Anyone interested in a Wii Active Challenge?



  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Lol, have the rest of the month still...get on it girl!!! We're rooting for you!!!

    Queen, wow, you are kickin' it!! Already on workout 4!! Congrats!

    Chico, welcome aboard...HOLY MOSES! You burned some calories!!! Lol, I only burned 220 on my first workout on intense - and that's what my HRM said, not the game. Good job! Do you think we should have weekly challeges (rather than just follow the games challege)?

    I did workout 2 tonight and it felt great! I HATE the kick ups, lol! I did it on medium intensity and it kicked my hiney! I burned 225 calories which was pretty good (lol, until I saw Chico's workout)

    Is there anyone else who thinks that the "trainers" are a bit creepy? I had the girl first, switched to the guy, thought he was super creepy, switched back to the girl and realized why I switched to the guy in the first place LOL

    I'm pretty sure I'm going to be sore tomorrow. Good night Wii Team!!! :flowerforyou:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Ok, so I was right...I AM sore this morning!!!
  • Fausttt
    Fausttt Posts: 101
    yeah my heart rate monitor said i burned 505 kcalories where wii active said only 230. I assume it's because i just started working out again and i am WAAAY out of shape. :)
  • happyplace
    happyplace Posts: 37 Member
    Hello everyone :smile:

    I'd love to join. I just started day 1 yesterday and loved it!! SW210/GW165/CW207 Calories burned on the first workout 326 and I was only on easy!! :bigsmile: The game said only like 132 calories or something so I was impressed.

    So how are you guys doing this challenge?
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Welcome Happy, we are glad to have you!!!

    HOLY CR*P!!! You burned some calories!!! LOL, I must be doing something wrong...I only burned 220 on hard for my first workout.

    Basically we are going to keep track of our weight loss per week and how many calories burned (if you post them). Our weigh in day is Wednesday.

    I am so glad to have you aboard our Wii Team!!!
  • happyplace
    happyplace Posts: 37 Member
    Glad to be a part! :happy:

    So what is everyone else doing in addition to Active? I currently do 6 days a week on the treadmill, kind of varies in time and intensity depending on how much time I have (I do full time daycare for a 3 yr old.), but usually spend 30-45 minutes doing a walk/jog combo. I also have a stationary bike and elliptical that I use a couple days. And of course daily dog walking (but I don't count that unless I go without the 3 yr old :tongue: ) My son and I like to take the two highest energy dogs and run them. (He's 7 and a great running partner!! Lot's of energy!! And he doesn't mind if I have to slow down and walk for a bit. :blushing: ) Now that school will be out though I will be able to go with the 3 yr old and get a good workout because my kids can come and my daughter likes to walk with one of the dogs and the 3 yr old so I can go a little faster. :smile: I have some workout DVD's too but don't use them on any regular basis. I was doing The Firm last summer but sort of fell out of did kick my butt when I was using it though!
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Woweee, happy, you are very active!!!

    I run 3-4 days a week - I'm currently training for my first 5k in August.

    I do the Wii Active or My Fitness Coach on strength training days - usally 4 days a week. I have one rest day.

    After I'm done with the Wii Active, I think I might try P90X though I'm not sure yet.

    Ive heard a lot of good things about the Firm but have never used it.
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Hi, can i join in please.

    I've just done day 1 of the 30 day challenge on easy .... and i love the cardio boxing and the in-line skating! :happy: (i burnt off 213 calories)

    My start weight was 246lbs
    My current weight is 227lbs
    My goal weight is 143lbs

  • happyplace
    happyplace Posts: 37 Member
    I've always been pretty active, played sports in middle/high school...but then I had kids and sort of lost all that for awhile! :tongue: I had a great excuse, my kids were so young that I couldn't do anything....well they are 7 and 9 now and I've had a lot of time to do something and just haven't so here I am, many failed attempts later. :bigsmile:

    I'm so glad the weather is getting nicer though because I LOVE to be outside!
  • SassyDiva
    SassyDiva Posts: 5
    You guys are doing great! I just joined, so I was too late to join the challenge, but I'll definitely catch the next one!!!
  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    I do the Wii Fit in between the Active along with walking the dog 3x a day. Have a ton of videos but they are collecting dust. Once I get settled into a routine with the Wii, I'll map out a workout with more variety.

    Welcome to the Wii Team all newcomers. Great place to be and great people to be accountable to.

    Had to go to the emergency room today. Had severe pains in my right side. They did a cat scan, drew blood and wrote me a prescription for a muscle relaxer. Couldn't find anything major wrong (Praise God) but enzymes a little high in the liver.

    I think it's from hula hooping too much. LOL!!!! :laugh: These hips are not used to that kind motion for any length of time.
  • happyplace
    happyplace Posts: 37 Member
    Just completed day 2. This time I burned 364 calories!! And I picked easy again because I'm not sure how tough medium and hard are....but I think once I complete the 30 day on easy I will move up a level and do it all again. :bigsmile: I am so shocked at this because I really didn't think that a game could keep my heart rate up that high!! (Except Dance Dance Revolution 2! I can burn a lot of calories on that game as well!) I'm looking forward to Wednesday weigh in...I just know I'm gonna see results! :bigsmile: Is anyone else taking measurements? I'm thinking of doing that today so I can track that throughout the challenge too.
  • chicaloca6470
    chicaloca6470 Posts: 117 Member
    ok so i did my day two workout this morning and only burned like 274 calories on my heart rate monitor, 100 more than what the game said. todays activities didnt have my heart going as much as yesterday but i still loved it. tomorrow is my rest day so i will be doing my belly dancing video.
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Im going to join I have been doing the 30day challenge for about a week or so now. I bought a cordless numchuck and i had issues. Anyone else having issues??? Today was my rest day. AHHHH but I danced.
  • queen3510
    queen3510 Posts: 180
    I was scheduled to workout yesterday but had to make it a rest day due to drs orders. When I went to workout today, it had cancelled my calorie goals and workout goal. Told me I didn't meet my goal. Does anyone know what the deal is with this?

    Anywho, I did my workout today and am feeling soo much better. How is everyone doing on their challenge?
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Ok so that's day 2 completed.... phew i did a legs bums and tums session earlier on and day 2 of the challenge concentrated on arms and legs, lots of legs!!

    I now have two jelly legs that are complaining lots!! lol

    Good stuff so far :smile:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    couldn't workout today due to my seizures but I'm doing double tomorrow to make up that is if I'm feeling better. I really can't wait for the 30days to be done to see my results. :drinker:
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Hey J_g4ever, hope you are feeling better today and can get back on track :happy:

    Forgot to say yesterday that i burnt 200 calories with the day 2 workout.

  • happyplace
    happyplace Posts: 37 Member
    Just completed Day 4 (day 3 was a rest day) I didn't burn as many as with the other days but still managed to burn 262. :happy: I've definately been feeling some of those muscles I'm not used to using! Not too bad though. I'm loving these workouts! I like that they are short enough too that you can always find time! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!! :flowerforyou:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    I did the workout today and we have a golds gym restiance band and I added a band to it to make it more of a challege. Boy do I feel it. I got a lot of house work done also and I forgot to put my HRM on so I know I burned lots of calories today :drinker: Burn baby burn