gotta ease into it.......and you gotta WANT it.

    Exercising aside..... What types of hobbies do you enjoy? Are you married? Have kids? Have boy or girl friend?
    What do you do for a living?

    Sounds like you need to find a hobby that you enjoy that will get you exercising without realizing that you're exercising. Do you like the outdoors? Hiking? Take walks in the park? Become a MALL walker? You get the point....
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    i see no strength training, try lifting like a man, strong is the new skinny.
  • Im always dieting. So I know how important exercise is. Not only does it help you lose weight, you feel great.. Ive even done some running. But if you hate it then maybe your not motivated enough. Is losing weight important enough? My suggestion to you is have a gym partner. Joining the gym is better than staying home and being by yourself. I joined a gym a couple a months ago and love it. Your around a lot people for the same reason and no one is there to make fun of you. Give it a try, youd be surprissed.....
  • I hate exercising too but I love the benefits. No one is born loving it, its a love you acquire over time. I would try doing something you actually like. I love to dance or walk and I can do those things all day long. Other than lying to yourself and telling yourself that "You LOVE exercise"all day everyday, I don't think your mindset will change until you decide to. Attitude is key. Weight loss and fitness is only achieved when you have the mindset for it. Remember what ever you hate will build more secrets, whatever you love will grow into something wonderful and only make you and your life get better. Start loving your exercise :)!
  • Try this -- Next time you work out, use your hatred of it to kick your own *kitten*. I mean, get mad at the exercise and yourself and make yourself really sweat. Every time you slow down, pull up that hatred again and use it. Do that for 30 minutes and THEN see if you get the whole "high" thing.

    I hated exercise from age 6 to 30. A few years ago I started working out with a trainer 4 times a week and he kicked me into a new level and now I GET it. I get the High, I've entered the Zone, and loved the Burn. Within a week or two you will start to feel the difference which is where the long-term stuff kicks in. I'm not an exercise junky or a gym rat by any stretch but I've been there... and in hindsight, it didn't take too much to get me there.
  • regions02
    regions02 Posts: 154 Member
    I don't like it either but I really try to make myself walk at least 35 - 45 minutes per day. Sometimes I just have to push myself to put on those tennis shoes, but the minute I take that first step, I feel better. If you can't get in that much time, try starting with 10 mintues and build up.
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    Maybe join a sports league? Handball, tennis, basketball, swim team? Games don't feel as much like exercise as running on a treadmill does, and having teammates/opponents counting on you to show up and play is motivating.

    I don't care for stationary bikes, but I like spin class. An instructor helps keep me engaged much longer than I ever am on my own.

    Dunno what the weather's like where you are, but in warmer seasons I put saddlebags on my bike and us it to run errands. Grocery store runs, library runs. When I've got somewhere to go and a purpose outside getting my heart rate up, it doesn't feel like running in a hamster wheel. :)

    I never jump up and down getting excited about exercising, but I've found a few things that work well enough for me. Hope you do too.
  • upsydaisy2011
    upsydaisy2011 Posts: 39 Member
    I used to hate all kinds of exercise and I've never been any good at running. I started off doing body pump last year which I LOVE because I've found I love weights, I love the feeling of getting stronger and leaner, the music is great and really gets you motivated. From this I have now progressed to circuit training - very hard work but I get a real sense of achievement and I've now added gym sessions into my workout programme too and I do a mixture of cardio and strength training. Typically I'll do 2 classes a week and then 2 or 3 times at the gym. I've also found that listening to music whilst exercising really helps. Good luck
  • auticus
    auticus Posts: 1,051 Member
    What do you hate more? Exercise? Or being fat and carrying all of the stigmas that go along with being fat?
  • Quickster34
    Quickster34 Posts: 209 Member
    A goal or a date is best motivator, if you want to like running sign up for a race and train for it , the date closing in once you sign up should make you want to get out there and work since you took the time out to put a name and time on what you wanted to accomplish .
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I hate to exercise, but I love having exercised.

    I think that's as good as it's going to get for me.
  • cherbapp
    cherbapp Posts: 322
    Ok...seriously this is like saying *I HATE to take a shower* or *I HATE to go to the doctor* or *I HATE to swallow pain meds*...so what...you wanna feel better...you do it.

    Now for the helpful part...I got a bodybugg to tell me my daily calorie burn...and the funny thing is that if I get up off my butt and DO SOMETHING every 20 minutes or half hour all day long, I actually burn more calories in a day than if I sit in my office most of the day and walk 7 miles after lunch. So you don't necessarily have to WORK OUT...you have to move. 5 minutes here and there help a ton. :)