How Many Kids Do You Have?



  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 162 Member
    None, and I plan on keeping it that way.

    No offense intended. I would not begrudge anyone from commenting anyway they see fit, but, one, why would you even want to read a topic entitled, "How Many Kids Do You Have?", if you have such a negative opinion of children, and why would you feel the need to express your negativity. I just don't get it, but, God Bless!

    She answered the question with her answer, none. And I don't believe she said anything that would show negativity. Just because someone does not want children does not make them negative or hateful of children.
  • wasro
    wasro Posts: 39 Member
    Three - ages 8 (boy), 6 (girl), and 4 (boy in the photo).
  • Mkserpa
    Mkserpa Posts: 136
    I have 1 super sweet baby girl :P She's 3 months old! I have 2 kitties who are also my babies - one is 6 and the other is 8. I love all my babies :P
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    2 grown kids, 23 yr old son, 21 yr old daughter.
  • 4! 11 & 12 year old girls and 21 month old twin boys....I'm busy!
  • PrincessLou71186
    PrincessLou71186 Posts: 741 Member
    2, one that barks and one that meows. I haven't yet told them they are adopted though, so sssshhhhhhhhh!

    I was wondering when I should tell my kitty that he's adopted. There never seems to be the right time though.

    As for human children, I'm working on that one.
  • I have 3. A 5 year old son, a 4 year old daughter, and a 3 (4 in Feb) year old soon to be step daughter =)
  • kimdyson3
    kimdyson3 Posts: 5 Member
    We have two- - a 2 1/2 year old boy and an 11 month old girl (her first birthday is next week). :) Hopefully will be trying for #3 in late march... I want 4 kids total, but we'll see how three goes!
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    2- A daughter who is 4, and a son who is nearly 3. Praying for more!
  • 2 boys 16 and 13 and a black labrador who is my little lady baby x
  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    I have 4!
    Busy, busy, busy!
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    I have two, my wife has three, we all live together and there are only 4 of us in the house. figure that one out!!

    You both have the same two kids and her third one is you.
  • smashatoms
    smashatoms Posts: 144 Member
    Zero. Zilch. Nada.

    Unless I can count my babies Stella (2.5 year old wolf/husky mix), Foo (3.5 year old pug), and Olive (8 month old torti kitty). Then I have 3.
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    1 - she is a 2 month old baby girl. I feel absolutely blessed and would be happy with just her. But I would LOVE a crazy houseful... never know how things will work out! Or what you can afford... lol
  • Aimelish70
    Aimelish70 Posts: 48 Member
    I have 3...

    My big baby and the musician of the house, 19 years old and will always be mommas baby no matter how embarrased he gets when I say that. :-)

    My beautiful and talented artistic 13 yo daughter who amazes me every day

    and finally

    My sweet, sweet baby boy who turned 11 last week, our little sports fanatic, he always know how to turn my frown upside down.

    We are blessed
  • Cfkearney
    Cfkearney Posts: 197 Member
    3. 2 girls ages 14 and 11. My son will be 13 in a couple weeks.
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    One 5 almost 6 year old boy. Done! Loves my little man!
  • Aimelish70
    Aimelish70 Posts: 48 Member
    @ Colochel
    "1 - she is a 2 month old baby girl. I feel absolutely blessed and would be happy with just her. But I would LOVE a crazy houseful... never know how things will work out! Or what you can afford... lol "

    Precious, what a cutie
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    None yet. Hubby and I are trying though.
  • I have 1 daughter Chloe who is 18 (19 next month)...She is on MFP too and she was the one who encouraged me to join :flowerforyou:

    Zoe xx