I hate exercise. Help?



  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    join a team! Team sports don't feel like exercise, you are working together with likeminded others and you will probably feel the obligation to go and not let your teammates down!

    Try something you never thought you could do, like roller derby, indoor soccer. Even find something obscure like dragon boat racing or a kite group!

    Exercise doesnt mean joining a gym or going for a run. There are HEAPS of ways you can stay fit without feeling like you are exercising :)
  • Have you thought about finding a partner or couple of peeps to workout with. My partner is kickbutt and always pushes me. She is a strong runner while I am a stronger lifter and swimmer. We bike about the same speed. I love visiting with her while we workout. The time flies by. Also, Zumba is fun and infectious. Just take care of your knees and ankles so you don't acquire an injury. good luck!
  • bodyjammin85
    bodyjammin85 Posts: 34 Member
    what exercise experience have you had so far?

    -I've tried to be a runner. I want to like it so much, but I don't.
    -I've tried yoga. I want to be a yogi! But it makes my back hurt? Clearly I'm doing something wrong.
    -I have an exercise bike in my living room. It's ok but boring and, to be honest, I'd rather just sit on my couch and watch tv. Haha.
    -I've tried dancey stuff. I have dvds, but I feel silly and sweaty and like I want to sit down.
    -I've tried pilates. If there was anything that I didn't HATE it would be this. But it still doesn't inspire me to get up and do it often.
    -I've done random machines at the gym. That stair thing, elliptical and the rower machine. Blah.

    I don't know. I've tried different stuff. I think I'm just lazy and unsure of how to overcome that. I wish I was one of those people who loved to go for a run or just couldn't wait for their yoga class that night. But, I'd rather watch The Bachelor on my couch. And this is where my problem begins. :)

    I'm writing to give you a kick up the backside because as much as your friends love you, they won't be as harsh as is needed.

    Running - boring+ on your own
    Yoga - boring + on your own
    Pilates - boring +on your own
    Home DVDs - on your own
    Gym machines - on your own
    bike at home - On your own

    Do you see a recurring theme?

    You need to first decide you want to get fit/lose weight. Once you've done that, get over the fact you hate exercise! You do the house work, go to your daily job etc. do you like them? i bet there are mornings where you can't be arsed with work or housework but you have to do it, right? Think of exercise like that to begin with. I think you need someone to motivate you, either get a workout partner or a trainer if you can afford it.

    i don't know if you know, but exercise will make you sweat! if you don't sweat working out, then you're not doing it right! Find something different and interesting. If you really need a push, see if you can find any boot camp sessions. The guys and gals that run those are there to kick your *kitten*! You may hate them by the first 5 mins but you need it!!

    I hate to be so frank but you need to get a grip and just get on with it. If you want results you will do it. Sitting on the couch for hours on end will only make you a less fit person and you are more likely to have bone loss/osteoporosis, obesity and to be really frank, early death.

    Assess what is more important to you. The programme on the tv and sitting on your *kitten*, not improving how you feel and look OR a healthy life with more energy, muscle tone, weight loss, strength and confidence? I bet you're not happy with what you see in the mirror, the only person who can change that is YOU!
  • krevill
    krevill Posts: 65 Member
    what exercise experience have you had so far?

    -I've tried to be a runner. I want to like it so much, but I don't.
    -I've tried yoga. I want to be a yogi! But it makes my back hurt? Clearly I'm doing something wrong.
    -I have an exercise bike in my living room. It's ok but boring and, to be honest, I'd rather just sit on my couch and watch tv. Haha.
    -I've tried dancey stuff. I have dvds, but I feel silly and sweaty and like I want to sit down.
    -I've tried pilates. If there was anything that I didn't HATE it would be this. But it still doesn't inspire me to get up and do it often.
    -I've done random machines at the gym. That stair thing, elliptical and the rower machine. Blah.

    I don't know. I've tried different stuff. I think I'm just lazy and unsure of how to overcome that. I wish I was one of those people who loved to go for a run or just couldn't wait for their yoga class that night. But, I'd rather watch The Bachelor on my couch. And this is where my problem begins. :)

    What about going for a nice long walk, just as good for you
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    I am just gonna cut to the chase and try not to sound mean. You attitude is your problem. Only you can get your butt off the couch to exercise. You need to dig deep and just push. If you want to change suck it up and start exercising, once you start to see even a mild body change you may start liking it enough to push and continue even harder, and that makes one feel pretty good. You have a lot of great people here giving you suggestions, take some of them and a least try.
  • MES2
    MES2 Posts: 1
    And I thought I was the only one that didn't like to exercise! I hate to sweat! It's funny cause my adult kids are exercise fanatics. One rides marathons (100 mi.) on his bike, the other one runs marathons, and the other one lifts weights and exercises & runs. Think they get it from me??? I resolve to do my "Jane Fonds walking tape today at home."
  • emrys1976
    emrys1976 Posts: 213 Member
    I hate it, too, and am still trying to find my way. I do love to hike as opposed to just plain walking (or walking on a treadmill - blah!) so I do that sometimes. Most of my exercise comes in the form of turning on Pandora's 80's dance workout station and dancing around the house while I clean. It' not too intense, but I have a heart condition so it can't be anyway. Something to think about is that sometimes people who are really tired or feel chronically "lazy" could have a medical condition that causes it. I thought for years that I was lazy then found out last year that I actually have a mild case of narcolepsy. My medicine helps with the lazy and fatigued part. Now I just need to find a routine way to exercise that isn't so boring... Good luck to you on your journey!
  • bodyjammin85
    bodyjammin85 Posts: 34 Member
    I am just gonna cut to the chase and try not to sound mean. You attitude is your problem. Only you can get your butt off the couch to exercise. You need to dig deep and just push. If you want to change suck it up and start exercising, once you start to see even a mild body change you may start liking it enough to push and continue even harder, and that makes one feel pretty good. You have a lot of great people here giving you suggestions, take some of them and a least try.

    Dead on! Just as i said!

    If you have only a 10 minute attention span when it comes to exercise, try Tony Hortons 10 minute trainer. The results you can get off of that are amazing. Check it out on youtube.
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    I'm a former exercise hater (like, seriously), and I don't really know if I have any particularly good advice. I just started to do it, and see what I could do, in the lowest pressure situation I could find (happened to be a treadmill in my parents' garage). Once you get the pressure to rise to some standard and feelings of insecurity and frustration about not being able to, and just tell yourself you're going to do some action (for me, it was doing a mile, run walk or crawl, every day, and making up days I missed, bizarre that I chose running because that's always been my least favorite by far, like I *hated* running, passionately, but it was the only thing I could do completely on my own.) and don't let yourself get away with not doing it, you'll start seeing results and the NSVs will help you to not hate it. "Wait, you mean, I ran 5 minutes at 5mph, without stopping?" "Wait, you mean I took a minute off my time?" "Wow, I ran at 8mph for 30 seconds." (btw, I don't get on the treadmill and just run, I do a warm up and then 1-2 minute intervals of what I feel like I can do, with 1-2 minutes of leisurely walking between them.).

    If you're like me, you can't get yourself to like it before you start in a low pressure environment and force yourself to stick with it because you're envisioning the results. Then you start hating it less. Then you start to see the results you were envisioning, and combined with the fact that it's getting easier, you hate it even less.

    Another thing is, if you choose running type stuff, go to jogfm and find music that fits with the paces you want to run at. I could never have done the 5 minute thing if I weren't listening to Come Sail Away by Styx at the time (both funny/light and at the right pace and for the right length of time). Music helps, but music synchronized with what you're doing.
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    I was a runner for a while, and still do high intensity intervals to warm up, but I found that what I love to do is work out with my personal trainer. I feel strong, confident, and sexy while I am lifting, and I have totally become addicted to it. In the beginning, I had no idea I would come to love it. I've been going 3 times a week for about almost 8 months now, and I think I became addicted after about 3 months. You should try it!
  • MissSpuggz
    MissSpuggz Posts: 155 Member
    There are times when I HATE exercise, mostly when I'm actually working out but I just think about the end results and it gets me through it.

    I'm not one for running or the gym but I do it because I know I won't lose weight sitting around. I'm also looking for sports clubs for sport I enjoy like football (soccer), volleyball and basketball so I have fun whilst getting fit and get to socialize.
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    This is really tough because I understand how you feel. I also believe that if you just make yourself do it and stick with it for say- 4 weeks- commit to 4 weeks- and see if you still hate it as much. For me, whenever I have started to get into fitness again, I despise it the first couple of weeks because it is just so hard and it hurts. Then, suddenly, my conditioning improves- even slightly- and it changes from hurting to feeling good.

    Other posters are right- it does not need to be joining a gym or running- walk, dance crazy for 30 min in your living room, take the stairs, park further away, walk your dog...

    Just try to commit to 4 weeks and see if you still hate it as much.
  • Brannock8
    Brannock8 Posts: 170 Member
    Usually I would be nice and try to give helpful advice, but I'm having a terrible day at work and it's only Monday so instead I'm gonna be a jerk and leave you with this quote from office space.

    Peter Gibbons: What would you do if you had a million dollars?
    Lawrence: I'll tell you what I'd do, man: two chicks at the same time, man.
    Peter Gibbons: That's it? If you had a million dollars, you'd do two chicks at the same time?
    Lawrence: Damn straight. I always wanted to do that, man. And I think if I were a millionaire I could hook that up, too; 'cause chicks dig dudes with money.
    Peter Gibbons: Well, not all chicks.
    Lawrence: Well, the type of chicks that'd double up on a dude like me do.
    Peter Gibbons: Good point.
    Lawrence: Well, what about you now? What would you do?
    Peter Gibbons: Besides two chicks at the same time?
    Lawrence: Well, yeah.
    Peter Gibbons: Nothing.
    Lawrence: Nothing, huh?
    Peter Gibbons: I would relax... I would sit on my *kitten* all day... I would do nothing.
    Lawrence: Well, you don't need a million dollars to do nothing, man. Take a look at my cousin: he's broke, don't do ****.

    My point? Just do it, you'll come to appreciate it even if you don't enjoy it. Nothing wrong with some self-discipline to encourage internal strength anywho.

    Sorry for being an *kitten*
  • ladyphoto
    ladyphoto Posts: 192 Member
    One other thing, this time getting in shape, I HATED working on my abs. I had a baby and a c-section this last time and my muscles were just so weak- I would leave my aerobics classes before the last 15 minute ab section. After a couple of weeks, I started MAKING myself do it. Now, I not only can breeze through the classes, but I am actually starting to see ABS!

    Just make yourself do it- commit- you have so much to gain from this- and it is worth it.
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    Rock climbing.

    It'll change your perspective on exercise.

    It'll change your life.

  • Those who are saying the attitude is the problem could very well be right. My experience is that it was easy to say I hated exercise when I tried one activity only a couple of times and then gave up (what no one has asked is how long you stuck with any of those exercises--it takes weeks of regular practice to decide whether an exercise works for you). But when I picked up the Couch to 5K running program and decided I was going to do it no matter what, here's what happened:

    Week 1: this is easy. Kinda boring, but easy.
    Week 2: okay, a little harder, nice to have a change-up.
    Week 3: this is really boring. When does it get fun?
    Week 4: ooh... that feels good!
    Week 5: man, that's hard. I want to give up!
    Week 6: holy crap, I did it!
    Week 7: I can do it, I can do it
    Week 8: almost there!
    Week 9: this is really cool and I feel great!

    Within another six months, I ran my first 10k. Now I'm training for a half-marathon and a 200 mile relay with a few friends. I've also picked up a gradual strength training program, and getting motivated to do it, knowing that I will probably go through the same process over the six months of the program.

    When you're not fit, exercise sucks. But if you tough it out, and challenge yourself to do it, after about two or three months you'll suddenly feel better, and sitting on the couch to watch TV might seem like a nice treat, but you'll realize you have the energy and motivation to do more. Exercise helps overcome depression. It helps overcome lack of motivation.

    But you have to suck it up and stop giving yourself excuses like "I don't like it." You may not learn to like it, but if you can beat it, you'll find that even if you don't like it, you like what it does for you. And that's usually enough.
  • Traci_33
    Traci_33 Posts: 21 Member
    I am the same way> Probably why I am so over weight :P I have started Zumba. I just watch videos off you tube as they are free and there is hundreds of them to chose from. Different levels of movement and different choices of music!!! I have been doing it almost everday now for two weeks!!! Thats a big deal for me LOL
  • You can lose weight without exercise, I know because I have lost 40 of my 50 pounds without it. However having said that you will NOT like the way you look in the end. everything sags arm, thighs ect. not pretty and even though I lost the weight and should feel better about myself I don't. bottem line to do it right you need to exercise or as I like to think of it Just move that body, don't think of it as exercise maybe like me its the word it self and the image it brings to mind. find another verb to use. that is what helped to get off that couch : )
  • cupcake721
    cupcake721 Posts: 22 Member
    Yeah, you're lazy. You're not going to be in shape if you're still lazy. Get over it and get active.

    Stop watching crappy tv shows, that's a start.

    Ew. I will watch whichever tv shows I please, thank you very much. :)
  • I hate it too. I hate the way it makes me feel while i am doing it, I hate the bordom of it. I hate being sweaty, and messing my hair up! One thing that has worked for me, it to rent movies or tv shows that I am REALLY interested in and I ONLY watch them while I work out. It's s nice distraction and motivation to actually work out. I also eat a light snack afterwards, so I have that to look forward to.